You have a Circle-of-Concern: all the things you attach your awareness on,
and you also have a Circle-of-Influence: all the things you actually can alter.
Since the bigger your Circle-of-Concern, the LESS life-energy you have for your Circle-of-Influence, therefore you need to deliberately reduce your Circle-of-Concern, in order to expand your Circle-of-influence.
That’s it: it’s that simple.
Deny awareness-vampire processes your lifeblood.
Own your own self, more, & use that self-owning in order to make your portion of the world more-healthy.
Just because mass-media did all it could to make one boundaryless, helplessly stuck in consuming-trance, bedazzled & led-along like steers the industry is bringing into the abbatoir, doesn’t mean that you or I agreed to our lives doing/being only that, does it?
We never agreed.
It is our right to break the “agreement” that our childhoods were signed-into, before we could do any considered-reasoning.
Either we have the guts & gall to do it, or our-lives are consumed by the “machine” that exists only for sake of its own transient profit-sensations.
Giving up isn’t so bad, but for myself I limit how much social media and news I consume and do my best to plan life ahead for any upcoming tragedies when I do get my periodic doses.
Not much we can do about the truly terrible things happening, but we can make existence a little less shitty around ourselves.
You and I are not the center of the universe, it’s okay to just exist.
The United States has been overthrowing democratically elected governments for a hundred years. The CIA has exported terrorism, trained gorilla soldiers to terrorize and torture civilians, and promoted fascism over democracy. ……/United_States_involvement_in_reg…
We have a war on drugs that is really a war on people, an excuse to target people of color. We have a for profit prison system run by private corporations that lobby politicians in what is effectively legal bribery. Our entire economic system, capitalism, allows those with wealth to exploit those without, and to use their power and money to “lobby” politicians. People are never going to get a fair shake.
Edit: The US has amazing people and so much potential to survive and overcome our problems, but there’s a darkness that motivates people in power, maybe it’s fear of communism or fear of powerlessness, idk
I think the US would be better off to finally have a president who is one of them. Meaning not rich or famous. Just a regular working class person who isn’t well connected.
Seems like every president is rich, well connected, famous or totally bought off and they all end up running the country basically the same way. The only thing that ever changes is the surface level Idpol/who they pander to.
There are very active communities on Reddit for magical/sacred plants and even some for selling/trading them. I mostly collect San Pedro cacti among a few others and would love an active community like that here.
Appreciate the comment, another commenter mentioned parasitic fly. And to me it looks exactly like the butt end of a botfly larvae, and the shape under the skin seems to match too. Does your wife have any experience with that or think this could potentially be the culprit? Gonna try smothering with something unbreathable as soon as I can either way.
armchair speculations: have you watched any videos of botflies? they are responsive to stimulation and will retreat inside when touched. if your puppers fleshy bit is inactive, i’d wager some kind of sebum growth.
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