I think it’s left because it’s a social support thing, and I think it’s right because it’s super simple and puts power in the hands of individuals to choose how to spend it.
As a libertarian, I support UBI because I think a society with UBI has more liberty than one without it. I’m a conservative, so I abhor complex government, where petty tyranny can hide under the guise of policy. And UBI is simple.
Leftism is about worker ownership of the Means of Production, rightism is about Capitalist ownership of the Means of Production. You’re adding extra values onto it that don’t actually exist. For an example, conservatives are de facto for large government, at least in America, just with no social protections and a huge military and police system. Being “simple” isn’t right wing either.
Thanks, buddy! I try to give analysis from a leftist perspective without using big theory words that might scare off non-leftists or baby leftists, I find people tend to accept and agree with leftist theory if broken down in basic building blocks. Have a good one!
I’d let Emily Pitcher from Sondering Studio remake every single game with soundtracks composed by Lena Raine. This includes Chicory, Celeste, and of course, Minecraft.
It would be kinda difficult for her to remake that last one ngl.
Also, I’m the one that remasters the soundtracks to make them sound like they came out of a Sega Mega Drive (for Muricans: Sega Genesis). This is clearly the worst idea I’ve ever come up with considering how long this would take especially for only 2 people.
Religions are sort of like mind viruses. The ones that have survived have done so because they are very good at taking root and multiplying in the human mind. Sort of a natural selection of ideas. They develop the necessary features like a way to ignore contrary evidence and severe consequences for not believing
The zero G room gun from enders game looks pretty sick. I wasn’t that much of a fan of the movie compared to the books but the gun design was pretty good. Also does star lords gun from marvel count? That’s a pretty sick one too.
You’re presupposing there was nothing at one point. We know that is the case for the physical universe because otherwise entropy would have ended actions an eternity ago. An eternal being not subject to the laws of thermodynamics has no logical need for a beginning.
The IMFDB entries for older shooters really show how many misstakes they made, look up Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Half Life, Half Life Opposing Force, Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield Vietnam for some good articles
A Pokémon remake by Valve. It’ll come out a decade late, sure, but knowing Valve, they’d try out a bunch of new tech and mechanics (desperately needed by Pokémon) and then polish it up to excellent quality.
Lately, “just one more episode” of the tv show ER. It’s just too compelling and designed to pull your attention in with the music hits when they get a new trauma in and start yelling.
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