City Park here in NOLA is 1300 acres (50% larger than Central Park) and was established in 1854, making it three years older as well. Stay losing NYC! 😜
It’s how I buy everything. I rarely carry cash. You steal my cash I’m out my money. You steal my credit card, I cancel the card and get a new one.
Small purchases like a couple cookies ( about $1.50 to $2.00) then I will probably pay cash because the store probably loses money if I use a card. The absolute vast majority of purchases I use the card. If I don’t have the money in the bank then I don’t buy the item.
Leaving tip at the counter or for take out food is just incomprehensible to me. It’s like tipping a grocery store clerk at check out when you are paying for your groceries. I bought this food already, what am I leaving a tip for?
Nothing usually. I prefer to focus on solely the task at hand, even if it’s just eating. I find that when I try to watch TV or videos while eating, I will simply end up not concentrating on either and then take forever to finish my food, or get nothing out of what I was trying to watch.
Just from my personal experience relating to banworthy things.
Make the rules clear and unambiguous and include the penalty for breach within the rule body itself.
And have an absolute heart of stone. When you ban somebody, you quote the rule, and you do not add any personal narrative. You ignore every appeal for decency or clemency. If somebody cannot be bothered to read and follow the rules, they have already forfeited the right to be a part of your community in any way. Do not allow yourself to be swayed.
Even if there is some ambiguity or sense of injustice, that’s just too bad so sad. “Oh no, I don’t get to post for 24 hours on some random forum about some bullshit that doesn’t really matter”. Wah. If they can’t get over it, they weren’t going to add anything useful to your community anyways.
If somebody sends you an appeal and you don’t want to argue with them, simply don’t argue with them. If they keep coming at you, making your life hard, or swearing at you, just keep extending the ban or make it perma.
We aren’t dealing with bars of gold here, it’s mostly random horseshit posted to communities that we talk about for a few days and then forget we even saw. I mean I loved the community that I built and nurtured for 14 years but really at the end of the day after I walked away from Reddit from the API changes, I haven’t noticed one iota of difference in my life.
Breathe. Answer texts. Drink water/beer. Tell my wife it’s delicious. Tell my stepson to please turn the volume down on whatever device he brought to the table.
Tip on counter service, don’t tip on retail purchases. This was a retail purchase. If you had gotten a latte you should’ve tipped a dollar for that, but not on the entire total.
You’re probably not going to hell because hell probably doesn’t exist. However, whether you are cast into the outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, that’s another matter and I suggest truly repenting for your misdeeds… of which this was not one, to be clear.
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