We at least deserve a game like this... (startrek.website)
Stupid sexy Socrates (startrek.website)
Just discovered a new species of catfish from the paleolithic period! (startrek.website)
At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country? (startrek.website)
Hey, I said we're going for squalid and depressing! (startrek.website)
Nothing to do about it now except move on with my life. (startrek.website)
I've failed my family (startrek.website)
I think we're out (startrek.website)
It was Donkey Kong Country (SNES) for me (startrek.website)
The old one also sounds like a running lawnmower, but still. (startrek.website)
Open for business (startrek.website)
Interspecies diplomacy (startrek.website)
Sweet and Sour (startrek.website)
Sisko was kind of crazy... (startrek.website)
Never forget Tuvix was 1/3 Orchid! (startrek.website)
Odo, when faced with literally any problem: (startrek.website)
High intensity lounging (startrek.website)
Eat the rich (startrek.website)
I don't know why I love it so much, but I do. (startrek.website)
Also, are malware-free cursor applications still a thing? Or does it make me an old man to want to do it in 2023?