Which community in lemmy is similar to r/buildmeaPC?
Soon I’ll need help building a new PC. Thanks!
Soon I’ll need help building a new PC. Thanks!
NightOwl, There is !buildapc
And pcpartpicker which a lot people use already to put builds together has a forum too
blaise, pcpartpicker is a fantastic resource for putting together a new build.
As far as lemmy communities go, there's also https://champserver.net/search?q=buildapc@lemmy.world and https://champserver.net/search?q=buildapc@lemmy.ml
nerdschleife, In addition to the advice posted here, you can just access the pcmr discord. They’re pretty helpful over there too!
chunkystyles, I love your username.
nivenkos, I’d just use www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu_value_available.html for an estimate of value / price, and then build a spreadsheet with the same results for good candidate components but the prices in your market.
For memory, hard drive and power supply just check you meet your requirements and check reviews (and buy an established brand).
I think the hardest decision right now is deciding between DDR4 and DDR5, as that’ll affect your motherboard options too.
But there is no universally best option as the prices and availability vary massively by market (and even moreso if you include second-hand too!). Even asking others isn’t that helpful if they aren’t in the same market as you.
Remember to always buy electrical tape, extra thermal paste and cleaning alcohol too. The anti-static band is worth it if you are somewhere dry / with a lot of static shocks, but most components have better protection these days. And always read the motherboard and case manuals first, so you don’t make it way harder for yourself to connect the front USB ports, etc. later on.
Kolanaki, Could have swore I saw a few posts from “BuildAPC” on Lemmy the other day, and it looked like it was the Reddit sub moved over to whatever instance it was on.
But PCMasterRace and PCGaming can also assist with this.
tbe, I’m sure lemmy.world/c/pcmasterrace can help :)
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