If one wants an occasional old gizmo that’s no longer made, eBay can be helpful.
Specifically for cables – which aren’t that pricy relative to other items people buy, and are often marked up a lot by retailers – I’ve gone to Monoprice for quite some years. Useful if getting a bunch of cables.
I got an old gaming laptop on eBay for like $300 that I take with me on work trips. The person just upgraded or something and wanted to get rid of it.
I know people sometimes have bad experiences on ebay, but I feel like if you message the seller and feel out the situation in advance, you can avoid a lot of the problems. I always try to buy from individuals vs. from someone whose entire business is selling on ebay, and I’ve never been burned.
Just finished it last week. Season 1 was decent, 2 and 3 I was really wondering why everyone had talked up the show so much, but season 4 is where I felt it got real. Quality TV, I do recommend, but I do think it’s a bit overhyped.
I work in logistics and transportation so I always enjoyed season 2. Especially what McNulty does in episode 1.
It is an eye opening show in that you can see how each part of crime affects the community. Local political corruption, media corporatization, defunded inner city schools, international sex and drug trade, they all lead to the way society works for the rich and fuck everyone else raw.
I think this person transfers their milk and orange juice into jugs in the fridge.
Orange juice was probably in jugs because it’s being made from concentrate in a can. Milk at least in Canada in certain provinces is sold in bags which go into a jug.
Milk in the US uses a different pasteurization technique the most of the rest of the world, so we need to keep it refrigerated while other places don’t until it’s opened.
From what I see joked about in tv and film: toilets.
From what I know from people who have actually been there personally: Vending machines.
Also they have the most advanced KitKat flavors in the world. I want them. But they’re like specialities of specific regions kinda like Pokemon. It’s wild.
They have more drink vending machines than you’ll believe, with a huge variety ofcold and hot drinks and even soup, but essentially no food vending machines.
Well it’s moot anyway; I’m in the US where Nestle sold all their confectionary brands. I just noticed all the kitkats at the store I shop were branded by Hershey now and had to look up wtf. I noticed this before with another candy not too long ago, too. Didn’t realize it was literally all their candy brands in the US.
Hyperfixation on random topics. The other day I was so invested in the history of mobile phones that I stayed up until 2:30am by accident while researching useless info.
Or you could call it what Linus on Wan show by Linus Tech Tips YT channel made up: ex-TwitterYou essentially say both of the names and the fact that Twitter is the “old name”. But as a F-u to Musk, we should just call it Twitter.
Whatever floats your boat! There are multiple ways of calling it and I’ve just pointed out the one I find the funniest. What we can all agree on is that renaming Twitter was a bad idea. (and everything else he did also)
Same here, the manager hiring me left before my employment started. I was a contractor that joined, so I already knew most of the team. Alas, management destroyed the fun in the job. Way to much work, no new knowledged colleagues but we got a truckload of managers to work agile.
Snow, sleet, slush. Those aren’t really Scots words though, I think they were mixing it up with the (also not really true) factoid that Inuits have hundreds of words for snow.
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