In which game did you spend the most hours?
I discovered today that my most played game on Steam is Astronner with about 500 hours, and my second most played is Surviving Mars with about 500 hours.
I discovered today that my most played game on Steam is Astronner with about 500 hours, and my second most played is Surviving Mars with about 500 hours.
Ertebolle, Parent here, very badly envious of all y'all's numbers.
(but in my pre-kid days I'm sure I put in at least 300 hours on the pre-Steam version of Dwarf Fortress)
Nemo, Same sitch, but my Dwarf Fortress hours are much, much higher.
If I can combine all versions of the Civilization series it might top it, but not by much.
FermatsLastAccount, Pokemon Emerald
GeekFTW, 1056h in Team Fortress 2, which is the highest I can verify at least. I'm sure I've put more time in Sims 4 over the decade but with multiple installs of pirated copies I have no way to verify that lol
Evkob, I’m surprised I had to scroll down this far to see someone else mention TF2. I clock in at around 2019 hours, although probably around 500-600 of those are from idling (remember idling?!)
Last time I played was in 2019, and last time I played before that was also a couple of years. But for a while, Team Fortress 2 was my life. I eventually got into surfing, and poured SO many hours into that across TF2 and later CS:S.
If anyone who used to frequent Omega Arcade’s surf server on TF2 ends up reading this, Mr. Asplundh says hi! ☺️
kingthrillgore, Satisfactory with 752 hours. No mods, either. Most recently is Project Zomboid with ~123 hours.
buckykat, Rimworld, KSP1, Stellaris
FiftyShadesOfMyCow, Ribworld 4 the win
zeroblood, I racked up about 9000 hours in WoW before quitting, bit over 3000 hours in Runescape.
Resistentialism, Near enough 3000 hours on destiny 2 and g-mod in second with 992 hours. And third is advanced warfare multiplayer woth 699
RandomlyRight, Path of Exile, around 3k hours and it is still my favorite. Every 3 months you get to play again with a different twist, and Path of Exile 2 (just an update, but a huge one) is being worked on and will likely release next year.
HappySerf, This one sucks me in, too. I have to be careful.
RandomlyRight, Embrace the corruption, exile!
pakrat, I’m at around 1750 hours playing The Binding of Isaac and I’m not done with the game…
count_duckula, Europa Universalis 4. Actually most Paradox games.
mremugles, This. I think I have 1.1k hours on steam and probably double that outside of it.
Nowyn, Mine is either Paradox Games although my preferred is CK series. Also, dabble in the Sims. Which I have been told is weird mix.
PolarFred, 4000 in arms 3 1000 in TF2 Around 2000 in osrs
Jesus Christ, didn’t realise it was that bad. I just wish I was any good at any of them
Wburbage, Elder Scrolls Online, by far
hot_milky, In a year I had over 200 DAYS played on World of Warcraft back in 2005-2006. That’s over 13 hours a day, then I quit abruptly and later tried a couple of expansions casually.
Second is probably Counter-Strike 1.#. No idea actual playing time but would estimate around 1000 hours.
The above two I don’t regret spending my time in. Made a lot of friends and it all felt rewarding.
Then there are games like Civilization VI (~200 hours), Rimworld (~300 hours), Tropico (~200 hours) and even Path of Exile (~500 hours). These games are not really rewarding, other than little dopamine hits that gets you continuing playing forever.
Edit: Added hours!
dmc, Another WoW addict checking in. I was somewhere north of 12,000 hours from release to the end of Wrath with another stint during Classic.
I've since quit with no intention of ever returning. Despite how much I loved the game it doesn't love me back, and it's better if I don't play at all.
hot_milky, It was so easy to spend time in early WoW. The community was awesome before all the sharding and LFG/LFR tooling!
aloeha, It’s undoubtedly WoW for me too, but I don’t know how many hours. I wish there was a way to check without re-subscribing.
If it ever gets added to Xbox Game Pass I’ll probably give it another whirl.
iliketurtles, I’m glad I never picked up wow. Its definitely a all or nothing type game.
vluz, DS1 to DS3, I lost count of the hours.
RojaBunny, League of Legends, no doubt (and no idea how many hours across my two main accounts). Just… yikes on a bike, that one.
Other tops probably Sims if I can count all the different games. Stardew and animal crossing are up there as well, I’m sure.
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