Twin Peaks, the original run. I watched each episode twice a week when it first aired, then several times once I had it on VHS (including a 24hr marathon with my friends), and then I’ve watched it about 3 or 4 times on DVD. However this has involved fast forwarding through some of the storylines I don’t like in the 2nd season (mostly James & Evelyn,little Nicky, and a lot of the Nadine and Mike stuff). I’ve only watched the 3rd season once so far, it’s long, and quite intense, and I haven’t had the head space and time I would like to dedicate to it when I go back into it again.
I think it has the perfect mix of goofy and epic, sadly Super just doesn’t scratch that itch for me. The first two seasons of Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure did, Avatar did, but not a whole lot else did.
Yeah there is no other show with similar energy. For me, it’s Dragon Ball since Piccolo appears, and then all the way until the end of DBZ’s Frieza saga- a masterpiece. The rest of DBZ is okay but it becomes a bit repetitive. There is nothing after Z in the franchise that I care about.
I couldn’t stand Jojo, but I should give Avatar a go. I heard only praise for it.
Kinda mad how far I had to scroll down to see always sunny—so much content you’ve almost certainly forgotten something about an episode by the time you get around to it again
I find it easier to rewatch something than expend the mental energy on something new, so I rewatch a lot. Buffy, Stargate SG-1 and Taskmaster are the ones I rewatch the most.
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