Pretty Much (

Thanks for all the content you share!
What were your favorite video essays of 2023?
If have not assigned a “Display name” to my account, and as expected—at least on—it displays as “@davel”. However, on every other instance it displays as “davel [he/him] (” (on it looks slightly different: “davel [he/him]”)....
Prolific Pen Comics
transcriptIt’s just a snake, what’s the w- (trails off the side of the screen) [Shifty eye monkey looks backwards in one panel and then forward in the next, becoming desaturated]
10 years after Zod’s snapped neck, Martha, “some kinda Suicide Squad”, CGI moustache, rennouncing your wish, the hiearchy of power changing, and Speed Force PS1 graphics, the DC Extended Universe finally comes to a close. And it ends the same way it started - with a Rotten score....