Baltimore, Maryland has a gigantic green space (second biggest woodland park in the United States according to Wikipedia) right in the center of the city called Leakin Park. It’s gorgeous during the day time, but unfortunately during the evening most people avoid it because it’s become a dumping ground for bodies.
It’s become known in the region as one of the most dangerous parks in the United States, which super sucks.
It’s funny you say this because games I know I would love years ago, still appeal to me I.e. Baldurs gate but now I am very much a collect and compete kind of gamer… It’s weird I used to love in depth stories but now a days tetris, doom, card games. It’s weird.
If eating alone (I usually eat in family), I’m usually listening to music. Past that… it depends, really. If I’m treating myself I’ll probably just eat and listen to music, but if it’s a “normal” meal I might do it in the front of the computer or TV while browsing or watching stuff.
Yeah but people change hobbies change and priorities change. Don’t ever try to force yourself to play games because you feel like your supposed to. I don’t eat candy anymore because I stopped enjoying it. I’m not gonna just eat it because I used to love it.
If thats how you play games now just do you, have fun with those games now, don’t need to over think it
I’m old and I’m busy. I don’t have time for fetch quests that are uninspired time sinks. I don’t have time to play through a game with janky mechanics just for a few bright spots. I don’t have time to farm repetitive shit just so I can do X thing.
I’ve found that most AAA games care more about the time you spend playing rather than whether the game is fun or not. Diablo IVs rapid fall from grace is a prime example of this. This will not stop; it is the end point of the business model. A fun game that people sink 40 hours into and drop is much less profitable than a mid-game that demands a perpetual 10 hours per week.
Others have already hit on it, but my best gaming experiences in recent years have been games that I didn’t buy on release and only found through online word of mouth and hype.
Watching tv shows or Youtube too. But I’m limiting myself to one full episode. Or if YouTube, I select a video in the 20~30 minutes range so it will last for the whole meal + small break after. And then I stop.
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