People think that the immune system is like this pinpoint accurate machine that kills invaders. In reality, it is more like a carpet bomber that functions under the principle that we can heal and viruses/bacteria cannot. Inflammation is basically your body carpet bombing and healing.
We would also not be able to build muscle mass as the repair of microtears is what leads to hypertrophy.
So we would all be dead. Healing if fundamental to life.
I was thinking of purely physical injuries, so nothing immune system related. But the muscle building part… Damn. Yea we’d all be a bunch of wet noodles. Hadn’t thought of that.
As someone who has experienced multiple brain traumas, I do have feelings there too. Different impacts have had different results. Falling 20ft and cracking my skull on concrete left me seeing everything in a hue of orange for a couple of years. Getting my face crushed by a car left me feeling strange all in the front. Getting shot in the head was so strange, it’s like the back part of my brain still hurts. Especially when I try to remember certain things.
Crashed into a car with my bike with no helmet (always wear a helmet people!) and lost all memory. My head hurt for a year afterwards when I tried to read something. Years later, the patch is still numb to the touch, and causes a sensation of stinging in one eye, it causes tears if I rub it.
Maybe. I would need it to follow specific brand guidelines and team requests but at the same time know when to make the creative decision to break rules and dismiss requests. I don’t think the tech is there yet. I have already incorporated other AI tools in my workflow but they have only helped on small and simple tasks.
What I really need is for Microsoft to create a version of PowerPoint that’s meant for designers.
It could help you stay on topic and build good opening and summary slides. A good opening slide helps orient the audience and a good closing side summarizes well. Both help in making sure a decision is reached or the audience is aligned after the presentation.
Depending on what you meant by this question, I’d say Perplexity. It’s got access to a number of different LLMs, and cited its sources. The biggest concern I’ve had when it comes to LLMs is that they eventually make shit up. If you can verify its answers by checking its sources, you have a much higher confidence level in the answer.
You hit the nail on the head. A lot of people are just scared by the chaos and meaninglessness of life and death. It is terrifying to know that everyone you know and love is going to die and be forgotten, eventually, including yourself. Everything that has meaning to you has an expiration date, and a lot of people have trouble accepting that. So they hold on to illogical fairy tales of eternal life in paradise to deal with the existential dread.
The Tex Mechanica guns are my favorite. Especially Cayde’s revolver, Ace of Spades. The clockwork sounds and the holster and ready animations where you twirl it… very satisfying.
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