What things sound like an awful combination but are surprisingly good together?
Can be food, tools, music, whatever comes to mind
Can be food, tools, music, whatever comes to mind
ArmoredThirteen, Bacon milkshake. Got to make sure the bacon is cooked proper to get some nice crumbles and it adds an amazing salty savory that really makes the milkshake flavor pop. Doesn’t work with all flavors
buda, French fries and mayo
makingStuffForFun, That is… completely normal. Chilli aoli is actually the good one.
buda, In the US, it’s not very common unfortunately. That sounds delicious!
ShoePaste, A pickle back! Pickle juice chaser with a shot of Jameson. i thought a pickle back was the most disgusting sounding thing until i tried it. it’s a fantastic chaser for a shot of whiskey.
SonofSonSpock, I ordered one once and the waiter didn’t know what I was talking about so I just got a beer. He comes back later with a big smile on his face holding a glass with some liquid in it saying he brought me a pickleback. It was premixed. I shot it, it was a lot of liquid, and only once it was in my mouth did I realize they had used bread and butter pickle juice.
ShoePaste, Lol! Oh man, that actually sounds awful.
RandomVanGloboii, Well, here in Italy they complain a lot about pineapple on pizza but then eat ham on melon
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