I still think about how Blizzard originally made their WoW expansion, Panderia, to include Samurai and sushi. And someone had to explain them the difference between China and Japan.
That’s not even necessarily mixing the two up so much as failing to distinguish cultures within “Asia” in the first place. A lot of people think of the whole region as one place. Put some soy and garlic on something? You’ve got an “Asian” dish. Never mind that there are numerous regional culinary traditions within China alone.
Yes, but not to mention Asia as in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh! 1.5 billion people living on the Asian continent, but “Asian” in popular American usage seems to only refer to China/Korea/Japan, and maybe Southeast Asia to a slightly lesser extent.
Ye-es. And then SE Asia is not the same as CJK, and then Middle Asia is not the same as West Asia/Middle East, and then India in itself has Dravidic parts, and then …
Though, returning to the example above with “Asian” dish, in Russia people usually refer to cuisine by country, not by continent. But may make a few diplomatic errors (possibly mistakes) this way, like saying that Armenians and Iranians drink Turkish coffee, etc.
This has absolutely nothing to do with xenophobia. This was based on a documentary of chinese economic waste and the people that fall into poverty because of it.
Fast my ass. Once they finally start maybe… But it takes ages to lay the first stone. There’s not enough people available to build everything they want to build. It’s a serious issue
Ok, well maybe they have a long pipeline of projects ready to be built, but they are getting things built. I went with a friend who was there like 5 years prior and he said everything looked totally different since the last time he was there. I don’t know about the planning process but even if that’s slow that’s still way better than most places where it also takes ages to get something started, takes ages to get something built, and they don’t have enough projects going through the planning process in the first place.
I’m from the UK and ordered a GPU from B&H as they had a sale on and as a result it was a bunch cheaper - there was a some confusion on the billing address (mine doesn’t fit nicely in a US format & so got messed up when they tried to store it or something along those lines) but they were great to deal with about it so I’d definitely recommend them also
If you’re thinking of buying retail stuff to give out, it 's simpler to just give cash directly, since the recipient can figure out how to use it, and probably knows more about short cuts and bargain outlets than you do.
Someone said refillable water bottles, but really, almost all bottles are refillable. I re-use “disposable” water and soda bottles all the time.
Isn’t that illegal? I think it’s legal in the UK though, someone told me it’s tradition to draw a big cross on the whole ballot paper and they actually count no-votes as distinct from non-votes, or something like that.
How do you think they would verify or sanction an invalid ballot? Given that voting is secret and therefore there’s logically no personal information on the ballot, this would be rather tricky - or extremely worrisome for democracy. ;) So no, it’s definitely not illegal in any somewhat democratic nation. And yes, most countries do count invalid votes separately. This can be an important indicator that something went wrong. Eg if suddenly all districts report much higher numbers of invalid ballots, something might have gone wrong in the counting process or just the ballot design might be too confusing. Definitely worth looking into, though. And if a single district shows an unusual count of invalid ballots compared to others, that also is worth looking into.
Many that intentionally vote invalid claim to do so to show their frustration with all party options. However, this hurts democracy. Even if do not love or even like any of the parties/candidates, you still should vote.
Vote for the “least of the bad”. A vote for a democratic candidate that has a boring mix of policies planned that you don’t fully support is still a lot better than anything on the other end of the spectrum, with radical extremists working to undermine society or democracy itself. By voting invalid, your missing vote ends up being “shared” by everyone, and I’m certain there’s some on the list that you really don’t want to even have the tiniest shred of your vote.
This issue for me personally is that it’s still a choice between a douche and turd sandwich. I don’t think our political system is anything to write home about.
But to answer this, I have to go to the polling station, get my name marked off a list by some delusional person, go into a booth and hope that someone appreciates the quality of the veiny dick and balls improving over the years when they unwrap the origami that is my ballot paper.
Nice South Park reference! I guess you probably haven’t been penalised in any way or you’d know, so you can probably can get away with that. But isn’t it technically illegal to not cast a proper vote in Australia? (I think compulsory voting is stupid so I don’t blame you btw)
You’re probably right and I assume the same. And as you can tell, I’m not invested enough in our system to go look up any particulars. If they could find me out without compromising the system I’m sure I’d be hit with the fine. Of course, plenty of ballots aren’t counted because they are not marked correctly. I doubt I’ll ever read a news story about someone being fined because they couldn’t follow the ballot instruction.
When they move to electronic voting systems only all I’ll be able to do is be caught fucking it. 😞
Not really. Plus we have alot more independents/minor parties due to our preferential voting system that people can vote for. What it does is forces people to are more about politics and policy
Idiots are citizens too unfortunately, and their opinions matter. There are no fines for submitting an invalid vote (or if they exist they aren’t enforceable due to the anonymity of the ballot)
The fact that I’d just stare at the ceiling till at least 23:00 EVEN THOUGH I WAKE UP AT 4:00 just to be tired the whole day as usual until the sudden energy boost around 18:00.
What’s the point of school starting at 7am?
The first class looks like this: Students sleeping on tables, teachers trying to not do the same, the only active group of people is the line at the coffee vending machine.
And the productivity remains greatly reduced for rest of the day.
1½ years ago it used to be 7:50. Apparently too late.
Meanwhile I recently seen a study that even 8:30 might be too early, and giving a new recommendation of 10am.
But it could be worse. I’ve heard from someone on Reddit that they start at 6am. What the fuck…
I honestly think it’s too broad of a question since each of those types of people will be doing vastly different things through their time at home. I might play with my dog more often when unemployed, while a homemaker is on their feet caring for a child, and a retired person is doing home maintenance. All of those are different activities on foot, but maybe not available to people in different situations.
I could note however, my grandma has a standing sewing machine that’s pretty cool. As for books, I’ve used a music stand in the garage before, though maybe a podium of sorts would be better in the house.
I haven’t coded in years but I recall that reading someone else’s code was like getting a glimpse of what their closets and cupboards probably looked like.
If I go to bed early, I have to get up and pee at some point during the night. And since it’s way too cold, I’ll usually lie awake for half and hour before I can actually get myself to leave the bed.
Hahaha, that’s exactly what I’m doing now! Lying here trying to get myself to get up out of my warm bed, into the cold, and go pee so I can lay back down.
It doesn’t help that this weather is painful hell on my joints & I keep waking up in an intense panic that leaves me super anxious for ages. Why must our bodies be the way they are!? I want a refund.
Because religion provides comfort, community and a meaning to people’s existence that goes beyond “we were born of chance on an insignificant rock somewhere in the universe”.
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