I’m sorry, I don’t really find this uplifting. The way hundreds of millions are being devoted to fixing up some building in the middle of a rich country when there are hundreds of millions in the world without proper sanitation, water, or nutrition really shows where the priorities of people in power are.
Whilst the few posts in this thread are rather sour, I’d like to mention that this project in is scale, combining modern and ancient methods is exciting to me.
France is wie lucky that they have a large guild of master carpenters that specialize in roof construction and the largest living history project in Guedelon, where they have made a medieval castle, with only ancient methods.
Without those craftsmen, this project wouldn’t be feasible.
It’s uplifting because the better the tools for detecting breast cancer, the earlier it will be found, and the more likely that person survives. So I’d say it’s definitely uplifting.
Which is also alarming, depending on the rate they break down plastics and whether they are harmful to humans.
It’s like having a snake problem, releasing mongooses, and suddenly having a mongoose problem
No no, plastic stuff are specifically made to be thrown at turtles in the water and you are not allowed to pet the plastic if it is on the ground. That is at least what the warning label on all plastic containers says.
The vast majority of ocean plastic comes from fishing boats, we're just told it's from land based sources so that major factory fishing firms can continue to pollute but make you feel guilty for dropping a straw in the trashcan.
Drop locally. Chances are there is a small lake closer to you and your plastic bottle will have many more times the impact instead of pissing it away in the big ocean.
The ocean is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly hugely mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist, but that’s just peanuts to the ocean.
I’m always amazed by Ocean Cleanup when I hear about them. I remember it started several years ago from a teenager with a funky idea. Back then I thought “huh another greenwashed startup, right?”. Fast forward and they actually do the things, actually operate those ships and pull out plastic.
Don’t worry - with everything else we’ve done to fuck up the environment and ignoring the filth in the oceans… it’s probably already too late! We’d have to massively curb consumerism to get the happy ending and…ooh, new shiny toy!
That’s great, but there is still a shit ton of it in there. Check this channel where an amazing team rescues seals entangled in all our waste for a look into what we’re doing to the oceans: youtube.com/
I feel like protection of endangered species is one of the most dependable sources of uplifting news. I remember when this became a big subject in the 90’s, and it seems to be paying off now 20-30 years later. Goes to show that regulation and collective action can work, it’s just slow.
In case anyone wants to know more about the California condor, and the people helping them, the San Diego Zoo has been critical in brining them back from extinction, and has breeding programs to help them.