Ah, that’s more what I expect. Of course, most of his readership will look at that top book and try to remember if Karl was the one with the horn that didn’t talk.
These right wing cartoons are so odd: pictures and words with an expectation of comedy… yet nothing, no jokes, no subtlety, no double meaning, literally no skill or craft. Completely brain dead :S
Republicans offer nothing but culture war shit. They absolutely know Democrats are to the right of freedom-and-democracy . But they are playing the anti China part of the 3rd Red Scare while Dems play the anti Russia part and both are partaking in the [2nd Lavender]( scare (active / passive).
They are exploiting American ignorance and stroking historical previous Red Scare / Cold War indoctrination for the over 50s crowd.
The Red Scares were never about Crapitalism vs Cummunism. It was about different nations clashing over the world’s resources, but that would never fly in the public mind spoken out loud. That was all a front, but it gave cover for the disgusting domestic and foriegn policies such as The Jakarta Method, Vietnam War, Hollywood Blacklisting, Hayes Code, demonizing queer people in public life, and McCarthyism.
So they paint the opposition as ooga booga scary Mao CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY COMMIE COMMIE COMMIE! WHERE’S MY AUKUS MONEY JOE?!
They know the actual left knows they’re full of shit and that’s the real twisted part of these political hacks - they study and know very much every aspect of the actual target of theri demonization of things, but they hold the American public with such calous contempt they will willingly lie to manufacture consent for their major bribers. They know exactly who they are harming, why they are harming, and they just do not care because minorities aren’t majorities and caculated collateral damage. Plus if you can toss around commie or Marxist or Maoist to anything you don’t like, it further brainwashes the frothingfash ignorant masses to automatically put their brains down and choose you aginst the hedons as god’s chosen warrior!
They know the public is largely ignorsnt about matters that don’t concern them and they exploit it to the hilt.
So glad someone with hlaf a brain actually does some rational thinking based on facts.
For the record, the war is not about that, but facts are facts 🤷. A large pirtion of Ukraine is Nazi oriented.
Cold war related stuff is what the media clings on to: Russia bad, Ukraine good.
The real reason was that the US was planning to plant it’s ass in Russia’s backyard. Ukraine wanted to be a part of NATO, which is of course a choice that any country has a right to make, but not when your neighbour is an ex hevy weight boxing champ and tells you to shut the hell up… yeah, you shut the hell up.
First of all, what’s up with this title? I thought Zelensky fucking died.
But the media was recently critical of Nazis in Ukraine until the current invasion. That includes BBC, Reuters, Guardian, and Telegraph just to name a few. Now they all pretend like it’s fake news, Russian propaganda. Haha
And, as far as I know, Ukraine only started seeking NATO membership after the 2014 US-backed coup. (They first applied in 2008.) So, I don’t know if Ukraine, like the Scandinavian countries, didn’t actually have popular support to join NATO pre-2022 but it’d make sense if public opinion has now shifted.
But I have to take back what I said, Ukraine started seeking NATO membership as early as 2008. Although it does seem that they started seeking NATO as a priority after Euromaidan.
My point was that it’s doubtful to say they exercised their right as a country to freely decide whether to join NATO, especially if there was no major popular demand for it at the time, I’m sure it’s just coincidental that they sought NATO as a priority after a US-backed coup.
The coup as well… and other things… the US messes in politics with foreign countries way way too much. Russia does it as well, but not to that extent. I think Putin just got pissed about it and saw an oportunity to regain some of the land Russia lost when the USSR fell apart. The NATO thing was just the icing on the cake.
The Cuban missile crisis was about the same thing, Russia planting it’s ass next to NATO. Russia did back down with the plan though. The US wasn’t ready to do that with Ukraine. They wanted a country right next to Russia.
people also forget that ukraine first began terror operations in 2014 against the innocent civilians of donbas who requested more autonomy. its always convenient that history always starts whenever it is most satisfactory for liberals
Yeah, to be honest, a lot of things were not reported or reported wrongly by the media… there’s at least 2 sides to 1 story, but seing as how Putin was close to Trump, plus the fact that Russia was always portraied as the villan in the cold war, it’s understandable why things were not reported correctly and not every fact was layed out.
For the record, I’m not pro one side or the other. Just saying that things are not always as they seem.
the prevailing opinion on hexbear is that we care about the citizens of donbas and the normal people that were drawn into this insane death spiral by the west. we generally dont support the governments of russia (some do critically support russia on very specific terms) or ukraine for a variety of reasons, but our primary point is to oppose the american military industrial complex.
It’s pointless… at least in my mind… oposing that is, the military industrial complex, doesn’t matter which country it belongs to.
We have a saying around here: сила бога не моли. Litelarly translated it means power doesn’t ask anything from god. Basically, this applies to everything in life. If you’re powerful enough, you don’t ask anyone for anything, even aproval… it’s just how things are 🤷.