No cause it’s like a inside joke so it works with people who know me and my humour and I feel sarcasm is better used in some form of criticism like quoting something hypocritical.
Here is the general guideline for when you need to use a sarcasm tag:
If your comment could be plausibly stated as genuine instead of sarcastic by someone reading your comment, then your comment needs to be denoted as sarcastic.
This is to say, if you're in a group chat with your friends and all of them are like-minded, then typing something sarcastic probably doesn't need a sarcasm tag, since no one in the group chat would plausibly type that comment as genuine. However, if you're in a more-or-less public forum and you type something sarcastically, it becomes far more likely that your comment could be typed out as a genuine stance instead of a sarcastic one, and therefore it is wise to make it clear that you are not one of those people.
It is possible, even in 2023, to craft a comment that is so obviously sarcastic that it does not need a sarcasm tag even when posted in public, but this is pretty rare-- most people are typing stuff that could easily be typed genuinely.
I can barely speak my native language of English. But I am fluent in sarcasm and cynicism. I would become tired and bored with adding some kind of trigger warning on every post.
Maybe we need to revert to old forum posts, and include a signature like the good 'ol days? Mine might say;
"In order to insult me, I must first value your opinion. No chance of that happening."
Don't tailor your speech for people who can't read or think.
If someone wants to misunderstand you they'll do so no matter how hard you try to accommodate them .
I think a better way to convey the intended sarcasm is to make it hyperbole or exaggerated. I saw your comment and one would have to be pretty dense to not see the sarcasm, so you did that well.
this works until you come across people that actually think that hyperbole is normal. Every time you think "oh, they can't be that idiotic...." that's when the knuckledraggers take as a challenge.
/s has been around forever, but zoomer/tumblr types have taken it and built an entire tone indicator system around it. So yes, it exists; the tag you'd want is /gen.
But... tone indicators are not well known or commonly used outside that demographic, so using them will make people assume you're a certain age or type of person, and you may not be comfortable with that.
Mmm could you say a bit more? I'm too exhausted tonight to commit to an 18-minute watch based only on "somewhat relevant."
From my POV, as a person coming up on 40, I just don't want to make myself seem younger than I am to such a degree that teens and tweens might feel more comfortable approaching me as a casual friend.
Totally, fair enough. It's specifically about the /hj tone indicator, how it is mostly useless because of its ambiguity and it not being known by people in general, and how that extends to most tone indicators. It's basically what you said but goes way more in depth (almost crazily so but that's sorta their thing)
Personally, I don't use tone indicators for pretty much the same reasons as what you said above. I also think that anything that could be conveyed using them is probably just better off being spelled out
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