For android definitely moshidon! Stable version is material you and has a bunch of themes and extra features. Nightly version is updated frequently. Completely free and donation funded, it’s the gold standard for mastodon apps imo
While commuting, I mostly read ebooks, listen to fiction audiobooks or long-form history/pop science podcasts/youtube videos. Depending also on whether I am driving that day or taking the subway. Breaks at work, I just chat with colleagues, and scroll lemmy or the birdsite on toilet breaks.
I must be an idiot. When I read the title, I first thought it was a non-native English speaker asking about people who had Tamagotchis back in the day…
As in… a talking button you keep for a pet, not a button FOR your pet to use.
I listen to gdc talks and other tech related talks. They are pretty informative (with a grain of salt). Bonus point, they make me feel smart because of the reverb and the audience clapping ^^
Another possibility — are you drinking enough water? I will wake up with a migraine if I’m dehydrated. Unfortunately, as you age and the bladder loses resiliency, it becomes a balance of enough water to not get dehydrated, but not so much that you’re waking up at 2 am to pee.
Purely idle would for me be a walk, meditation or just sit down and just listen to music. When I’m commuting, it would be gaming or quick chess puzzles.
Playing a piano can do this because the velocity of each keypress is a big part of the expression, and it’s a scalar value meaning infinite degrees of possible variation.
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