Time is a flat circle (lemmy.ml)

alt text for four panel image...
I feel this is a representation of 2 sides of one coin or rather that thees two have similar objective but go about trying to reach it in their own very different ways, one is violent and the other is peaceful all tough they might not necessarily agree with one or the other’s way of reaching the end goal, they agree on the...
Hi everyone, someone can explain, in simple words, why considering to switch on NixOs over other distro? And the use case? I think would help a lot of people (including me) to understand it better :D
Found on flickr
Found on flickr
The violet pouch fungus (Cortinarius porphyroideus) is a truffle-like fungus found in the leaf litter of beech forests. Its spore-producing tissue is enclosed within its purple cap. Spores are released when the cap begins to disintegrate, or when insects and other small animals eat the tissue within the cap....
Found on flickr