Last time I checked there aren’t nerve endings in our brain, so it should be impossible to feel sensations in my brain. However, at random times during my life, like seeing the plot twist in Fight Club for example, I’ve felt feelings in my brain. I just felt it again now while doing some intense introspection, and I just...
I’ve been getting some spam comments (with Images I’d rather not see) and even after blocking the people I still see them in my inbox. I’d rather not....
cross-posted from:
Title. Mostly because of two flags: --read-only and –log-driver.
How do you all handle this? I’m going to start poking around with NixOS but anticipate Python dev to be impossible on the base OS, so curious what sorts of options y’all use when connecting your configured editor to a container- e.g. if I have Neovim configured in my host, is it better to re-set-up Neovim again with the same...
In some posts, I see some comments are highlighted in yellow for no obvious reason that I can figure out. Example post here...
I used to regularly snooze my alarm which i had set for 7:00, however recently i have noticed that i directly wake up by my alarm at 7:10 and don’t remember snoozing my alarm!...
Yesterday there was a controversial movie torrent that was getting 1000s of downloads and was on the “popular this week” page, and today it’s just gone. I went to the uploader’s account page and it’s not there either. Just like it never existed....
let them all in or only allow for some specific apps (if so which ones)?
After a migration to new hardware, I am receiving the following permissions error from Pict-rs....
Really, how can I stop them from eating my plants? Some don’t have leaves anymore. They are not even edible. They are even biting the cacti for some reason....
I’ve been here a week ago already asking if Arch would be fine for a laptop used for university, as stability is a notable factor in that and I’m already using EndeavourOS at home, but now I’m curious about something else too - what about Arch vs NixOS?...
The immutable state of distros like fedora silerblue and opensuse microos leads to the use of distrobox....
This laptoo has Fn as default instead of F keys. I hate it. I found several solutions for different vendors to switch state in bios. Is that the only option?
Share some cool things that you can make your iPhone do thru a Shortcut, and if you can, maybe link to something or tell us how to do it....
What do you think would finally be their, “Enough, we gotta say something!” situation?...
My understanding of the history of fashion is that back in the 1950s America it was expected that you wore a suit/dress at work unless you had a different uniform. There were a bunch of very boring people who thought that we should be wearing office job garb all the time, because they wore suits so much it was their default...
I live in amarica and noticed that every tape measures I find are imperial only. Hell even on Amazon I can’t find a metric tape measure and you’d think they must exist considering us amaricans are the only people using imperial.
Basically title. I decided to start a new honor mode run after the update the other day (haven’t played in a few months) and getting a bug in which character’s face animations don’t work during dialog. Lips don’t move, expressions don’t change. A little googling didn’t turn up any similar reported bugs except for a...
Linux Mint was the distro I chose little less than a year ago when I switched to Linux. Used it with Cinammon at first and then switched to XFCE. It’s been a cool journey and I have def learned a lot....
Stuff like memes from people you think are wrong politically, cartoons you don’t find funny, etc etc. Why help the things you hate spread?
I see a lot of communities for moes. Fitmoes, kemonomoes, smolmoes. I don’t know what a moe is - obviously it’s related to anime or Japanese (or otaku) culture but it’s so clearly a thing that I don’t know anything about.