yall, this dude tried signing up to my instance a few nights ago. yall wanna see why many communities have registration approvals? see below. warning for nsfw language
So glad someone with hlaf a brain actually does some rational thinking based on facts.
For the record, the war is not about that, but facts are facts 🤷. A large pirtion of Ukraine is Nazi oriented.
Cold war related stuff is what the media clings on to: Russia bad, Ukraine good.
The real reason was that the US was planning to plant it’s ass in Russia’s backyard. Ukraine wanted to be a part of NATO, which is of course a choice that any country has a right to make, but not when your neighbour is an ex hevy weight boxing champ and tells you to shut the hell up… yeah, you shut the hell up.
First of all, what’s up with this title? I thought Zelensky fucking died.
But the media was recently critical of Nazis in Ukraine until the current invasion. That includes BBC, Reuters, Guardian, and Telegraph just to name a few. Now they all pretend like it’s fake news, Russian propaganda. Haha
And, as far as I know, Ukraine only started seeking NATO membership after the 2014 US-backed coup. (They first applied in 2008.) So, I don’t know if Ukraine, like the Scandinavian countries, didn’t actually have popular support to join NATO pre-2022 but it’d make sense if public opinion has now shifted.
But I have to take back what I said, Ukraine started seeking NATO membership as early as 2008. Although it does seem that they started seeking NATO as a priority after Euromaidan.
My point was that it’s doubtful to say they exercised their right as a country to freely decide whether to join NATO, especially if there was no major popular demand for it at the time, I’m sure it’s just coincidental that they sought NATO as a priority after a US-backed coup.
The coup as well… and other things… the US messes in politics with foreign countries way way too much. Russia does it as well, but not to that extent. I think Putin just got pissed about it and saw an oportunity to regain some of the land Russia lost when the USSR fell apart. The NATO thing was just the icing on the cake.
The Cuban missile crisis was about the same thing, Russia planting it’s ass next to NATO. Russia did back down with the plan though. The US wasn’t ready to do that with Ukraine. They wanted a country right next to Russia.
people also forget that ukraine first began terror operations in 2014 against the innocent civilians of donbas who requested more autonomy. its always convenient that history always starts whenever it is most satisfactory for liberals
Yeah, to be honest, a lot of things were not reported or reported wrongly by the media… there’s at least 2 sides to 1 story, but seing as how Putin was close to Trump, plus the fact that Russia was always portraied as the villan in the cold war, it’s understandable why things were not reported correctly and not every fact was layed out.
For the record, I’m not pro one side or the other. Just saying that things are not always as they seem.
the prevailing opinion on hexbear is that we care about the citizens of donbas and the normal people that were drawn into this insane death spiral by the west. we generally dont support the governments of russia (some do critically support russia on very specific terms) or ukraine for a variety of reasons, but our primary point is to oppose the american military industrial complex.
It’s pointless… at least in my mind… oposing that is, the military industrial complex, doesn’t matter which country it belongs to.
We have a saying around here: сила бога не моли. Litelarly translated it means power doesn’t ask anything from god. Basically, this applies to everything in life. If you’re powerful enough, you don’t ask anyone for anything, even aproval… it’s just how things are 🤷.
Honestly I see it in actual historians too. Texts always have something along the lines of “yes, the [insert non-European civilization] had _, but only Europeans went far enough to _”
Shit like how ancient civilizations had invented calculus, calculated pi to several digits, observed the cosmos, etc. but it’s only the ancient Greeks who contributed to history apparently. Seems unprofessional as hell. It’s not that dissimilar to white supremacists who say " everyone practiced slavery, but only Europeans abolished it"
It’s often linked to some geographic or cultural uniqueness of Europe, like how they didn’t have famines or shit and so they were able to be creative about nature that wasn’t chaotic and devastating.
" everyone practiced slavery, but only Europeans abolished it"
The same chuds will froth and foam about The Lost Cause, too. Because it was terrible that it was abolished but also abolishing it (except for prisoners) was great white wisdom morshupls
MFW 80% of pink pipo wouldn’t exist if a Chinese guy didn’t invent the heavy plow
(possibly the biggest China L ever undertaken)
It’s often linked to some geographic or cultural uniqueness of Europe, like how they didn’t have famines or shit and so they were able to be creative about nature that wasn’t chaotic and devastating.
That just makes it even more embarrassing that they had to import all their math from the east
Consider the H2 series “In Search of Aliens,” which, before its demise, promoted the work of Jan Udo Holey, a German writer whose antisemitic books have been banned across Europe. (Holey’s pen name, Jan Van Helsig, is a blunt Dracula reference, i.e. Jews are bloodsuckers.) The History Channel’s long-running series “Ancient Aliens,” meanwhile, features David Childress, whose books cite and build on the work of James Churchward, who promoted an ancient empire called the “lost continent of Mu,” whose “dominant race” was an “exceedingly handsome people, with clear white or olive skin.”
The history channel is entry level nazi propaganda.
Quinton Reviews did a whole ass documentary on it. The best thing to come out of it was his “Just because white people couldn’t do it doesn’t mean it was aliens” shirt which, fun fact, his previous provider refused to stock it so he switched to a less racist company and that shirt instantly became a best seller, blowing the sales of everything else completely out of the water.
I used to live getting high and watching ancient aliens. Those motherfuckers were so earnestly stupid, I found it really entertaining. That was 15 years ago, so the show probably got much worse as time went on, given the limited nature of the subject.
John brown was a violent abolitionist before the civil war. He led the raid on a military base called Harper’s ferry to get guns to trigger a slave revolt. Maybe with some kalishnikovs (ak-47) they might have been able to succeed.