Survivor Vader was a little bitch compared to fallen order Vader imo. Spoiler alert for survivor, I get that Cere is strong, but I don’t think she would’ve ever done THAT MUCH damage to Vader. Vader in fallen order was absolutely terrifying and untouchable. The way he hobbles away in survivor is comical. Unpopular opinion but they really wasted him, AND he’s not that tough of a fight at all since they made it that everyone faces him at the same difficulty.
So idk, guess my answer is always going to be rogue one
Not really. Image hosting for a webcomic costs a lot of money. A lot of webcomic artists are instead hosting their images on WebToons primarily. It’s a site dedicated to comics which is a great start but also severely cuts down on their costs.
They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight
Shunting spaceships, hauling freight
Grey and black and speedy too
They're the awesome pew pew crew
All with different roles to play
'round planet Daro far away
Down the hills and round the bends
Thomas and his pew pew friends
FR, the biggest difference I saw in my life when I got medicated (in addition to being able to complete basic life functions in a reasonable timeframe) was that I would fill up and then drink a 1L water bottle every 2 hours.
9/10, would recommend medication and having urine that looks more like lemonade than maple syrup.
Not that I’m aware of. The font is called OpenDyslexia and its completely free. A lot of people use it because it helps dyslexic folks. Not much effort and it helps out a whole group. Might as well. Probably what the artist thought.