What series did you rewatch most often?
Movies are great, but now on to the real deal. Honestly? Who has time to rewatch a series??
For me that’s Buffy and Babylon 5, both three times. I think Queen’s Gambit may beat them, but I’m not there yet.
Movies are great, but now on to the real deal. Honestly? Who has time to rewatch a series??
For me that’s Buffy and Babylon 5, both three times. I think Queen’s Gambit may beat them, but I’m not there yet.
- Mr robot
- Stranger things
- Dark
- silicon valley
SocialSpirit, The Mentalist…hands down.
yabai, Early seasons are great… But it just gets so sappy
SocialSpirit, It did change, but taken as a whole it’s still my favourite show.
lovelymalrin, I’ve rewatched this so many times!
SocialSpirit, I’m with you there! I created a community here on .world I’d like to see grow (details on my ID) about this show. It’s got some great fans.
ettyblatant, House MD.
I abused 30 Rock with rewatches but Supernatural is a go to. The Mick if I wanna smile
Dhs92, House is also my go to. Such a good show
accesslog, Who has time to rewatch a seriess??
I watch TV while eating only. That’s a bad habit I have. I don’t want to look for new shows while eating. I just replay the same shows I know are good.
If I start a new show and I like it, I will just just binge watch until the season finishes. I am too old to waste time like that so I don’t usually start a new show.
Semi-Hemi-Demigod, Trailer Park Boys. Something about that theme is so soothing
TrebuchetTaxiService, TEN FUCKING DOLLARS, A MONTH!!
ulkesh, Brooklyn 99, Babylon 5, Star Trek various series. We pick a series to watch while we eat dinner. Sometimes it’s a series we haven’t seen fully before (we may start Cheers soon), and sometimes it’s one we’ve seen multiple times (Avatar the Last Airbender, Star Wars Rebels, etc). It’s fun :)
taldennz, Definitely B5. For all of its issues it’s one I still enjoy.
CivilDisobedientGull, I’m on board with this whole list. We might be related.
ulkesh, (edited ) Brother!! Sister? No matter…c’mere you
hugs or high fives, whichever you prefer
darknesslieshere, Mr Robot
I like my occasional dose of depression.
NotThatKindofDoctor, Seinfeld! I know every word for every episode. If I hear like one line of dialogue I can guess what episode it is. I’m obsessed. I even have a giant Seinfeld tattoo. It’s my favorite show of all time!
Poppa_Mo, I have a few favorites:
- Altered Carbon (Season 1)
- Dexter
- Supernatural
Mothra, Dragon Ball Z. I don’t know why. But I needed to rewatch it.
GreasyTengu, I think it has the perfect mix of goofy and epic, sadly Super just doesn’t scratch that itch for me. The first two seasons of Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure did, Avatar did, but not a whole lot else did.
Mothra, Yeah there is no other show with similar energy. For me, it’s Dragon Ball since Piccolo appears, and then all the way until the end of DBZ’s Frieza saga- a masterpiece. The rest of DBZ is okay but it becomes a bit repetitive. There is nothing after Z in the franchise that I care about.
I couldn’t stand Jojo, but I should give Avatar a go. I heard only praise for it.
stealth_cookies, I don’t rewatch series very often, but every couple years I watch the British comedy Coupling again.
Sharkapotamus, The Giggle Loop is still one of the truest elements of human life ever explained by a sitcom.
Tyfud, The sock gap.
ag_roberston_author, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Such a hilarious show. I love how ridiculous it is.
nobloat, Twin Peaks
UdeRecife, Any BBC production of Jane Austen’s novels.
lovelymalrin, The 1995 pride and prejudice is just chefs kiss!
JoyfulCodingGuy, Shelves in a closet, happy thought indeed.
Mewtwo, Parks and Rec
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