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snaprails, in What's the best music streaming service? avatar

None of them. Buy music, don’t rent access to it.

milkytoast, avatar

that would be so expensive no? to buy thousands of songs? and I'd have to buy an album/ track to listen, what if I don't end up liking it?

meekah, avatar

Most artists put their stuff up on YouTube anyways so you can give it a listen before you decide to buy. And I think buying each track makes you appreciate the music more but also makes you more critical because you want to get your money’s worth.

Regarding it being expensive, considering that with the money you spend on Spotify you can buy an album each month, I don’t think it’s too bad

milkytoast, avatar

I listen to way more than an album a month. and I only pay ~$3 a month for spotify, I don't think that buys an album. I'm all for buying music, that's why I'll occasionally buy a vinyl of an album I absolutely love

meekah, avatar

guess what, over time your library gets bigger :)

I was assuming USD 10 like most people pay.


Where do you buy albums for $10?!?

I also, and I can’t speak for everyone, like to listen to a wide variety of music. If I bought these magic $10 albums, once a month since 2006 (spotify’s founding) I would still only have 216 albums, which is nowhere near enough.


Yeah I have over a thousand songs in my Spotify playlist and I’m constantly searching for and adding new music.


eBay….have two coming for sub $5


I didn’t even know ebay was still a thing!

Though, if the point of paying for music is to compensate the artist, ebay kind of avoids that unless they do direct sales now?


Q: where do you buy albums sub $10 A: eBay

However I’m buying old shit so this is my current vector acquiring music.


Bandcamp, qobuz, bleep, Beatport, theres a number of options out there to pick up cheap digital music. And then you also have the aforementioned eBay and discogs etc. Which, true, is second hand. But even splitting the amount the artist makes from that physical release between you and the person who previously bought it, they are still making way more from you than they would from just your streams.

And sure, 216 albums doesn’t seem like much. But they’d be all yours. Nobody could take them from you (well, besides if you got physically robbed I guess). There’s a bunch of stuff that has disappeared off of there. Big Black, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, Joanna Newsom, off the top of my head. You also have artists that have never been on there, Tatsuro Yamashita comes to mind. It also used to be a real problem with artists like Tool, The Beatles, AC/DC just not being there at all too. Then there’s other times where I’ve been playing albums, and tracks are just straight up missing (I presume due to licensing issues). I remember being royally annoyed with A Cross The Universe missing a bunch of tracks ages ago, and it used to happen frequently enough with other releases that it made an impression. Plus all the classic hip-hop that is missing cos of sample clearance issues. And heaven forbid if you wanna listen to classical music, or traditional music from around the world, it’s as if Spotify has never heard of the genre (both genres are represented, but it’s such a poor showing that they would’ve done better if there was just none at all). And I understand that this isn’t all on Spotify, but I’ve never had any of those issues with my personal collection.

Is it perfect? No. Does it reward the artist fairly? Undoubtedly. Would I take it over Spotify? Every day of the year for the rest of my life.

Dozzi92, avatar

Do both. Spotify to gain access, buying it to maintain access in perpetuity. I have about 60 or so vinyl albums that I would like my kids to hear in 10 years or so, and I’m hopeful they’ll say hey vinyl, cool (it won’t happen). But at the end of the day, I’ve picked out a number of albums that I want to carry into the future with me, and some of those I discovered through my Spotify subscription.

kratoz29, avatar

Please be realistic, who does that in this day and age?

I only know two sides (in the bigger scheme) people who rent it and people who pirate it.

In all kinds of tech media that exists the disc music are the ones that amazes me the most because they still have their spot in certain stores.


Heaps of people still buy music, sales still account for around half of music revenue.


I do have a few friends who love collecting vinyl. They’re reasonably established in their careers, really seem to love rooting around record shops whenever we travel and have amazing collections that take up a chunk of their living space…

But basically, I agree with you. Those collector friends are definitely the very rare exceptions.


I buy all my mysic on iTunes, and have done so for a long time, it makes my music library more focused and I have no worry if loosing access if I can’t pay rent.


buy …. iTunes

You are in for a surprise, you don’t own any of that music just so you know. You “rent it from Apple”

snaprails, avatar

In what way? There’s no DRM. It’s not tied to an apple account. Music I’ve downloaded from iTunes now resides on non-apple kit same as that from Bandcamp, 7digital, etc. Hell some of its even on CDs for when I still had a player in the car, now the car has a USB stick.




To be pedantic, there was DRM on music purchased on iTunes prior to 2009. Was a bit of a ballache converting that back in the day. Could’ve been worse though, I do like to buy most of my music physically so I didn’t have to convert too much of my collection (still a ballache though cos it was still way more files than I wanted to convert).


Considering I can get the files without DRM from iTunes, I don’t understand what you are talking about.

However, thank you for reminding me that I need to do so.



RecursiveParadox, avatar

Not going to downvote you since I use iTunes for streaming, but when they changed their policy a few years ago about DRM, they fucking deleted about 20 songs I wrote and recorded solo or with my bands. My friends had backups, but man that sucked. So beware, I suppose.

StorminNorman, (edited )

Wait, what? That seems odd. They’ve deleted music videos from my account (which I had the files for, and the videos in question were also pulled from YouTube etc by the band, so I don’t think it’s apple’s fault they were pulled), but I still have all the music I’ve made myself. I do back it up every 2 or 3 months (I would cry for the rest of my life if I lost it, I have nearly 2yrs of continuous music), but I’ve never had to restore it (and this has reinforced why I do back up).

Edit: looked it up, I see the issue now. I don’t use Apple music, and every instance I can find of this happening is associated with ceasing that subscription. But I just use iTunes and the iTunes store. Dunno how this would work for you since it’s your own music (and I dunno if it’d work for music not in the iTunes catalogue, ie stuff from Bandcamp, qobuz, cough cough less than legal methods, etc), but it would appear all you have to do is log in to your account again and re-download the deleted files.

Second edit: just realised I have lost some actual music from my account. The series of live albums that iTunes directly released from the iTunes festivals they ran like 15yrs ago just came to mind. They’re gone from my account. And probably a bunch of others. They were never deleted from my hard drive though.


Had half a dozen CDs arrive from eBay in the last month. CDs are the shit.


I pirate music, but I also purchase most things I end up enjoying as long as it’s reasonably available

uriel238, avatar

If you’re talking about artists under labels, the real way to support them is go to their shows. They get very few proceeds from music purchases.


Shut the fuck up Ticketmaster

uriel238, avatar

Go to a small venue and sneak in. Give them a $20 in their tip jar. Buy their expensive official tee shirt.

If they’re big enough to run fans through ticketmaster, they’re not going to go hungry if you pirate and just introduce friends to their music.

Kolanaki, (edited ) avatar

Unless the artist self published it, even buying physical media doesn’t give the actual artist much. If you want to support the actual artist, you go to live shows (with tickets bought at the door and not through Ticketmaster) as well as buying the merch they sell at those events. More of those sales go to the bands. Sometimes even 100% of it.

justlookingfordragon, in what is a parental advice you wish you could give to your father/mother before they had you? avatar

Just break up already. Creating a tiny extra human is not going to magically fix all of your issues.

… of course that would create a paradox in which I was never born, hence not able to give her that advice … but seriously, the only reason I exist is because my mother didn’t want my dad to leave her, which is simply a shitty reason to become pregnant.

halloween_spookster, in What are some small things we should change about the human body?
  • Separate holes for eating and breathing
  • Separate sewage system from entertainment complex
  • Remove mental health disorders
  • Improved empathy

Good day, are you talking about urine sewage system and/or anal intercourse?


How about a system which fully harvests nutrients, then compresses waste into smooth, solid, compact, sterile pellets which leave no residue and don’t smell bad?


Monkey’s Paw: they push out from under your eyelids

serial_crusher, avatar

i think that’s the core issue. Whatever kind of sewage system you have is going to be a source of entertainment for some people


Well, one can hardly argue with that, kind sir.


I disagree - one hole for everything. Just imagine how many less medical clinics you need to go to.

Yes, I’m American.

fury, in What are some small things we should change about the human body?

No more biting down on my tongue or cheeks when eating. Most annoying glitch ever.

Bakachu, (edited )

Omg yes this absolutely. I eat to nourish myself and survive and am punished randomly by self-inflicted mouth wound that lasts for days/weeks => evolutionary failure at its finest.

Insult to injury when the food is actually something healthy like a salad instead of fries.

wabafee, (edited ) in What are some tech predictions for 2024 that actually could happen? avatar

Here are some things I think will happen.

Nueralink first implanted to a human. Likely the first person gets killed also probably due to complications.

Increase lifespan of pig heart implants to humans.

Introduction of autonomous drones that are allowed to make decisions who to kill, I predict it’s going to be tested in Ukraine.

We start to see more widespread effects of LLM in general in our society, lost of jobs, and so on.

Release of Windows 12, possibly backtracks Windows 11 decision of requiring TPM.


Release of Windows 12, possibly backtracks Windows 11 decision of requiring TPM.

I hope so, I built my own PC less than 4 years ago and it can’t run windows 11. I don’t care that much at the moment because I’m not a fan of some of the UI choices (and I only use Windows for gaming anyways) but once support is dropped for Windows 10 I’ll need options.


Is the TPM requirement the only one holding your PC back from installing it officially? There’s workarounds to that


There’s always Linux.


Oh of course, Linux is my everyday machine (I have 2 separate hard drives in my tower). I just haven’t taken the time to figure out Steam yet, and there are some pieces of work software that either work like shit on Linux or aren’t available at all (yes, I know Wine is a thing but it’s not perfect)


Work is what keeps me away from Linux. That and games. I know things have gotten a lot better for gaming on Linux and that’s great, it’s still limiting, quite bluntly. The games I want to play are not all available on Linux, and some have been more or less abandoned, so they may never work on Linux properly.

Work is the worst offender, since a lot of “business productivity” software seems to require Windows, since nobody in business runs anything other than Windows… Except if you’re running web services, then it’s usually Linux… Almost every app has a “cloud” component now that relies on something running Linux… But you can’t get the client software for Linux because fffffffuuuuuuuuuuu

MahnaMahna, (edited )

Ugh, I feel you on the work thing. We use the Microsoft suite and although technically there are online versions of the software, it’s fucking terrible compared to the desktop version, especially Teams (and sometimes I just flat out can’t get Teams to work in the browser since it doesn’t play nice with Firefox). And no, I can’t just use Libre Office because it will fuck up any previous formatting of word docs, or in the case of Excel there will be functions that aren’t supported.

I’ve just accepted that I need to be my own IT support for anything Linux in most day to day applications. Calling or emailing customer service inevitably gets me the answer that Linux is not supported.


Yep, then all the specialty application that are made, especially for peripherals like scanners… Forget about it.

You might be able to get it to function at a basic level, but all the settings and customizable features are not going to exist, and you will also be up a creek workout a paddle if you need support, as you’ve correctly noted.

Linux is a wonderful operating system, and it does what it does very well. The fact is, all the business desktop application software companies stick to Windows because that’s what most people have, and most stay with Windows because business app developers don’t support anything else. The only time I’ve known of any users who had something different, it was almost always a Mac, and they always had parallels or some similar windows virtualization software installed because even their mac isn’t supported.

It still caused issues, but it mostly worked at least.


while that is true, i can’t recommend it to my “normie” friends yet. apart from me still dailying Win10

GladiusB, avatar

Cinnamon Lime. Works great.

Interstellar_1, avatar


GladiusB, avatar

Sorry. Yea. I don’t know why I thought Mint was Lime lol


You can install win11 on older hardware. Even update win10 to win11 from older hardware. It is just a matter of disabling the right settings.

For a fresh install, use Rufus to create the bootable usb.

An update install is a bit trickier, but you can check the following article:…/how-to-install-windows-11-on-o…


Why is nobody else recommending buying a TPM? They don’t seem that expensive.


Release of Windows 12, possibly backtracks Windows 11 decision of requiring TPM.

Not going to happen. Microsoft makes a lot of money few bucks by locking windows keys to the motherboard.

some_guy, in The transition from the holiday season back to the normal drudgery is so depressing. Is there any way to make Jan / Feb less depressing?

We’re past the winter solstice. Take note of the sun setting a bit earlier each day. That always gives me a boost because I can look at my phone and see that condition improving. Good luck!


You mean setting later each day?

It’s getting lighter in the evenings already!


Ha! Dumbass mistyping. Thanks, you’re right.


That makes sense. I was like “fucking vampires!”

solitaire, (edited ) in What gifts that you received for Christmas this year are already in the trash? avatar

My neighbour gave me a TV. To be precise, he rushed it to me unannounced at the exact moment I was leaving to go to a party. I accepted as quickly as I could in an effort to still make my train.

It turns out it’s about 15 years old and I have no use for it. He’s a lovely man but I intend to post it as free to a good home then drop it at an e-recycling station if nobody is interested.


Is it a CRT? Big giant tube tv? They can fetch decent prices.

anon6789, (edited ) in WTF species of spider is this avatar

Google Lens says Jewel Spider / Christmas Spider

Looks right, lives in Australia, and only one of its genus.

They are facultatively gregarious, and can be found in large aggregations of overlapping orb webs.

Sounds like what you got there!


How festive!

damnthefilibuster, in How to stop eating junk food?
  1. Stop buying it. Starve yourself of it by just not having it around.
  2. Keep a tall glass or bottle of warm water with you when you’re junking on content. Keep sipping it. Slowly. Over time you’ll finish the bottle and get up to pee. That’s there number 3 comes in.
  3. Recognize another harmful pattern here. Is your approach to watching content affecting your mood or causing you to spiral into junk food addiction? Maybe cut down on the YouTube videos. Or if you enjoy them a lot, combine them with some other activity you can do with your hands - drawing, writing, lifting weights, anything. Basically understand that your hands are idle while your brain is engaged and that’s causing you to reach for that packet of food.
  4. Recognize that junk food is an addiction. Deal with it as you would an alcohol or nicotine addiction. You can go cold turkey or taper down. But you have to commit. You have to hold yourself accountable. But do not let yourself get bogged down by failure. Addiction is difficult to deal with. Deal with it anyway.

I find your third point interesting. I read something a while back that suggested some cigarette smokers got started or hooked because of a compulsive need to have hands and/or mouth preoccupied, particularly in stressful situations. I think it was called something like digital-oral fixation? Anyways, I wonder if that’s one of the reasons behind constant snacking. Maybe a stress response paired with a compulsive disorder…

IgnisAvem, avatar

It’s actually incredibly common. Think about all the people who bite on the end of their pen or always have a drink (like a water bottle or coffee) to hand

ThatWeirdGuy1001, in So, who or what ruined Christmas this year? avatar

Working in food/retail has completely destroyed all holiday spirit for me entirely.

It doesn’t matter the holiday. Holidays just mean my job gets harder with no extra compensation. The customers are more hostile and aggressive and it’s just an overall shitty time.

And it happens multiple times a year


I don’t love that this happens, but because I was in those trenches for many years I like to make my holiday shopping trips as pleasant as possible for the retail workers. I’ll try to take up as much time with them as I can just shooting the shit and helping them relax a little or giving them knowing looks whenever some asshole engages them.

It’s like on-the-job therapy.

Soppai, in So, who or what ruined Christmas this year? avatar



hope you will feel better soon!

devious, in What are your best air fryer/oven recipes?

Brussels sprouts in the airfryer are amazing - but pretty much any vegetables go well, are quick, easy and healthy. If healthy is not your thing, anything in the frozen aisle (chips, hash browns, onion rings, chicken nuggets and fish fingers, etc) are also incredibly easy and always work.


I’ll second this. Try veggies, esp. brussels sprouts for sure. A little salt and pepper is all you need when they’re roasted properly.

Then if you think you can safely live with the knowledge that you can make fast food restaurant onion rings at home, try that next. It’s kinda amazing.

shyguyblue, in What's your automatic vacuum's name?

Clean Latifah

BleatingZombie, in Those who chose "never" in a "now or never" moment. How is it going for you?

“Now or never” is almost never a good deal. Avoid it like the plague


When COVID hit I had a now or never moment and took the now. I took it a couple times actually. Got me a real career in a new province out of the deal so I figure I ended up for the better. Sometimes the choice is obvious like it was for me and you need to jump on that shit before you never get another chance.


Same, though I didn’t realize it was now or never at the time. April 2020 I started the process of buying a house. Asked friends and family if I should wait to see what happened with Covid. They all said wait. I didn’t. Another couple of months later and I would still be renting. I’m so glad I jumped.


Getting g a mortgage just before the rates started skyrocketing seems to have been a good choice.

Hopefully you are locked in for long enough that the rates can return to some sort of sane level before you need to renew.

darganon, in What's a proper response to another dog attempting to mount your dog multiple times and the owner really not doing anything about it?

Keep your dog away from their dog.

BackOnMyBS, avatar

Are you suggesting that I leave the dog park because their dog is not neutered and they wont control their dog’s behavior?


You can talk to them, which it seems like you tried and it didn’t convince them to do something, or you can leave. Are there other viable options?


Pistols at dawn.


Oh god, I haven’t felt the urge to make a hamilton reference as strongly as I do in this moment since high school. WhatdoIdo??

breathes deeply Sorry about that, the inner theater kid gets out of hand from time to time. The situation is under control now.


So you threw away your shot?


He could grow some balls and remove the other dog from his dog and then explain to the other dog’s owner why he’s an asshole and needs to leave

Montagge, avatar

If this is in America that's a good way to get shot


Physically restraining the problematic dog.


Either that or talk to other owners at the park about collectively shunning the problematic owner. It sounds harsh but I’ve seen this work and it’s preferable to giving up a beloved community hangout just because of one asshole.


My goodness me.

“Talk to all the other people at the park and turn them against one other person in order to avoid an awkward conversation with said person”.

If someone at the park told me to avoid some other person because their dog is a humper I world tell them to grow up.

bionicjoey, (edited )

I’m assuming OP has already asked the problem owner to stop and they are refusing to control their dog properly. Obviously talking to them comes first.


You could take photos of the dog humping your dog and make posters & flyers warning everyone.

Better yet, you could post to your local “mother’s chat” Facebook group and let them resolve it


If your dog isn’t spayed a dog park IS a pretty sketchy place for her to be


OP’s dog may be spayed, unneutered male dogs will hump anything.


Sure, in which case I guess it’s just annoying? My dog will usually bark or snap at dogs that try to mount her, if you are at the dog park that behavior will happen regardless, spayed female dogs hump as well as males who are both neutered and not 🤷‍♀️

Wahots, avatar

Would feel pretty horrifying if it were humans in the dog’s place. I’d either tell the owner to get their dog to knock it off or find a new park with better trained dogs (and owners). :P


Literally if you can’t handle the dog park don’t go there. This is pretty much why we don’t go the the dog park when it is crowded as well.

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