Fixed address WS2811/WS2812b clones.

My Google-fu has completely failed me. I’ve got an RGB addressable led curtain. It has 20 strings of 20 LEDs in a square arrangement. I initially assumed it had a wire feeding led data back up, to go to the next drop. On checking however, they are T jointed.

Apparently the address is hard coded into the RGB controller in the LED. I’ve found a few places where others have talked about them. I’ve also found that adafruit had some available, unfortunately they lacked any info on how they are programmed, or where to source them from.

Anyone got any info on what the chip name of these is? Even better if you have any info on how they are programmed etc!


On the adafruit page it says:

These LEDs are not shift registers. In fact, if you look closely, there’s no input and output pin, only one data line. That’s because each LED in this strand is pre-addressed from 0 to 100. Whenever it receives the NeoPixel data, it picks out the n’th color data (matching to its pre-address) and displays that. You cannot change the pre-address, its fixed permanently - or at least, we have no idea how to re-address it.


Yes, I read that bit. I’m trying to find out more.

They are obviously made in bulk, somewhere in china, since they are quite common, and cheap. Unfortunately, I’ve only found them in pre-built products, and none actually identify the chip model.

They obviously can be programmed (at least once) since you can buy arrays of at least 400. There is no way a factory is making 400 different chips, given the end price.


Are you looking for info on how to set the led color or something else?


I’m after a name or model for the chip/led itself. Potentially along with info on its extra functions.

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