Bad screen bad (
Whomst? (
Really makes you wonder... (
A seemingly simple wish (
At a certain point they've got to start asking questions, right? (
I’m actually something of a dumbo chungus myself (
Bong is one of the funniest words in English and you can’t change my mind
Lemmy when someone posts memes about obese people (
It was a simpler time 🥺 (
I hope mine will survive 🤞 (
obsessed, i tell you (
Some memes are easy, some memes need an explanation. Fortunately this one comes with context - highly convenient. Perhaps we should be pushing for legislation to make this mandatory. Big Meme has had free reign for too long
Yeah, I’m a bit of a badass (
harder schedule (
Spot the spy (
Please don’t nuke me (
To be or not to be, that is the question. ( Abkhazian
Every time! (
A Healing Touch (
Borger (
Monke (
Alt Text: Image of my boi Gurgi finding the weed
Was a hoax all along (
I wonder what they did before (
I Will try to post more OC going forward x
It’s all a scam, don’t even try to tell me it’s useful (
You traded the popemobile for this?! (
He did not, in fact, trade the popemobile for this.
Caterpillar.emoji (
The issues that matter to us all, folks, the issues that uhh… esphegg-jesquick-womfphgle...