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Bye, in Why do people not understand that you can agree with one thing someone said or did while disagreeing with the majority of what they stand for?

It’s because we live in an age where people use the tactic of “well I just like this one thing he said” as a gateway to awful shit.

Lafari, (edited )

Yeah I understand, and that does probably happen a lot. But we also seem to live in an age where we assume the worst of people… so even though it’s possible to partly agree with someone while genuinely condemning other aspects of that person, people are somehow certain that others are using that as a gateway to awful shit, as you say. (Not talking about you, of course.)


It’s not about assuming the worst, it’s more about being skeptical toward anonymous people on the Internet you don’t know, which I think is healthy.

The problem with JP is that even if you agree with one of his positions, he has almost certainly arrived to that opinion through his other terrible assumptions. By sharing his take, you’re not just sharing the opinion you happen to agree with, you’re sharing the underlying worldview he uses to justify it.

If you really do care about people assuming your support for him, you should use your own supporting arguments for the opinion you’re sharing instead of shoehorning his in.

hedge_lord, in What is Something Scientific that you just don't believe in at all?

The moon not being made of cheese. The moon is in fact made of cheese. I do not care how much a bunch of nerds insist that it is not made of cheese. I am objectively correct about this and anyone who disagrees is wrong.


If the moon was made of spare ribs, would you eat it? I would. It’d be delicious!


And wash it down with a tall, cool Budweiser.


Budweiser is watery, go for a proper German lager.


I’m just continuing the bit (badly, admittedly, since I didn’t get the exact quote right). That’s the next thing the character says, more or less, though. In case you don’t realize, all this stuff about the moon being made of spare ribs is a bit from Saturday Night Live.


I call on the FDA, USDA, or whatever agency to use their power to add lunar regolith and all otger moon constituents to the accepted definition of cheese. I also suggest all other countries to just take our word for it since only us and the nazis have set foot on the moon and who are you going to trust? Us or the nazis?

Octopus1348, avatar


I’m dying 💀

maegul, in Does "Rock music is evil / of the devil" have racist roots? avatar

Bob Dylan certainly thinks so:…/like-it-is-bob-dylan-explains-what-r…

His take is that Rock n Roll was bringing white and black people together and so the establishment sought to shut it down.

Bizarroland, in What groups you are unwillingly associated with? How you handle it? avatar

I'm frequently accused of being a white person by people who are looking directly at me and seeing my tan skin and my shoulder blade length dark brown hair.

And I don't really know what to say. Like, thank you for letting me enjoy the white privilege card, but it doesn't really do me any favors because in most areas the native American privilege card outweighs the white privilege card.

On the other hand, I am occasionally accused of being a Mexican even though I'm 6 ft 1 and speak very fluent English without a identifiable accent.

And old people have handed me things written in Spanish and asked me to translate it for them because it's my native language and it's fucking not, but then, since I can usually figure out what written Spanish means I still tell them the answer but I feel weird about it and I don't want to be made to feel that way.


without an identifiable accent

so… like Borat?

Bizarroland, avatar

Yez, iz very nice


Im like 94% percent mexican, but im 5’10” and speak fluent english with arguably the most neutral english accent, and speak next to no spanish (just a bit i learned in highschool)

People always assuming i speak spanish…

shalafi, (edited )

Went to my regular Mexican place the other day and the waiter starts rattling off Spanish to my wife. My wife is Pilipino.

She didn’t know what was going on and replied with the handful of words she knows. I was LMAO internally.

Riven, avatar

I find the simarities between the Phillipines and Mexico pretty interesting. I guess being fucked by the Spaniards will do that to cultures.


Like what? I’ve barely known any Mexicans and am just now learning about Filipinos. Great cultures in either case.

Riven, avatar

We have a fair bit of shared last names and words.


I do hear a good bit of Spanish when my wife is speaking Tagalog. Don’t know why I found that surprising. And yes, both her maiden and middle names are Spanish.

Funny how people expect them to have “foreign” names. Nah. It’s all, Amy and Rob and Antonio and Phillip and such.


outweighs the white privilege card

What benefit outweighs never having to think about race or be impacted by it?


Strange how you’re getting downvoted and mocked, but nobody seems to have an answer. I too am rather curious where in the actual fuck being considered native-American outweighs white privilege! On a reservation?

(I’m not sure if I have to clarify, as this isn’t Reddit, but here goes: I do NOT agree with the current state of race relations and abhor the fact that “being white” is considered the best.)


Fucking racesplaining, lol.


It’s cool if you don’t have an answer. I’ll just remain curious.


Bro what are you on about nobody else knows what you’re saying

Witchfire, avatar

I also get accused of it and my skin is tan. I was born in a Latin American country, I can speak Spanish, I can cook Hispanic dishes. Idk what to tell you.

theKalash, in What is your unpopular flim opinion

That “The Man from Earth (2007)” is the best movies there is. I recommend it to people all the time but no one seems to realise how profoundly interesting it is. And it doesn’t need any scenery or special effects. It’s literally just conversation and dramatic music, tuned to perfectly tell a story that touches on many philosophical questions. I just love that film.


A lot of commenters agreeing and recommending this, so I’ll probably look it up. That said, a movie where it’s just talking with music, seems pretty obvious why most people avoid it.

SteefLem, avatar

Ah pfew im not the only one…. The sequel (yeah theres a sequel) is shit tho.

theKalash, (edited )

There is no sequel in ba sing se … wait … different show.


Many a sequel is lost in Lake Laogai


This is an incredible film! Forgot about it.

Rhaedas, avatar

Way too many good movies to have a single best, but that one is one of my favorites certainly. If I recommend it to someone I avoid any spoiling of the twist because it was so great when it happened. It might be obvious before that point for some, it came from left field for me.

And while I heard the sequel wasn't all that great, I felt that even if a sequel could be good it was totally unneeded. It'd be like trying to make a second Highlander movie, if one could even imagine that.


Thank you! I caught that movie on TV years ago and never knew the name.


I agree, and i think everyone i know that has seen it does so too. You should check out the one where they hop into a tent to travel through time(primer 2004) , it has a similar ‘production value’ vs ‘delivering plot’ ratio!

agamemnonymous, avatar

Primer and The Man from Earth are two of my all time favorite films. Production value is nice and all, but an interesting idea explored well wins every time for me.


If you liked those two, I recommend Coherence. Low budget but great execution imo.


I just watched it, solely from your comment.

I really enjoyed that movie! Thank you.


I’ve seen this movie many times and introduced many to it. It’s one of those movies that sticks with you. I think about it a lot, I find, drawing parallels to it all the time.


I’ve watched the film and it’s nothing more than okay. It’s reduced to the point of being bland. The good script can’t carry everything else that is mediocre at best.

ElcaineVolta, in Why is *all* of Lemmy filled with Anti Israel content? avatar

you wish fewer people were horrified and outraged over active genocide?

Fitik, avatar

Even if genocide happens as you say, I don't see any attention to other genocides in the world on there, only to this specific war

Seraph, avatar

This is a logical fallacy. For example just because the Uighur issue receives less present attention (because it's not NEW) doesn't make the latest attempt at genocide more acceptable.


We’re not sure how much is real and how much is Western propaganda. It’s not like our own nations don’t lie to us.

Fitik, avatar

Western propoganda? I'm surprised you're on kbin and not on lemmygrad


You’re so aware! /s because it’s needed. WMD and Iraq. Gulf of Tonkin. Plenty more.


Because it’s the most recent world event. Were you not seeing constant discussions about Russia/Ukraine when that first started?

Fitik, avatar

Lemmy wasn't as popular back and even tho it had it's share of users, I wasn't on it, so I can't really say how it was on Lemmy

I have seen discussions about Russia-Ukrainian but I haven't seen them at all outside of the political communities on Lemmy, and they seem limited to certain communities.

And is it the most recent world event?

Cylusthevirus, avatar

Nobody ever mentions Africa is what's weird to me.


There’s a very dark joke in the international community.

How do you move an article about 50k people being killed in a natural disaster from the front page to page 15?

Start the article with “Yesterday in Africa…”


People in the US are concerned about this genocide because we’re paying for it. The US sends Israel billions of dollars every year. This is our tax dollars at work.

MagneticFusion, in What Linux distro should I choose?

If this is your first time using Linux, just use Linux Mint. Stable, popular, good package support, etc. Once u feel more ready you can dip your hands in other distros.

pugsnroses77, in How many tabs do you have open?

my firefox app gave up counting and just shows an infinity symbol :(


That’s all I ever see on my wife’s phone in Chrome. Just a smiley face. Personally it bugs the shit out of me. I close any unwanted tabs.

kratoz29, avatar

phone in Chrome

I was so confused when I saw that face in my parents phones, I thought it was some kind of easter egg, well, maybe it actually is.


hey I saw that as well on my wife’s chrome on phone, it’s really scary


chrome don’t have a way to automaticly close tabs like firefox?


Not that I know of

ctag, avatar

That’s… kinda scary. How much RAM do you have?


Doesn't matter that much if they're unloaded.

TonyTonyChopper, avatar

take notes Chrome

kratoz29, avatar

Chrome in Android behaves very similar to Firefox, perhaps a bit more aggressive due to being a system app.

Firefox in macOS keeps all my tabs open, and that is a huge perk for me, Safari would just randomly unload them because of high resource usage crap, like dude, I have 16 GBs or RAM, let me hoard enjoy it.

Pyr_Pressure, in How do you discourage a dog from biting while playing?

Stop playing as soon as it happens. Wait 10-15 mins before going again.


To add onto this use reinforcing language. Soon they’ll start to react to the word so you will continue playing.

Kolanaki, in How would you go about a low maintenance personal website today? avatar

Plain-ass HTML with nothing but text.

Valmond, (edited )

Went down that road

Edit: I know how to put a link and a description, it’s square brackets and parentheses, plus the link and the text. It’s always the eight try that’s the right one.

kalkulat, avatar

Text’s good. But I like a good, carefully-chosen image now and then. Sets the mood, illustrates some aspect of the topic, adds some flavor.

liv, avatar

This and put it on neocities.


Yep, I mainly used Deviantart as a quick way to move photos from home to external computers to quickly show them to others.

I have used Deviantart for 20 years or so, but this year, I got pissed off for the last time, it is just so slow, it takes ages to browse a gallery.

So I spent a few days building a menu in HTML and CSS that has a few simple effects, and importantly is easy to update, I then uploaded that to a personal webhost, and started creating HTML galleries with digiKam, uploading them there, and updating the menu.

I want to preserve my privacy, so I won’t link the site here, but if others are interested, I should be able to share the code of the menu system.




I doubt that I could have built a menu like I did in Geocities or even in CSS at that time.

Mr_Blott, in What are Lemmy's unwritten rules?

If a post from the Linux communities pops up on your feed, it is your duty as a Windows user to comment “wELL I dOn’t HavE tHAt prOBleM bECauSE I uSe wINdOws” to stop Linux users commenting the opposite on every fucking thread about Windows

kalkulat, (edited ) avatar

But whatever they do they should not use the word it’s in their comment, or else we see something like itAಠ€’s … and thattAಠ€’s harder to read.


LolA%€d at that

grue, in Is public transport in the USA owned by car makers?

If I understand correctly, the old streetcar companies weren’t “privatized” (i.e. government-owned assets that were sold off); they were for-profit companies to begin with.

Aside from that quibble, it was true, but then the “willfully left to rot” part kicked in and those transit subsidiaries went bankrupt and ceased to exist. Any rail transit that exists today is either a system that got saved from GM’s plot by being bought by the government (e.g. New York’s subway system), or a government-run system founded more recently (e.g. Washington DC’s subway system).

Davel23, in Can licking an iron bar get you the daily recommended amount of iron?

I saw someone do a demonstration once, they took a box of "iron-fortified" breakfast cereal, dumped it into a bowl, then ran a magnet through it. The magnet picked up some of the dust from the bottom of the bowl, that dust being the tiny iron particles that were added to the cereal to "fortify" it.

ech, (edited )

I’m not sure why you’re putting those words in quotes as if they’re incorrect.


put the ‘‘words’’ in quotes because in context it’s definitely ‘‘absurd bullshit’’ and this is how i know that key on my keyboard doesn’t work i have to use a different key so thanks

urist, avatar

Grammar is just “rules” and “rules” were invented by “humans”. You can put “quotations” around whatever you “want”, nobody can “stop” you.

Be the “absurd bullshit” you want to see in the world! Breakfast cereal “is” a scam!


Tiny amounts of iron distributed throughout a piece of cereal don’t have enough of a magnetic charge to lift the weight of a piece of cereal. Pieces of cereal dust with higher concentrations of iron very much could. Those results aren’t especially surprising

ech, (edited )

How is it “absurd bullshit”? Do you think it’s somehow a different element? At worst, it’s as bullshit as any other vitamin supplement, in that it’s technically helpful, but just far more than your body can make use of.


I’ve watched the video in question.
That guy is just a dumb dick


I put them in quotes as the word has no objective meaning as applied to a breakfast cereal, it's simply a marketing term. I did not intend to imply that ingested iron particles are not a valid source of iron for human biology.


Fair enough. Personally I don’t think the words are an issue. It’s not medically applicable, but it’s just cereal, so shrug

Hedgehawk, in Would you choose invisibility or teleportation?

Teleportation. There’s the obvious advantges like no commute. The biggest, however, is that I would just feel so much safer (as a woman). Dodgy situation? Just teleport away.

slazer2au, in Do you have a mantra that keeps you going through tough times?

Me: This too shall pass

My circumstances: YOU SHALL NOT PASS


And it’s true. We don’t survive the trials of life we just molt into the next version of ourselves.

If a certain transformation is going un-completed because it feels like death, it can be helpful to recognize that it is death. That’s no illusion.

To truly live life to the fullest, one has to sacrifice their self to a future person again and again and again. When you finally get there, it won’t be as the person you are now.


I tried sacrificing myself to a future person once. But the future person had the same feelings, interests, and shortcomings. Then the future person realized herself as being no better than the person who sacrificed herself to her.


Like a kidney stone

BigBootyBoy, avatar

IRS agent: You have thousands of dollars of overdue taxes

Me: This too shall pass


Reminds me of Louis CK’s joke about suicide.

You get a letter from the DMV: “You have to appear at such and such …”

“No I don’t”


With enough time it will.

Source: my wife works for a tax authority


This has been my motto for years but now I have incurable cancer in the brain so I’m looking for a new one…


Will happen. Happening. Happened.


So what is it that you intend to do before you lose the capacity to do things?


All the things.

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