I drive a 2000 bmw z3 dispute it being a bmw it’s been quite bullet proof oil changes are a brease you can replace the rear windshield by unzipping a zipper my only complaint is how it occasionally breaks the laws of physics like how it smashed into a giant boulder and only broke off a single reflector and the airbag indicator light works even when there’s no bulb or any light source of any kind the oil separator somehow got water in it and didn’t effect the rest of the engine in any way ultimately it takes a lot to make something go wrong in this car and when they do fixing it will make you question if we are living in a very laggy simulation I’m honestly surprised I haven’t lagged into the backrooms in this car yet
I have a 2019 Fit! It’s perfect because it’s just the right size for me; it feels bigger on the inside but it’s the definition of compact. And I only spend about $80 US on gas monthly, if that!
I recently switched to Eternity and I’m loving it so far. Only been using it a day, but I haven’t run into any issues or anything to dislike.
I personally do not want to use any applications that have ads/tracking. I don’t believe they have any place on Lemmy. I know already that I’m gonna be downvoted to oblivion, but I understand that these devs need to make money somehow. I just think it goes against the whole freer internet thing. Despite this, I don’t really have a problem with them because they are contributing to the growth of Lemmy. And besides it is way better than using a centralised social media platform haha, so it will remain a personal choice.
I follow the daily best posts on hacker news hnrss.github.io
This exposes me to quite interesting blogs (mainly tech, but not always). If I find someone worth following, I’ll add their blog to my list as well. That’s how I’ve been building my RSS feeds over the years.
From the non tech blogs that I’ve found there, from the top of my head, these are nice
going-medieval.com - medieval history professor’s blog. She’s quite witty, and makes super interesting posts about the daily lifes of people in the middle ages.
brr.fyi - blog from an IT guy working in a scientific research center in Antarctica.
And I don’t get hung up on those being “better” than YouTube videos. There are educational videos and there is enjoyable fluff and there is actively crap content (think stuff that makes you go into negativity spirals).
Educational YT is the same as educational podcasts or audiobooks, imo.
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