Jimmy Dore. Started watching in 2015. He was consistently about progressivism and brought awareness to causes such as Medicare for All. As the channel grew, he slowly became more deranged. COVID came and he found a larger audience spouting anti-vax dog whistles. The channel is now tabloid anti-vax, pro-putin, hot garbage.
Wounds heal from the inside out. Once bleeding stops it means that it is effectively “closed” as the inside is no longer leaking out. The rest of that is just the layers of skin repairing itself from the bottom to the top.
So as others have said, when it stops bleeding is when it’s “closed”.
There is no singular zombie lore. The brain eating entered pop culture with “Return Of The Living Dead”. That movie and the associated Living Dead series exists as a result of an IP fight between John Russo and George Romero. It is not canon with the George Romero zombie movies (Night Of The Living Dead, Dawn Of The Dead, Day Of The Dead, Land Of The Dead, and the lesser following low budget movies).
In Romero’s movies the zombies do not go after brains, they don’t say “brains”. Their hunger for human flesh is discussed by characters but nobody really knows for sure why zombies attack or eat people.
In many other zombie series, there are often theorized reasons for their behavior, but rarely a solid answer, and very few series have zombies that explicitly want brains to eat.
Yeah here in Japan most places have a red and blue indicator that moves with the lock. Bidets and toilet seat sanitizers are also pretty standard in any decently modernized areas. We kinda win when it comes to bathrooms.
Just got back from Japan. I’m always surprised when I’m in the middle of nowhere and the public restrooms have heated sitting, deodorizer, bidet, background sounds. Like… Wtf? That’s better than my toilet at home. And I’m not even from the US 🙃
Doxxing is bad. I don’t care if the person is a murderer or a protestor. Doxxing can have many, very nasty unintended consequences that can hurt more than just the person being doxxed.
I’m with you, while the people doing the bad things deserve to be found out by their friends, family, employers, etc…The means that this discovery happens matters and doxxing is not ok, full stop.
Great question! Initially, I was 100% against doxxing because it turns into vigilante justice when people gang up on a suspect that hasn’t been properly tried in a court, so innocent people could become victims for something they didn’t do or pay excessive consequences. However, with your question, I think it points out some nuance.
In the case of the Jan 6 insurrectionists, the FBI was trying to find them to press charges, so I think it was appropriate to doxx them. Protesters that didn’t partake directly in the insurrection were also outed and I’m iffy on that one. Their presence still had an impact on the insurrection because it gave energy to the thing and possible increased intimidation. Imagine if there was 1 person outside your house with a guillotine vs 100 people with a guillotine. The latter would likely instill more fear.
Ultimately, I think the main issue is not with being doxxed, but with the vigilante justice that people like to enact when someone is doxxed. Rather than say firing this dentist, the people that had the power to do so could have just accepted that the dentist had his own opinion on the matter irrelevant to his employment and left it at that. Yet, they acted on the desire to punish him by firing him. I think that’s messed up because for all we know, he might have had a valid reason for that behavior or at the very least, it was not affecting his work. I think it’s normal to be frustrated with the situation and have emotional responses to it. Rather than punish and isolate him, they could have had a compassionate talk with him to hear him out and possibly come to a collaborative stance to help ameliorate the situation. After all, conflicts aren’t resolved by increasing antagonism. It’s resolved by engaging in understanding and healthy interdependence. If anything, all they did was further radicalize the dentist.
That’s a pretty fair response. Although I would say that I am against doxxing people who just happened to show up and didn’t actually enter the capital/participate in any illegal behavior. You can’t predict what the crowd will do and I think we would all agree it’s wrong if a BLM protest got out of hand and they decided to punish everyone who was there simply because they “increased intimidation”.
That said, yes, their tendency towards large unbroken planes of material make them prime candidates for murals, and you see a lot of that in places like Chicago that had a big Brutalist phase.
I feel like most brutalist buildings are designed by a committee. They want the building to look like it provided maximal value for money, so they try to avoid looking good.
I’m old and I’m busy. I don’t have time for fetch quests that are uninspired time sinks. I don’t have time to play through a game with janky mechanics just for a few bright spots. I don’t have time to farm repetitive shit just so I can do X thing.
I’ve found that most AAA games care more about the time you spend playing rather than whether the game is fun or not. Diablo IVs rapid fall from grace is a prime example of this. This will not stop; it is the end point of the business model. A fun game that people sink 40 hours into and drop is much less profitable than a mid-game that demands a perpetual 10 hours per week.
Others have already hit on it, but my best gaming experiences in recent years have been games that I didn’t buy on release and only found through online word of mouth and hype.
I kinda miss the nintendo/super nintendo times, where a friend would come over and you'd hand him a controller and then you would start playing. Gaming these days is more like: bro the game is cheap. Oh yes i forgot, you need these two dlc's to play the good stuff, don't worry, once you hit level 15 i'll be good i swear, all we have to do is to grind a few levels by playing the same.thing over and over, but i swear, i will ve really good soon.
True, gamer is become a consumer that’s need to grind for make the companies profit. Friends are just more consumers, invite a friend for receive a bonus, spread the addiction, make companies more riches.
Im 56 and loving the gaming time. In fact my kids are scattered and i play game with them at least every other week. We shoot the shit and just chill. No sweaty games as i dont have the reflexes anymore. I just wish there was more coop
I don’t know why people are so insistent it’s not a job rather than arguing that it’s a bad job, etc. Small landlords almost certainly put a lot of time into maintaining the property, handling occupancy, reporting income, etc. How is it any less a job than renting out bouncy houses. Sure some landlords might outsource all this, in which case it’s more akin to holding interest bearing assets, but for a small landlord it almost certainly is a job under any definition of the word.
Is a job a job only if it takes a certain amount of hours a week? dumb comment tbh
But to answer the question my friend who owns 2 properties spends probably anywhere from 10-30 hours a week. He mows the grass, takes trash to the dump, makes repairs himself, etc.
If a landlord is providing services like mowing the lawn and taking rubbish out etc, you can damn well guarantee that they’re charging extra for those services.
You honestly believe a landlord spends 15 hours per week maintaining a property? At that point, you’d be exceeding by far your tenants right to a reasonable expectation of privacy, so are you really that gullible or are you just on some really good shit? You’ve clearly never rented a property yourself.
He does not charge extra for those services. Idk what you are on about, I know for a fact maintaining his property takes a decent amount of work. I don’t respect some internet nobody telling me that isn’t true lol. 15 hours is not that much time.
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