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Shadow, in Have you ever learned anything on the spot? avatar

My entire tech career.

gravitas_deficiency, in The 2024 US Presidential race officially starts Monday, what are your predictions for Iowa?

Kinda wishing I could just go into a coma for the next 11 months ngl


why not forever? /lh

brap, in What are the facts you remember for no specific reason

Laser is an acronym and doesn’t have a god damned Z in it.


Laser is no longer an acronym. It’s now an anacronym, which means it’s its own word (despite originally being an acronym)

Source: Wikipedia


Well TIL!

Justas, avatar

Also, Lithuania is really good at making the fancy ones, like ones for research, variable frequency ones, femtosecond ones, etc.

I had to look it up, but we’re by global export value (not counting laser diodes)

wallybeavis, (edited )

TIL - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

That reminds me, so is SCUBA, RADAR and MODEM…I miss the old History Channel shows, especially Modern Marvels

SCUBA: Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (Blew my mind for some reason when I learned that)
RADAR: Radio Detection and Ranging (I’ve watched alot of WWII documentaries)
MODEM: Modulation Demodulation (I’ve worked in tech)


So is Tuba: Terrible Underwater Breathing Apparatus

Bishma, in We've already started this year off with crazy shit. What else do you guys think will happen this year and why? avatar

The lack of snowpack in the US plus ocean temps that are already 6σ over historical averages are probably going to make for an “interesting” summer. As a result, I suspect crop failures are going to get a lot more coverage this year.


This is the real scenario, right here. Everyone is so focused on increased disaster occurrences that it feels like this is invisible - until its not. Last summer Alberta was under drought conditions, and overall crop yields were 67% of the 5-yr average.

Less and less snowpack means less and less water to deal with worse and worse drought conditions.


Not to mention increased wildfire risk.


What about fudgepack how does that figure in?


Also there’s a lot of political pressure disrupting farming too. Food could be a big problem this year.

Gormadt, in Does wind power cause visual pollution in your opinion? avatar

They look better than smoke stacks

And in all honesty they remind me of like a leisurely creek or small waterfall in that they kinda just keep going on in a pleasant consistent kind of way ya know?

Basically what I’m saying is that they’re pretty IMO

Sassel, in The transition from the holiday season back to the normal drudgery is so depressing. Is there any way to make Jan / Feb less depressing?

You could do what they do in colder places and buy brightly colored stuff for your place. It’ll still be dark outside but at least the inside will look cheerier.

You could also try planning some beginning of the year parties with friends. That would certainly give you events to look forward to.


It’s also a great time to focus on health and well-being. I usually try to read and exercise more at the beginning of the year, sometimes long term habits form out of it, sometimes not. But it does help me feel better about the dreariness of the new year.

habanhero, (edited ) in If humans went extinct, what would the Earth look like one year later?

it would be quite nice if humans disappeared from the planet…

“Nice” is a human concept so if all human beings are gone, is it really “nice” and does it matter?

Because Mother Earth don’t give a F. Most of what we say about saving the Earth is in the sense of making it sustainably habitable for us humans and not to f up the economy too badly.

Mother Earth don’t care if it gets 30 degrees hotter and if the atmosphere turns into sulfuric acid because for the vast majority of its lifetime, it’s been human free anyways.

Riven, avatar

I always say this when people start harping about mother earth and climate change.


There is literally nothing humans could do currently to actually destroy the planet, even if we set off all the nukes at the same time in the worst places. There’s nothing we could do to truly eradicate all life either. Plenty of places bacteria and small animals could survive until it’s chill again to evolve. What we can do is make it unlivable for ourselves and our offspring. Not that I personally care much since I don’t want kids and neither do my siblings but we still do our parts to at least minimize our impact.


I always find it arrogant that humans right now always say that we are destroying earth. We cannot destroy earth. Even if we detonate all our WMDs at the same time earth will endure.


I don’t think anyone uses the “we are destroying the earth” in a litteral sense. Common acception is more along the lines of “we are destroying the ecosystem we live in”.


That’s an interesting question though. How much WMDs do we need to destroy earth. Like really fuck it up. I suppose if we concentrate enough explosions on one side of the earth we may be able to alter the mass of the earth. This might change its path temporarily this leading to collision with either the moon or other planets.


Kurzgast (or however you spell it) did a video on this. In short, not enough fissible material on earth (well, I guess technically it’d be “in the earth”) to completely destroy the planet. Which is kinda remarkable cos that’s equivalent to 10 billion of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima.


Since you’re being pedantic, I will be too. According to the Cambridge dictionary, the word destroy can mean “to damage something so badly it cannot be used”. I’d argue making the planet incompatible for life is a pretty fucking good example of it being damaged so badly that it cannot be used. And we are doing that, it’s predicted we could lose up to 70% of all plant and animal species by the end of this century if we continue the way we are. Dunno how long after that it’d take to kill 100%, but I’d say taking out 70% is giving it a red hot crack…


Well, the earth as a geologic entity doesn’t care about what we do or wether we exist, but it makes a hell of a difference for the living species we have as roomates. So for the earth as an ecosystem, it does matter whether we exist or not - and it’s better if we don’t.

habanhero, (edited )

Well that’s what I mean. OP says it’s kinda nice if we’d be all gone, and my response was what’s the point of things being “nice” if there are no humans to observe or affirm it? The only thing that is meaningful for us is if we find a way to sustainably coexist with everything, and not self-loathe our species into oblivion.

rockSlayer, in what are your fun, low stakes new year resolutions?

I’m taking a 1 month tolerance break, because getting high isn’t really interesting anymore


Oops, thought you meant “a break from being tolerant” and I was like, yeah, stop putting up with bullshit!


Finally we’ve found a solution to the paradox of tolerance!


That first hit when you get back will feel great I imagine. Enjoy the crazy dreams for the first couple weeks!

ShortFuse, (edited ) in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

What’s kinda crazy is we could reimplement the notification LED with blue OLED now just via software. Just no one has done it.

Edit: It’s been done, but a quick Google search says it no longer works. I might get bored and write one.

Edit2: This one seems to be working fine for me.

But_Class_War, (edited ) avatar

That was one of my favorite features of the Nexus one. Didn’t really need the track ball but being able to customize the color of notification light (I forget if that needed root or not) based on app was great. I’m guessing it must have been persistent blinking otherwise my current edge lighting notification would scratch the same itch, couldn’t be just nostalgia on my part…


All the reviews seem to say it doesn’t work on p6pro. What phone do you use?


Pixel 8


Wouldn’t that cause burn in?

owatnext, (edited )

I don’t have a AOD enabled on my phone, but I’m pretty sure most AOD elements like this flash and/or move slightly to reduce risk of burn in.

Edit: by flash, I mean more of like “pulse” or “breathe”.


I was not able to find one for iphone

Gormadt, (edited ) in What has been the best thing that has happened to you so far? avatar

Getting sober

It allowed me to actually sort through all of my mental health problems and confront myself on who I was and who I wanted to be

Not to mention how much my physical health has improved

It was honestly the hardest thing I’ve done as well given that I started drinking when I was 12.

I’ve been sober now for 6 years

Edit: In 6 years it will go from “the longest I’ve been sober since I started drinking” to “The longest stretch of time I’ve been sober in my whole life”


Hey congratulations! Addiction is like an onion: it has so many layers! You’ll likely shed a tear or two once you decide to cut it open, but once diced and sauteed (i.e. overcome your addiction), it will add so much flavor to life!


Getting sober is my pick too. Im just over a year in from my last drink. Ive excelled at work, had 3 raises, finished my degree, made quality new friends, met a beautiful woman who is now my best friend, took a chance and kissed her one night, and she kissed back. Life is great.


Hell yeah, I’m at 5 and a half myself. Really helps me keep my priorities straight.

deadcatbounce, in What search engine do you recommend that isn't Google or Bing? avatar

Firefox allowed you to define the default search and have many many engines listed. That’s been a standard feature for many years.

cerement, avatar

even simpler – Firefox will auto-detect a lot of search engines – right-click in the search/address bar and if Firefox can detect it, bottom option will be to add that engine to your list

captainlezbian, in What do you like about socialism?

Democratic control over the means of production by workers


Yeah, it’s just lacking the more global “democracy”, so it’ll attract all those power hungry grifters. Social democracy is not that bad.

keefshape, in Those who chose "never" in a "now or never" moment. How is it going for you?

I was backed into a corner, being forcefully propositioned for a threesome I had already said No to. It became a Never being around those people again.

I still get a little cranky when I think about being put in that scenario against my express wishes, but have zero regrets. An experience of a lifetime perhaps, but not my jam.

Kolanaki, in What is the most unusual spirit you have in your home bar? avatar

Some Victorian kid that died of tuberculosis in the 1800’s.


I’ve heard good stuff about interval training


Just make sure to incorporate deadlifts


exorcise, btw.

Kolanaki, avatar

Nah, she fat AF

CADmonkey, in What groups you are unwillingly associated with? How you handle it?

I’m a large, unpleasant looking man living in a red state who has a pickup truck, and a harley. I’m married to a methodist lay speaker. I have a few firearms.

So naturally I must be the biggest trump supporting, red-hat wearing, religious conservative twatwaffle in existence, there is no other option.

As a result, the actual redhat cockwombles I work with think I’m going to be OK with their racist comments, and are shocked when I’m not. The thing that helps me with these guys is the fact that they are having to work from prints that have my initials on them so they can whine about the LiBuRl all they want, and I’ll still be helping them get their jobs done.

The traits they are assuming make me One of Them™ are just incidental things. I have a battered old truck because my wife and I have either a large garden or a small farm, depending on how you look at it. A Honda Civic won’t carry the stuff I need. (Neither will a van) I have a harley because the local motorcycle dealers are pretty terrible tp deal with, but the harley dealer is nice, helpful, and act like they want to sell a bike. I’m large and unpleasant because of genetics. And I have firearms because for most of my adult life I have lived somewhere that has an hour’s response time for law enforcement, and I’ve had to defend myself in the past. None of these things made me hate any particular group of people.


How big is your garden/farm?


Pretty big. Or pretty small, depends on how you look at it. /s


If only we had measurements.


He’s American tho. We don’t use those here.


1 megaparsec^2 / α*137 rounded to the nearest farm.


“Methodist lay speaker”?

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