Looked like either a rupturing cyst or maybe a skin tag. I wouldn’t think it’s anything serious but I will always recommend having a vet check it. Imo it’s likely nothing but I’m also not a trained vet.
Actually could be the breathing asshole of a parasitic fly larvae. Put some petroleum jelly over it in a thick layer and see if whatever it is crawls out.
Gf seconding botfly. Looks like you caught it early. Smothering might work but she recommends vet because those suckers can get bulbous and cause an abscess.
Yeah kinda thinking the same (going to the vet), don’t want to cause it to be worse. I just moved and haven’t found a vet yet. I’ll try and get him to one as soon as possible, thanks for the input!
I grew up watching Jon on The Daily Show. You can love Jon or you can hate him. But that guy used his celebrity status, as well as his own effort, to repeatedly shame, cajole, arm twist, plead with, and petition Congress to fund medical care for the 9/11 first responders. Many of whom suffered long term health issues due to exposure to hazardous materials.
He went to Washington with a group of said first responders and chased down as many Congressmen/women as they could find. He appeared before Congress to testify in support of legislation multiple times.
He did far more for those people than anyone else would. There are plenty of people in the world with power and influence. But there aren’t a hell of a lot of them that would use that influence like a fucking hammer to pound out some justice for a bunch of people with no expectation of getting anything in return. For that, he earned my respect.
You think Biden running on the democratic ticket, trump on the republican, and Stewart on an independent ticket would have no impact on the election for Democrats?
Not what I’m saying at all. I’m fully aware that the “fringe candidate” would “steal” votes from the establishment candidate, but honestly? I’d take another Trump presidency if it actually lit a fire under the Democratic Party’s ass and got them to start endorsing candidates who voters actually want, rather than minimally focusing on being the lesser of two evils. The Republican Party deserves all the shit they get, but you gotta hand it to them, at least they’re backing candidates that their voters actually want.
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