This question gets asked every day almost. We don’t need to do that. Just be active here and post. Browse under all and not local and you will see posts from other instances and see way more content.
I have mixed feelings towards the repost bots. I see no value in pure reposts from Reddit, but I also have no issue with them IF they only post on dedicated instances and mark the account it’s posting from as a bot. Those posts have no engagement. Most people either disable bot posts in settings or block then once they see them. There is nothing wrong with growing communities slowly, but with organic content or only reposting the most interesting stuff.
I feel like the best reddit posts are going to make their way over here anyway, the same way the best tweets, tiktoks, or tumblr posts made their way to reddit.
I don't think there needs to be a bot reposting everything that gets posted over there, considering all the mod removals and malicious compliance protests mean that overall content quality will likely decline going forward. I can see it getting very spammy very quickly.
I was in the popularclub sub, the only interesting thing about it was when newbies posted their story about how they got there - there was sometimes backstory/ follow ups/ chat about what happens when you "go viral"
Otherwise it was mostly cat pics and random boast posts
I actually like it. The content is also correctly tagged with <article> so you can use your browser’s reader mode if you find the site uncomfortable to read, unlike some other retro-looking sites.
Because it's actually a well structured site, that's also designed responsively just with many retro design and visual choices. It's also blazing fast. I quite like it.
@Peacemeal12@redcalcium@Rabbithole site author here - cheers! I know the look isn’t for everyone, but I promise there’s effort and (sober) intention there.
I was surprised when I got one; it just appeared in my inbox one day. When my account turned 11 I decided to see if /r/11yearclub existed and it did, but I had to message the mods and join manually.
I had to request to join Century Club manually too; I didn't even notice I could do it until I had 200k karma...
I joined the Century Club and it was just kind of boring. I rarely ever saw a thread I felt compelled to comment on. I suspect it's because there really wasn't much of a common interest behind it. Didn't know about the 10-year club but I suspect it would be similar, perhaps with more of a "aren't kids these days awful" vibe.
Yeah, it wasn't a bad place. I'm sure a lot of people would expect it to be full of threads about how century club members were better than the low-karma plebs or discussing tips on how to farm more karma or something, and it was nothing like that. I mainly recall it being a place where people would share tragedies in their lives and commiserate on them, knowing that they had a relatively "private" place to be discussing that sort of thing with people they considered "peers." I just didn't find it to be compelling discussion most of the time.
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