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Wahots, in What do you like about the vehicle you drive and would you have changed anythin about it? avatar

I like my car (subaru OBXT) because it is fast and can generally be pretty flexible. I want an electric because gas is staggeringly expensive. Luckily though, I moved to a city that has an electric train and is extremely dense, so I can walk or take the stupidly cheap train. The train tickets also work on the buses, surface rail, boats, and other transit. Spending a lot less on gas, which is nice.

It’s at least defrayed my need for a car within city limits.

bandario, in What do you like about the vehicle you drive and would you have changed anythin about it? avatar

Supercharged FJ cruiser. 280,000km on the clock.

I bloody love it but like yourself the petrol bill is starting to kick my arse.

I had every intention of keeping this thing for the next 10 years but fuel only seems to be going up and up.

OpenStars, in What is the most promising pathway to reach universal healthcare? avatar

"All" is an awfully large group - perhaps start with "some", e.g. "all in Maine" (and likely some subset of that even, like those who have lived there for 5+ years already, to avoid someone getting cancer first, then suddenly moving to Maine, then once the expensive treatments are over with go back home, etc.), and then if people enjoy seeing it be done well, expand our from there. I dunno... it's a thought, at least.


No, we don’t need to see if public healthcare works. We already know that it’s cheaper than private healthcare and that it works better than private health care.

Other countries have been proving that for generations and the numbers prove it in our country.

We just have to do it.


I think comment above yours has a point. It’s not a question of whether or not it works, it’s a question of getting people on board, and fending off vested interests like insurance companies. So maybe getting it done in one place would be more attainable, and serve as an advertisement. For me at least, I’m asking how we do it. Saying “we just have to do it” isn’t actionable advice.


We know how to do it, we already have Medicare and all of the first world countries have proven that as long as you give funding to the medical industry, public health care works, the same as libraries receiving funding or fire departments receiving funding.

You can take a look at any referendum to see how specifically we would transition to that system, but it would basically be expanding Medicare to Medicare for all, and later removing the remaining restrictions for pre-existing conditions.

It would be a very simple transition, and more productive for the country and cheaper for everyone.

The only reason we’re not doing it are profit driven motives by people making money off of the private health care industry.


Sorry, I think we’re talking past each other. I’m not asking how the mechanics of the healthcare would work once a bill is passed. How do we even get that far? Our elected representatives don’t seem to have substantive interest (a few bright spots aside) and while polls often show majority support amongst the public, the results can vary a lot based on how the question is asked. So big picture / long term just as a start we need more perfect democracy, and we need better awareness and advocacy of the idea. In terms of first steps and short term (I think regretfully a decade or two is short term) I could see an argument to implement it in a specific state, or expanding medicare for certain age groups or something like that. But I don’t know! That’s why I’m asking.


Oh I see. I was literally putting together a list of the developments Cypress took when they enacted universal healthcare in 2019 and the Medicare for All bullet points to explain the initial steps more clearly.

You’re actually curious how we can foment support for such a bill, if I understand correctly.

Ideally, you attend rallies and town hall discussions about health care and call up your senators and public officials and radically advocate for it and get enough people to join forces to convince politicians to vote for it.

Practically? We have two options. 1) getting lucky and voting in someone as focused on positive progress as Bernie or 2) in the United States, where economic dominance is the primary factor that shifts private interests, just like recently with sustainable energy, just like with transportation infrastructure, we’re going to see the point where large corporate interests and our government simultaneously realize that they’re losing capital ground to international competitors because they refuse to make progress on the key issue of health.

Once they realize that the incredibly cheap healthcare offered to first world citizens supports the interest of the upper class by keeping a healthy and happy proletariat is complimented by the international embarrassment of having the only wealthy population that often can’t financially or medically survive a fairly innocuous malady like a broken leg or diabetes, we’re going to very rapidly see sweeping reforms that will actually be taking a step in the right direction because the forces that be are retreating in fear from seeing the end of the road they’re forcing the rest of us to walk down(they lose power).

It sounds bleak, but it’s actually a good thing. Target will have big placards with doctor saying “and it doesn’t cost anything!” putting a Band-Aid on a kid’s knee, you’ll see speeches by politicians about how we’ve always had the best healthcare system, and now you’re getting better than the best, even though they’ll just be playing catch up with first world countries .

But that’s fine because our dumb system and the people who believe they control it will be learning. They’re just learning the hardest, stupidest way, that doing the right thing actually benefits everybody.

I think the same thing will happen with education, we’re already dumb as hell compared to other countries because we don’t offer affordable education, and we’re already past the point that we’ve lost an entire generation of professionals because of it.

TLDR: critical mass will be reached as other countries outpace us because their citizens don’t die from colds, and those in control will change their minds.

OpenStars, avatar

Have you watched this yet? The first 30s should let you know whether it's for you, and the rest may well change everything for you, forever:-).

pugsnroses77, in What cheap tool/gadget do you use that greatly improves your daily life?

rice cooker. i have one that i use like a fancy crockpot so i can leave the house and come home to hot food. mandolin or a food processor is a close second, makes chopping veggies a breeze

Dave, avatar

My issue with food processors is they take more time to clean than they save.

Which one do you use?


i use a mini kitchenaid i got for $50 a few years ago. its easier to store n clean bc its tiny. it isnt good for big batches but is perfect for a few carrots and onion, or a handful of spinach. then i usually just swish it all with warm water and im good to go. i clean while i cook so its basically all done by the time im eating.

Dave, avatar

I guess I just don’t find it hard to chop things with a knife, which is very easy to clean. I have a food processor, but getting it out of the cupboard takes almost as much time as dicing an onion with a knife.


i think for me is im a disaster and usually will end up with veggie particles all over the counter and floor and then have to spend time cleaning that up else the cat gets his far face all over it. on top of that i have a super tiny food processor which makes getting it in and out super easy. if i only had my larger one i could not see myself bothering with it.


Rinse after use, then its a matter of wiping down in hot soapy water.

Never let the debris dry in the food processor or you’re gonna have a bad time. Same with blenders.

If you can’t reach the crevices you can also run it with warm (not hot) soapy water to clean the crevices.

Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar

A bottle brush is great for those crevices, too 🤌🏼


Those little brushes they make for cleaning straws have so many other uses, I swear.

Edit: just realized you said “bottle” and not “little,” sorry about that lol

Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar

Yeah, and if you’re really old-school, you simply use a pipe cleaner… 🤪


Ooh smart idea, I forgot those existed for a bit there lol

Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar

That’s exactly what the “straw cleaner” people wanted you to do, ya know…


They’ve fooled me again! When will I ever learn? .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠⁠·⁠.

Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar

They’re insidiously clever. It’s not your fault. Better humans than yourself have gone their whole lives assuming those fuzzy bendy things were just for preschool craft projects. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, if you can’t soak it, get that food off before it dries. This is why I prefer kitchen tools that you can take apart. I replaced my Foreman grill with a griddle with removable plates and love it, even though the Foreman had a bit more cooking area. Plus I got waffle plates and also got rid of the waffle maker that I rarely used because it was such a pain to clean if you ever overestimated how much batter it needed.

PP_BOY_, (edited ) in What cheap tool/gadget do you use that greatly improves your daily life? avatar

Depends on your lifestyle ofc but a cheap 6’ tape measurer keychain has come in clutch more times than I can count. Within the past week I’ve used it to

measure the hatch of my car to see if a box could fit

compared a 14" pizza to a 17" to my friend group to figure what size pizza to buy

measured an entire house worth of soffit

The thing was like $5 and honestly gets more use out of anything in my EDC except maybe my earbuds and even then I barely touch them since graduating from uni

eighthourlunch, avatar

Make sure you test it against one you're sure is accurate. My wife bought one that looks right at first blush, but it's off by at least 5%.


Roughly 0.5 inches would you say?


That’s a funny cautionary tale.


I use the one on my leather man micra all the time. Also fans of Adam Savage know about his measuring device tattooed on his arm which is cool too.

PP_BOY_, avatar

Funny, I was just watching some lockdown-era Tested videos and was wondering what that tattoo was on Adam’s arm. Reminds me of my mechanic friends with a 10mm socket tattooed so that “they’ll never lose it”

guyrocket, avatar

I keep several full size 30' tape measures in different places like my truck, kitchen junk drawer and (of course) toolboxes. You might find that more useful than a 6'. Cheap ones are fine, I think, as long as you don't drop them.


The appeal is to have it fit on your keychain/ in your pocket so that you’ve always got it rather than having to run back to the car or wherever one might be


Thank you, now I know what tattoo to get if I pass by a walk in place. I’m always tempted but the things I want aren’t exactly walk in tattoos. Only question now is to go halfway up my forearm or to my elbow. Guess I could go all the way down my index finger, too, but I’m not sure how long a tattoo on the side of the finger would last, plus all the possible bends when including the hand could reduce measurement accuracy by quite a bit.


Dude, you’ve gotta factor in way more than diameter if you’re trying to make wise pizza choices. They have calculators for that:


Your link is the other way around, you should put the text between [ ] and the link between ( ), i.e. text, the way you did it the text that appears is the url but when you click it it tries to go to literally the address url.


Luftkin makes a high contrast 8’ the size of most 6’ and it is glorious. I have one as a daily driver for work, cold dead hands.

The rest of their tape measures in that same line are great.

ShadowCatEXE, in What do you like about the vehicle you drive and would you have changed anythin about it? avatar

I drive a 2013 F-150, and a 6 speed 2012 Audi S4.

I’m in northern Ontario, so I’m in the bush quite frequently. I pull trailers, haul 4 wheelers, wood, and other things in the back, and it does it without issue. Decent on fuel, being a truck and it’s mostly reliable… Older though, so I’ve had things break on me, but nothing I couldn’t fix myself.

The S4 is a hella fun car. I drive to Toronto a number of times throughout the year, and its handles the 24hr round trip with ease. Decent on fuel if you stay off the gas. Quite reliable, but the car is known to have a few rather expensive problems. One of which is the PCV, which I plan on replacing next summer as preventive maintenance, along with some other minor maintenance items. Hoping I don’t have to do the timing chain and tensioners any time soon, but it is a 200k km car. This is a 6 speed, so it doesn’t have the issues the DSG models have. It’s also lowered and has an exhaust… It is quite raspy unfortunately. Would like to install a resonator to help get rid of some of it.

I’ve replaced wheel bearings on both. 4WD actuators, some coolant hosing, O2 sensors, fixed the wire harness in the rear doors, patched the cab corners and a handful of other things on the ford (I’ve owned it longer than the S4).

I could go on forever about these two vehicles, but overall they’ve been good to me, and I haven’t had any major issues or have been left stranded (though I almost was a couple times with the ford, but I was able to get home).

I’d say with most vehicles, as long as you take care of them, they’ll take care of you, although there are some exceptions.

Hyzerflip, in What cheap tool/gadget do you use that greatly improves your daily life?

A metal 2mm mechanical pencil set. I use it for woodworking and absolutely love it.


I’ve been a huge fan of this Hultafors Dry Marker for carpentry and woodworking. Having that sheath with a built-in sharpener is excellent too.


Biggest thing for woodworking for me was just buying more pencils. I bought a pack of 30 or so and put all of them in a cup attached to the wall. Now I just grab a new one if I forget where I put it down.

guyrocket, avatar

Did you forget your ear? I thought all woodworkers kept their pencil on their ear.

I recently bought an electrician's pouch that velcros around my belt. Great for holding screws, square and pencils. Think of it as a wall cup on your belt.

spittingimage, avatar

Did you forget your ear? I thought all woodworkers kept their pencil on their ear.

Not the clumsy ones. Not after a little while.


Hard to tuck a pencil in the ear when also wearing safety glasses and hearing protection.

guyrocket, avatar

True that. I'm less careful when using my compound miter saw or circular saw.


ditto. also keep one on each side of the miter saw and at the table saw to use the eraser side as an 11th finger when needed

eighthourlunch, avatar

I've got a Staedtler 2mm and sharpener that I've had for at least 20 years now. They both have a permanent spot of honor on my lathe stand.

nobleshift, in What cheap tool/gadget do you use that greatly improves your daily life? avatar
  • A decent pair of scissors with a coating on the blades.
  • A barometer
  • Upgrading my USB3 external drives cables (USB3 micro B) from the old A connector to C connector
  • Pocket knife
  • Rechargeable headlamp
  • KD polorized sunglasses
  • 3 meter charge cable for the phone
  • IR remote for the laptop (LibreELEC/Kodi)
  • 0.5L waterproof bag inside my backpack for electronics
  • RGB / cool & warm white LED string with remote
  • magnetic phone mount with a suction cup

I think that’s everything I use everyday under $20 without being ridiculous. And I do use each of these multiple times a day.


What are you using a barometer for so frequently?

nobleshift, avatar

I live on a cruising sailboat.


That’s what I wanna know. I’d love a barometer but I cannot think of any reason why lol

spittingimage, avatar

Get one! Learn to predict the weather by keeping an eye on pressure changes. It could be a little hobby.

HootinNHollerin, avatar

To predict the next shit storm


How would a barometer help ?

HootinNHollerin, (edited ) avatar
guyrocket, avatar

I second a headlamp. Almost mandatory if you're camping I think. I got some cheap ones and use them around the house / garage too. More useful than they seem at first glance.


Long USB cables can be problematic, and to avoid problems may need to be inconveniently thick and stiff. I’ve taken to using an AC extension chord for most of the length when I need to charge far from an outlet.

anandit0, in What cheap tool/gadget do you use that greatly improves your daily life?

A victorinox pocket knife! Really comes in handy for many purposes


I ended up buying an aftermarket belt clip that screws into the Swiss Army knife on Amazon. Best purchase ever. Always on me and used daily for random stuff.

guyrocket, avatar

Take my money!

I've carried a SAK for years. I now also have a cheap benchmade knockoff with pocket clip and flipper. So easy to pull out and open that I almost never use my SAK. Hopefully a pocket clip will change that.

Love this idea, thanks. (I know you bought a belt clip and I'm going to buy a pocket clip but you gave me the idea).


totally agree in principle. my edc of choice has been the Leatherman skeletool for the last 5 years. pliers, Phillips and flat head and blade have been the perfect combination to balance portability and utility


I also carry a Skeletool. I’ve had it for ~10 years now. I love that thing. It’s the best designed multi-tool I’ve ever had.

erie09, in What are some must-haves on your Halloween music playlist?

Potatoes and molasses

PP_BOY_, avatar

I was listening to this like an hour ago! Me and my partner are going as Greg and Wirt for Halloween this year

_dev_null, in What cheap tool/gadget do you use that greatly improves your daily life? avatar

A convoy s3 flashlight with uv emitter, about $15 US.

I have a geriatric puppy who’s starting to “leak”, and this flashlight is really quick and easy to tell where needs to be cleaned up. Way easier than shining a regular light, missing and slipping on a puddle.

radix, avatar

Now that’s something I’ve never thought of. You must care a lot for the puppy.


Please pay the dog tax. We’d love to see your senior pup!

01189998819991197253, in What do you do when you're hungover? avatar

~18cm cucumber before drinking and one half way in. I haven’t had a hangover since this discovery. Sorry I can’t be much help for the hangover part :/ Good luck!

user224, in How do you spend your idle time? avatar

Basically just anything I can while waiting for time to pass. I can’t get deeper into something, because there’s not enough time. Usually that ends up being walking back and forth and thinking, having a fake conversation in my head.

like when sitting in the train

I don’t consider that idle time, but a fun activity. I often take a train or bus nowhere. That means, as far as I can go and back. Or try to make my commute as long as possible. For example, I found nice connections allowing me to extend my commute from school from just 18km to 133km, and it’s only €0.90 more expensive.


I listen to music and have imaginary concerts sometimes. Now if I could only have a good voice and be multilingual…

epyon22, in What cheap tool/gadget do you use that greatly improves your daily life?

Leatherman micra pocket knive


They’re great but the scissors will get dull very quickly and it’s almost impossible to sharpen them. Also, the newer models are not as good as the older ones.

Phogger, in What cheap tool/gadget do you use that greatly improves your daily life?

Reading glasses, unfortunately

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