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vane, in Why in the year 2024 and with all the knowledge humans have now do people still believe in religion?

Because recent AI and cloud development proves that genesis was right, god trained multi model transformer neutral network to simulate earth in 6 days on the cloud. God (the lead developer and co-owner of company) created earth branch and he was working in agile environment because the tasks are clearly explained in the genesis book sprint with day numbers so everything was estimated during planning.

At the end of sprint god deployed earth to development environment to test if everything works ok so he can continue with his changes next week. Adam and Eve were naked subprocesses without firewall and edge case errors but it was fine because whole thing was just a draft PR and god wanted to see what happens during weekend.

When god went home for weekend from now on everything got fucked up, eden was unstable and satan junior developer and son of co-owner uncle was on hot call during weekend. On Sunday satan was having barbecue and got a call that he need to redeploy eden. He was so drunk that not only he deployed god’s branch to production but also he merged this branch into main tree. Unfortunately the Snake was online that day, he broke into eden and changed all the code on main branch introducing many errors and exploits, stole all the data from gods company.

When god got back on monday he god fucking mad. He said fuck you satan from now on you will be working on earth alone despite you don’t know programming at all I can’t fire you because me and your uncle are best friends. What I will do I will push main with earth into dev and let you fix it and I will rollback eden to where it was. Untill all the bugs from earth branch are resolved don’t fucking dare to make a single voice about merging earth into production branch.

So here we are satan knows nothing about programming so he causes more evil than good to this day. Couple thousands earth years later god’s kid went into intership for couple of months and tried to fix earth branch but fucking exploits grow so big they manipulated humans and killed his fix patch, now we wait until he finish his masters and come back to fix all the bugs.

Once per day god runs Holy Spirit CI/CD that automatically merges eden into earth and validates if earth passes all eden unit tests if it’s not it rolls back and marks all people that pass the tests on green and all those are not to red. That fucking simple because dev development cloud have unlimited computing power.

Recent studies in AI shows that merge with eden will happen sooner than later despite all the errors because Jesus said that when he will be back all dead will come back to life and now you need only couple pictures, couple seconds of voice and chat history to clone anyone and deploy this person to cloud (see AI Girlfriend) without their constent. Probably what will happend is that all the people will be put in freeze ( there was test freeze during covid - no get out from home rule) so all of us can be patched when we are in front of computers. So we’re waiting for those patches and we can go back to eden.

If you don’t believe me go work as a developer for a year

u_u, avatar

Yeah, but who is Satan’s uncle?



batmaniam, in What's some amazing technology they have in Japan that's very normal to them but would blow our minds here in the US and western world?

Not Japan specifically, but I’ve got say I’m jealous as hell about the snack scene in east Asia.

I generally don’t have a sweet tooth, and things like potato chips don’t have that umami I like. I try to keep snacks around because I forget to eat, but nothing appeals to me. But man… all those pre-packaged tofu squares, various bits of marinated meat… that’s my deal. There’s one solid “Asian Mart” near me, I’ll stock up a few months worth at a time.

Closest you get in the US is basically jerky/slim jims, which are great but expensive and kind of one note for flavor.


7-11 onigiri! The best.

Joeffect, in What are the facts you remember for no specific reason

Charlie Chaplin entered a Charlie Chaplin lookalike contest and lost

This is an urban legend

felixwhynot, avatar

Can we have a citation please?


From what I can tell,every account that people have cited as evidence for Charlie Chaplin losing a look a like contest are anecdotal and cant be verified.



But Dolly Parton really did lose in a Dolly Parton lookalike contest - and the winner was a drag artist (pretty sure it was a drag competition, and Dolly entered it for a laugh).

rowinxavier, in What's some amazing technology they have in Japan that's very normal to them but would blow our minds here in the US and western world?

They have a device which progressively shines a light on a piece of paper while moving across the page and converts the brightness of the reflected light into an audio signal. Once it reaches the edge the paper is incremented and the process repeats. Each of these segments of sound are sent via a standard telephone connection to a similar device on the other end which uses the sounds to reproduce the image on the original paper on a new sheet of paper. This can be used to send forms, letters, black and white pictures, and even chain letters. It also forms the basic underpinning of a significant fraction of formal communications with landlords, employers, medical systems, government offices, and so on.

BallShapedMan, avatar

Fax machine?


I think he’s saying that, for as futuristic as Japan may seem, they also still rely on outdated methods for certain things, just like every other country.

BallShapedMan, avatar

Clever! I missed that.

And we’re still trying to eliminate fax as a channel we take orders in. We made a big dent a few years ago but we still get a handful a week.

tal, (edited ) avatar

Ironically, I just noticed this morning that the pizzaria on the corner (here, in the US) can take orders via fax (as well as in person, via phone, and on the Web).

I don’t know about today, but back around 2000, stuff on the Japanese market was quite a bit ahead of the US in small, portable, personal electronic devices, like palmtop computers and such. I remember being pretty impressed with it. But then I also remembered being surprised a few years later when I learned that personal computer ownership was significantly lower than in the US. I think that part of it is that people in Japan spend a fair bit of time on mass transit, so you wanted to have small, portable devices tailored to that, and that same demand doesn’t really exist in the US.

Then everyone jumped on smartphones at some point after that, and I think things homogenized a bit.

captain_aggravated, avatar

Yeah, PC games are a nothing market in Japan as virtually no one owns a gaming PC; they’re much more likely to own a console (Sony and Nintendo are domestic companies) or a mobile device.


This used to be the case, but it’s hardly true anymore. PC Gaming has taken off in Japan.…

mnemonicmonkeys, (edited )

Keep in mind that that’s been changing over the past couple of years


I’ve sometimes heard it phrased that “Japan has been living in the year 2000 since 1980.”


I think it’s because the country did not significantly recover from the 90s financial crisis, and their society is so conservative that they literally could not try anything modern again afterwards

They literally went “industrial society and it’s consequences have been a disaster for Japanese society”


I agree with the first part, but not the second.

The impact of the financial crisis reverberates to this day, and that drives a huge proportion of the issues, but the crisis in my opinion was inevitable. From my perspective, the Post-War Economic Miracle, as it’s called, catapulted Japan through all the stages of economic development into an almost accelerated version of the same problems that are afflicting the U.S. and other Western countries.

The dream of infinite growth in the Japanese context fell flat for the same reasons it is falling apart in other developed countries. A rise in standard of living and wages led to offshoring and outsourcing of production, the hollowing out of the middle class, a work culture at odds with family life, and so on. The country’s land and businesses were valued in the late 1980s as though it could remain competitive internationally with a mostly domestic supply chain, even as the production costs of its goods continued to rise along with the needs of its population, which in a globalized economy turned out to be a pipe dream.

We see the same thing in the U.S., where every president promises to restore the American manufacturing base, then comes up against the reality that U.S.-produced products made by U.S. workers paid U.S. wages cannot be competitive with something built in Southeast Asia and shipped overseas for less than $100 per ton. But the conservatism of Japanese society certainly plays a role, in that the country is highly resistant to change, and also due to a rigidity that stifles innovation, making it hard to start new businesses outside the keiretsu/conglomerate structure. The U.S. has somewhat mitigated its manufacturing decline through the creation of new service sector and especially tech businesses that operate internationally, which path is less available to Japan due to the rigidity of its business structure.

But the part I disagree with is the idea that Japan has rejected industrial society. Japan is still extremely proud of its culture and the impact it’s had globally. They love that people in western countries eat ramen and sushi, play Nintendo games or watch anime, and they have a deep reverence for their globally successful businesses and particularly the auto industry. They have no desire to reject or withdraw from industrial society, they just haven’t been able to figure out amidst external economic barriers, and internal cultural and financial barriers, how to move forward.


We see the same thing in the U.S., where every president promises to restore the American manufacturing base, then comes up against the reality that U.S.-produced products made by U.S. workers paid U.S. wages cannot be competitive with something built in Southeast Asia and shipped overseas for less than $100 per ton.

That is the lie they tell us. Meanwhile we do everything we can to make we don’t have an industrial base.

  • We zone factories far away from everything instead of allowing them to be in normal commuting range
  • We tax the land they are on the same way we tax commercial property. Which you might think is fair but we don’t do that to farmers. Especially considering how easy retail gets it, with governments willing to give plenty of free roads and police protection to them
  • We treat inventory as taxable which punishes factories that want a buffer and rewards the quick turnover of fast fashion places. Ever wonder why they never have your size and you have to go to the website to get it?
  • Thanks to our shit medical system any workplace injury is going to be devastating which means that the insurance as a whole will be very high.
  • Factory investments take longer to pay off which doesnt mean much when we all think quarterly. A tax on rapid stock trading could probably fix that but that isn’t going to happen.

There are other factors as well. We don’t hire women to do factory work which limits the labor pool. There is still a lot of discrimination against Latinos and African Americans. Which again lowers the labor pool and kinda leaves us with…well the kind of people who feel only comfortable only working with white Christian men.


I heard it’s to do with how secure tax actually is compared to email or something.

rob_t_firefly, avatar

"McFly! Read my fax!"




Bro you actually got me so hard until I read the comment below. I was blown away.


So simply put, it is a facsimile machine?

bizzle, in Why in the year 2024 and with all the knowledge humans have now do people still believe in religion? avatar

I believe in “at least one god” as a Thelemite and a Freemason. I wasn’t raised religious at all, in fact my secular parents actively discouraged me from taking part in faith-based activities with my friends. When I grew up, though, I realized this couldn’t be it and went on a Quest for the Truth.

God is Math. God is the Sun. God is NOT an imaginary friend, as they say, “hanging around up there”.

meekah, avatar

Can you explain why God is Math? Or the sun? Those statements don’t make any sense to me.

bizzle, avatar

The sun gives light and life to the World. Every winter, it dies on the cross for three days and is thus resurrected. Since time immemorial people have worshipped the sun.

Math, on the other hand, is literally the reason our atoms hold together. It’s the reason the planets form. It’s ubiquitous and ineffable, tying together the universe in ways we do not understand.


Calling common things of nature “God” is just adding unnecessary complexity and trying to give purpose to what has none. Things don’t exist to serve us, we adapted to these things for us to exist.

About the “math god”, math doesn’t hold the atoms together, it just explains it.

bizzle, avatar

The first religions worshipped the sun. The figureheads of most major religions are stand-ins for the sun, including Jesus Christ.

Additionally I’d argue that religion exists expressly to give purpose. Regardless of whether or not God exists, the fact that human beings look to God alone should be proof of that.


So you’re just redefining God. That’s fine, but it’s not helpful in a discussion where people assume by default you’re using a common definition of God.

Showroom7561, (edited ) in What are some good items to put in a cold weather care kit to hand out to Homeless folks in my city?

My tip would be to work through an organization that already does this. Stay safe.

Grayox, avatar

I take the metro into the city every other week to visit museums, my plan is to take the pack and give to one of the many homeless people i see before i make it into the city every time. I doubt I will make it off the metro before handing it off. And dont worry safety never takes a holiday.

mydude, in What's some amazing technology they have in Japan that's very normal to them but would blow our minds here in the US and western world?

Medicare for all

GladiusB, avatar
bullshitter, in What are the facts you remember for no specific reason

I before e but not after c


That’s weird.


Don’t forget the rest:

“…and in long “a” such as neighbor and weigh.”

mojofrododojo, in The 2024 US Presidential race officially starts Monday, what are your predictions for Iowa?

More than one trump supporter will die in a snow drift.

Trump will win Iowa, but lose the nomination to Haley (as his legal peril grows), who will lose to Biden.

Trump supporters will react violently to the loss and eventual conviction of Trump in multiple spasms of bloodshed.

They too will end up in prison, alongside J6 convicts.

The rich still won’t be taxed, and the climate will continue to warm and destabilize.

The sea will become too warm to support normal ocean currents like the gulf stream, destabilizing the entire food chain as aquaculture collapses.

Someone will invent a new kind of food called a quantum chalupa, and it will be glorious.

HP will increase prices for ink.

key, avatar

Someone will invent a new kind of food called a quantum chalupa, and it will be glorious

Surely it’s commonly called a qualupa


only when measured in qualupa bits


It’s made of people!!!


It’s fucked up that this is the best case scenario

HippoMoto, in Why in the year 2024 and with all the knowledge humans have now do people still believe in religion?

Have you heard of the fireplace delusion? Burning wood is horrible for our health and the environment, but most of us have fond memories of sitting by a fire. Religion is the same. Holiday traditions with family, organized events marking important life events, it’s hard to break away.

return2ozma, avatar

Great perspective

skeptomatic, in What's some amazing technology they have in Japan that's very normal to them but would blow our minds here in the US and western world?

Found at 7-11, combo ketchup/mustard blister pack that when you simply bend and squeeze together, ketchup and mustard come out evenly for your corn-dog and no mess for your fingers.


Those little squeeze packets are an Aussie invention, I believe!


We take our tomato sauce seriously here!

tocopherol, avatar

You have tomato sauce packets? It’s funny to think of ketchup as tomato sauce, in the US if you called it that everyone would be confused even though it is really the most accurate thing you could call it


We do no indeed! What do you guys call tomato sauce?

tocopherol, avatar

We would call the sauce for burgers, fries etc ketchup, ‘tomato sauce’ in the US would be the sort for pasta, like marinara. If you asked for tomato sauce for a burger people would be very confused lol.


Ah right right, haha that’s cool!

SkippingRelax, (edited )

Is it though? There are other things people refer to as tomato sauce and that could be confusing. As an Italian living in Australia i cringe every time someone refers to ketchup as tomato sauce. Tomato sauce should be a beautiful thing that goes in pasta, lasagne and all gorgeous food stuff. Ideally home made.

The vinegary shit that drunk people here put on their meat pie (that BTW would taste beautifully as they comes out of the oven, no need to put any nasty shit on it) - it’s called ketchup and you just ruined that beautiful pie.


Ketchup is gazpacho


I’ve never seen one with 2 different sauces tho. Such a good idea


And the 7/11 corn dog is better than any I’ve eaten in the US.

LoganNineFingers, in What are the facts you remember for no specific reason

2.2lbs to a KG

Should probably make an effort to know so many as a Canadian but only know the one conversion

uriel238, avatar

5cm to 2 inches. It’s slightly off but good to a 30cm = one foot.

Useful when converting penis measurements.

eluminx, in What really popular movie or TV show have you never seen? avatar

The Sopranos


This one. Not sure if I should watch it.


Watch the wire instead. Again if need be.

bobsuruncle, in Folks in North America, where do you like to get PC parts online these days?

Try using You can do your build on the site and it will list the best deals for the components you choose. As a bonus it will check to see if there are some glaring incompatibilities at the same time.


I love this site so much. As someone who’s not got much of a tech backgroung, it’s been massively helpful in building and upgrading my PCs.


As a bonus it will check to see if there are some glaring incompatibilities at the same time.

I’d heard of the site but for some reason I’d forgotten this part. I’ll definitely use it for that at a minimum (and maybe for sourcing parts as well depending!), as I have a habit of missing some tiny detail that happens to relate to compatibility.

mipadaitu, in People that went to high schools with 3 or more floors, did you think that was a bit odd?

Well, I went to wayside school, so I guess in retrospect it was a little weird, but at the time it seemed normal.

Rhynoplaz, (edited )

Oh yeah? Me too! My class was not on the 19th floor.

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