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squirrel, in People that went to high schools with 3 or more floors, did you think that was a bit odd? avatar

Anything below 3 floors would be considered low school


Sigh, have an upvote.

NeoNachtwaechter, in What really popular movie or TV show have you never seen?

I have never seen the Truman show (only the movie about it)


Took me a second.

leraje, in Why in the year 2024 and with all the knowledge humans have now do people still believe in religion? avatar

Hopefully, a slightly different perspective here…

Religion is not interchangeable with theism. Many people, including me, are religious whilst also being atheists. Depending on the source, religion can be defined as a supernatural based idea (god/gods) or (the way I see it) more like Emile Durkheim saw it “a unified system of beliefs and practices […] which unite into one single moral community called a church, all those who adhere to them.”

So, for me, religion gives me a sense of community, support and a structure to guide me. It doesn’t rule me and I don’t have to worship or pray to a supernatural being that doesn’t exist. So in my (biased) view, I get the good bits of religion without the shitty awful bits such as telling everyone only my religion is right, telling everyone what to do based on what I think and generally being an arsehole.

Most people like some type of community because we are, at bottom, social creatures. My own religion allows me to be both individualistic and also part of a community and I think a lot of people feel that their religion gives them that sense of community. A more worrying aspect of religion is theistic religion - worship of a supernatural being/beings - because that is irrational, which is not in itself a concern, but when whole societies are controlled via theism then people suffer.


Can’t you just have a social club without having to bring god or morality into it?

leraje, avatar

That’s kind of my point. There is no god (or at least not one I believe in), my religion is an atheist based one. The morals that we have are our own, we don’t see them as anything other than that. I don’t want anyone to feel that I’m trying to evangelise or recruit here so I’m not going to go into details, but if you want to, follow the link to community I moderate thats in my profile and there are outgoing links on that community.


Are you satanist?

leraje, avatar


GrammatonCleric, in Can't we just start calling it "Formerly Twitter" instead? avatar

I still call it Twitter, because that’s what it is.

theneverfox, avatar

I still call Meta Facebook and alphabet Google… No one is confused, it’s only ambiguous if you start getting into logistics about business units

Twitter didn’t even reorganize, they just changed their name to something it feels dumb to say. It’s actually less ambiguous to call it Twitter, because X is a confusing trademark


Facebook is still Facebook and Google is still Google, though.

Musk didn’t create a parent company called X to manage the Twitter platform, he renamed the entire platform.

kratoz29, avatar

This is the only sane response.


When he stops deadnaming his daughter, maybe I’ll start to care about his attempted rebrand of Twitter

Dasnap, (edited ) in Why in the year 2024 and with all the knowledge humans have now do people still believe in religion? avatar

I find the prevalence of faith makes more sense if you think of it like a living organism. It only exists because it’s built to exist. If it didn’t, it would die.

That’s why faiths often have rules around birth control and sex out of wedlock. Kids often take the beliefs of their parents, so the religion has to keep ‘traditional’ families together to keep itself alive. It’s also why they threaten eternal damnation if you drop the faith or don’t try to force it on the people around you. A lot of this often isn’t the conscious effort of the members, it just kinda slowly crops up, like evolutionary mutations. Key word there being ‘often’, as I’m sure members of these religions have also figured this out but have used it to their own advantage.


That’s a meme. A belief that spreads and evolves in human minds.

Dasnap, (edited ) avatar

…So Jesus was a memelord?

key, in What prevents you from going to bed early? avatar

I don’t want to and have no reason to


I dunno how to/if you can follow people on Lemmy, but your comments and posts are hilarious. Cheers.

key, avatar


dingus, in If you had to restart your job at your current employer, what would you do differently?

I wouldn’t have befriended my one coworker so I wouldn’t be so upset when they left

jordanlund, avatar

Just because they left doesn’t mean you can’t still be friends!


It kind of does when they move across the country

jordanlund, avatar

That’s what the internet is for! :)


Idk…they aren’t chronically online like I am. They lead a very busy life and probably didn’t even like me much to begin with.

NeoNachtwaechter, in Why in the year 2024 and with all the knowledge humans have now do people still believe in religion?

‘Knowledge’ is still so very much overrated.


One thing only I know, and that is that I (meaning a thing, not necessarily what I observe as me) exist.

M500, in Why in the year 2024 and with all the knowledge humans have now do people still believe in religion?

Organized religion or religion in a spiritual sense? I do believe there is some higher power that created matter and the laws of physics. But I don’t believe they care or even know about us.

Riccosuave, (edited ) avatar

Do you believe this for any particular reason, or just because it is psychologically reassuring? I’m not trying to be a smartass, I’m honestly curious about your perspective.

I’ve watched about 1000 hours of the Atheist Experience, Aron Ra, Cosmic Skeptic, Christopher Hitchens, and just about every popular religious apologist you can think of too. I’ve never hear a single compelling argument for creationism (I know you are talking about creation in the more macro sense, I don’t think you’re a young earth creationist).

The only one I’ve ever seen that was even worth giving serious thought is the Kalam Cosmological Argument, which I find to be deeply flawed as well, it is simply the least bad argument. So my ultimate question to you would be this: If there is a “higher power” that created the universe as we know it, but that higher power is completely indistinguishable from the laws of nature as we observe them then why believe and why care?

M500, (edited )

Well I’m not opposed to the idea that we(the universe)were created by accident. Maybe we are a simulation, maybe I’m the creator of the universe and everything is just my brains imagination.

I don’t really know or put much thought into it, but I can’t just think. Matter was just there. Like the bug bag happened with nothing before it.

Like even the vacume of space is some thing.


So your claim is that tge universe had a beginning? To me, the universe having existed forever, and it starting to exist at some point with nothing, not even time before makes just as little sense.

Really, things existing at all makes little sense, it would make much more sense if nothing existed. But that is at odds with what I observe.

Lemjukes, in Why in the year 2024 and with all the knowledge humans have now do people still believe in religion?

Trying to understand emotion and faith with logic and reason is a fools errand.


It is likely to have biological and environmental factors. It ia very likely not impossible to understand.

RIP_Cheems, (edited ) in Why in the year 2024 and with all the knowledge humans have now do people still believe in religion? avatar

I’m gonna try to give an explanation using both science and religion. We don’t understand what gravity is. We know it pulls us to the ground, we know it exists, we know it’s what keeps everything stuck to the earth, but we don’t know what it really is or why it works, it just works. Physics aims not to explain gravity, but to define it. Now let’s look at, say, the Bible. It is stated in the Bible that God created life, the earth, and man in 6 days. Science isn’t sure how we got here, it just knows that we are here. Science aims to define the natural world and religion aims to explain the natural world.


Both science and religion try to answer the question ‘why’. Religion says ‘a God did it!’. Science says ‘I don’t know. Let’s observe our environment and see what theory could best explain what we see. If anyone later proves me wrong, I won’t be upset, I will be glad that I understand more.’

Olhonestjim, in What's some amazing technology they have in Japan that's very normal to them but would blow our minds here in the US and western world?

I would kill for their bidets everywhere.


If you like them, you can just buy one for your home. Expensive, but probably a better option than the murder you suggest.


Dude, bidet add-ons are like $40 that work great. I agree I wish it was more widespread though.


$40 for the basic ones. They still work great, (I have them on all my toilets at home!) but they definitely aren’t as flashy as the Japanese toilets. Self-cleaning seats, heated seats, heated water for the bidet, etc…


We have plenty of bidets here in the States, they just install them outside the bathrooms and they mount them kind of high so they’re kinda awkward to get a good clean angle, though.

Aceticon, (edited )

I’m in Portugal and bidets are standard in all home toilets around here.

And it’s not just here: the word itself - “bidet”- is actually French.

That said, they’re invariably plain and no-frills around here.


Next time out down the katana and just learn some Japanese. You can say:

Toire o tsukatte mo ii desu ka?

And they will just let you use the bidet

i_am_not_a_robot, in Anyone know what's happened to avatar

It was upgraded - it is up but looks like it isn’t if you were logged on previously. If you clear cookies it should work again.


I had the same coming through the Connect app - lots of API errors and not responding issues.

In classic style, logging out and logging in has fixed it!


This sorted it, thanks very much. I had tried it with both direct and alexandrite so i thought it something more serious than a simple cookie clear so didnt even try that


urgh, great. Thanks! I’ve not been able to get in for days but this sorted it. I assumed it was just another extended outage of that instance.

i_am_not_a_robot, avatar

Yeah, it’s a bit odd how it looks like it’s broken, it was working for me randomly and then I worked out I needed to clear cookies.

cashsky, in What is the best option to provide for people who are homeless in the cold?

You are a good human.

I have heard clean dry socks and shoes are a huge necessity since your extremities get cold the fastest, especially if it’s expected to snow or rain.


+1 I bought new shoes and decided to give my old ones away on the street. Wasn’t hard, met some nice and appreciative people. Just watch out for people that obviously aren’t your size, they’ll just resell


They’ll just resell

This isn’t necessarily true. A lot of encampments develop social roles, there’s often someone who can tend to wounds, someone who knows how to cook anything using a wide variety of heat sources, someone that keeps track of the individual needs of everyone else at the camp, someone who can cut hair, someone who collects stuff for distribution within the camp, etc.

In a lot of cases physical donations will end up at the camp and either be shared when possible or redistributed to a specific person that can use it.

There are of course unhoused people that don’t make it to camps or who have left camps, and if they resell the boots, so what? You’re still helping them.

finalarbiter, in What are the facts you remember for no specific reason

Orcas are a natural predator of the moose


Orcas are a natural predator of everything that his the ocean. Fun fact, orcas have been known to toy with seals by catapulting them with their tails. I believe I remember seeing at least one baby seal got seventy feet in the air before returning to the sea (and its inevitable death).

Interstellar_1, avatar

I hate to break it to ya, but moose aren’t in the ocean.


All cases known to have happened are in Alaska, where moose were swimming across straits and between islands. Orcas are opportunistic hunters and nearly anything swimming in water deep enough for them to swim in has a chance of being eaten. Most of them keep their distance from humans but if you were swimming in their territory away from civilization and boat traffic you might be stalked and hunted.

Interstellar_1, (edited ) avatar

oh that’s interesting! Thanks I didn’t know that!

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