I really like the holographic theory but again that’s a theory which gives us answers, but then opens up a bunch more questions. The point of my comment was about as long as we have these fundamental questions about reality, we will have religion. I wasn’t trying to say god did it.
Nowadays it’s allowed only for users with >4 week old accounts. It’s not perfect, but having this barrier to entry will hopefully prevent at least some problems.
koboldcpp works fairly well. There’s lots of different models to try and the choice depends a fair bit on your computer specs and what you wanna do with it. github.com/LostRuins/koboldcpp
As a former Catholic, I can say at least personally, religion did not make me feel good. It made me feel like many thoughts and feelings I had made me a bad person. It made me smug and judgemental.
They see reality as too dismal. With faith comes hope. Uncle Roy didn’t die and leave all of his children to suffer. He was called to heaven and God will look after them. You’re not trapped in your dead end job because of lack of aptitude or opportunity or generational life choices, It’s God’s willing if you just pray a little harder and donate a little more to the church everything will come together, and if it doesn’t, The Bible says something about not needing worldly possessions right?
Regardless of you feel about them, website operators must abide by them in most jurisdictions. And therefore it would be naive for Lemmy’s developers to not at least consider this issue.
ToonStruck, remastered, or the shelved sequel ressurected. I’d like Burst to (exist again and) handle the development because they did a fantastic job the first time around!
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