I don’t rewatch movies often, but in order of most rewatched: Gattaca, Sicario, Drive, Pulp fiction, Hamilton, Les Mis, China Town, 21/22 jump street, other guys, step brothers, the nice guy, the princess bride…
Giving you that sweet upvote for mentioning Gattacca. I don’t usually rewatch movies, but I’ve seen that one 5 or 10 times. Second on my list is The Princess Bride, but even that is at most 5 times, mostly introducing it to my kids or friends.
OMG I added princess bride, I’ve seen it at least 10+ times. I also added a bunch of comedies. It’s funny how many movies I’ve rewatched over and over but so many I have only seen once and will never rewatch.
I give you an upvote just because you say you don’t rewatch movies often, but then proceed to list your top 12 movies ordered by most rewatched :D Brilliant!
I ever manually corrected and uploaded the subtitles (language and sync) of the .avi/DivX version of Fight Club. That’s like more than 20 years ago.
I have it in my iTunes Movies (or whatever it’s called) collection now, and watch it maybe once a year. The final song still gives me goosebumps when I hear it out in the wild.
That and Taxi Driver are my most watched movies. The Taxi Driver sounds and soundtrack are just so smoothing, I can comfortably sleep to it.
I have not thought about this before but thinking back I guess the movie I have re-watched the most is Contact. I don’t know why I just like it. I really don’t re-watch movies that much. I do re-watch TV series quite often (HACF is the most re-watched).
Leaves everything behind to become this great lawyer but when the unfortunate happens he has to go back and come to terms with what he thought was once lost.
Not sure why I keep watching it but I do enjoy how it develops.
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