Ok, I’ll write my aunt, who I’m sure saved up to buy me the card because she knows I like coffee, and I’ll tell her that it was such a shitty gift and she should feel bad. /s
Seriously? Get a fucking clue. I hope you get coal next year.
Wow, you took that response really personally. You’re way too invested in letting others know that you’re a condescending coffee snob. No one cares what you think of other people’s preferences.
Even if you didn’t like their coffee, they sell like candy and sandwiches and mugs and stuff? That’s not a useless gift card and I’m sorry you lost it!
Thanks. Honestly, I do like their coffee. I don’t really like them as a company, but I’m not going to turn up my nose at a gift. Maybe it will turn up!
My partners job gave him a couple of the keg gift cards one year, it was over $100 value. We held on to them for a special occasion. We moved, it was my birthday, made plans with friends and excited to get steak paid for by his shitty employee.
Those fucking gift cards have never shown up again. Just gone into the void.
There are quite a number of good articles on the subject if you want a thorough answer, but some of the main things are:
He’s responsible for a massive deregulation of financial institutions that were a precursor to the Wall Street issues that led to the giant government bailout.
He pushed “trickle down economics,” which is the theory that if you cut taxes on corporations and the wealthy, they’ll succeed more and create more jobs so that everyone wins. This is something conservatives always push and it’s always a horrible failure that results in a bigger and bigger income gap.
He funded his big tax cuts (mostly for the wealthy) by slashing federal assistance programs, including low income housing subsidies and mental health support, resulting in an unprecedented surge in homelessness that we’re still wrestling with today.
Nancy Reagan was the “Just say no to drugs” lady - the figurehead of the largely failed war on drugs which was like trying to prevent teen pregnancy with an abstinence only education program.
There’s a lot more, but those are some of the big ticket items.
Reagan was massively anti-labor and oversaw the air traffic controller strike and fired employees who were striking for better wages and conditions. It was a harbinger of things to come for labor unions, many of which were then so gutted by outsourcing and neoliberal Clinton passing NAFTA, the single most anti-union, anti-middle class piece of law ever. Reagan set the table against labor, Clinton and the Dems delivered the death blow. Organized labor now only accounts for less than 10% of jobs in the US, and only with Coronavirus-driven alignment and efforts is labor finally starting to regain its legs. 40 years Reagan helped kill the American middle class.
I almost added a bullet about killing unions, but it was hard to know where to stop. He also wasn’t great for the environment, but I think it’s generally accepted that he wasn’t the environmental train wreck that people thought he’d be.
Yes definitely “some”. One rather big one though that I’d like to add.
Reagan was a sponsor of international terror. Selling arms to iran. Circumventing a US embargo.To arm Nicaraguan rebels, trying to overthrow the government that had ended the American occupation. Training and arming the mujahedeen in Afghanistan. Who were part of a group many might recognize al’queda. Run by some guy called Osama Bin’laden. I think I’ve heard of him maybe… All because “the commies” whom Regan and all Americans were pavlovianly trained to become apoplectic about at the mere mention. Marched into Afghanistan, failing and flailing much like the United States just finished doing. And that’s only two of the bigger ones.
Also it bares repeating but Reagan has a large part of the blame for the aids epidemic nationally like Mike Pence did in Indiana. Simply because they were both raging homophobic racist bigots.
The HUD rigging scandal was another good one. Did I mention Reagan was a hyper partisan dog whistling racist bigot yet? Either way it’s not repeated enough. Rewarding HUD contracts to Republican doners as quid pro quo.
Sooooooooo many scandals at the EPA.
Savings and loan scandal. A nice cancerous outcropping of Reagan’s deregulation that still harrows us to this day.
He’s literally a bottomless pit of harm and scandal.
Don’t forget destroying the budget of mental health facilities, causing people to be sent out on the streets in droves, without resources. That is the biggest reason for our homeless crisis to this day.
💯! Reagan was a modern Republican through and through. There was almost nothing he touched or even looked at that didn’t suffer for it. It says a lot that his biological son named after him, disassociated from him so much. And only his adopted son carried on dealing with the cults perpetuating the misplaced hero worship.
There are school-aged people on Lemmy? I assumed the vast majority are older millennials (with a touch of gray), who are also Linux users, not straight, and have some level of obsession with Star Trek and — God knows why — beans.
Commie grey millennial here. I’m a drug and alcohol counselor in a prison. I teach a group on opioid overdose prevention to the inmates, but no clue what they teach in school.
A while ago (soon after the Reddit exodus, but I can’t recall specifically when) it seemed like every other post on Lemmy was just shitposting bean memes. I still see beans referenced periodically. But if your experience on Lemmy was strictly highly curated you may have not experienced the beans.
Me either 😞 I’m 41 and I still remember most of 17 very clearly because it was a very good year for me. But man, the years will just start whizzing by you the older you get. Sometimes it feels like 17 was just 5 or at most 10 years ago.
My advice is if you don’t want to feel like you’re getting older (and it happens to all of us) is stay active and avoid monotony. Doing the same monotonous thing day after day (ie most jobs) means you don’t make as many “waypoint” memories - when you get old like me it’s the big events that move away from the monotony that you tend to remember, and if you don’t have many of those big events it feels like no time has passed at all since you have very little memory of that period. We don’t remember the daily commute to work, the endless meetings, etc., but we tend to remember things like travelling or the first time with a new lover or emotionally-strong events like a death or marriage. In short: make lots of memories!
Oh man. I was miserable in my teens and much of my twenties. The majority of the time that I think back is to unfairly judge myself on data or maturity that I didn’t have and cringe (which is a habit that I’m working on breaving). Overall sound advice, from my experience though.
Mid-30s millenial here. Being an adult, instead of a 20-something young adult is overall pretty great. Having experinence and maturity makes a lot of shit easier, especially dropping uninportant bullshit. Definitely the best decade of my life thus far.
The downside: unaddressed physical, emotional, and psychological “battle damage” is cumulative (I only started treatment for ADHD at 30). So, if you have any untreated issues or trauma, it’s best to take them on earlier so that you don’t have to play catch-up.
That said, enjoy your life and keep in mind that, short of severe injury or imprisonment, you are not going to irreparably damage your future (repair is possible in some of those cases anyway). I didn’t start my career (completely unrelated to my degree) until I was about 26. My wife, who is a year younger than me, earned her union card in her trade last year, after dealing with nearly 30 years of untreated physical and psychological issues. Despite this, we’re both happier on average than any other point in our lives.
Anybody important will have had their name removed from the list already. After seeing the fallout for Prince Nonce of Nonceville, nobody else wants to be tarred with that brush
I just mean everyone’s implying all the rich and truly awful have made sure they are off the record by now which is clearly not the case with Andrew, leading me to question the sincerity or validity of that speculation hehe
Ahh, got you now, sorry for the confusion. I think Prince Nonce didn’t have the advanced notice (or the social equity (he was already disliked before this came out)) to buy his way out. Whereas people being announced this week have had months of advanced notice
Thank god for TV Tropes. The “subtitle” meaning “closed captions” or “sub-name” thing still bugs me. Am I the only one bugged by one name being used for multiple things confusingly? Like how “chips” is often used to mean either potato crisps (packet chips) or potato fries (hot chips). Why not just use different names, you know?
I get what you’re saying, IMO “subtitle” should be what is being referred to in the post, a sort of secondary title, whereas the text on screen for translations shouldn’t also be called subtitles, just “captions” is fine, yet they’re commonly called subtitles, who the hell came up with that?
Being an American though, we just call them chips or fries. We may not have much else going for us here, but at the very least we have unambiguous names for our potato snacks.
They used to be transmitted over a hidden portion of the screen, during the NTSC and PAL era. That was topologically on the signal stream area corresponding to right under the video frame. Thus they were titles (text) that were under (sub) the image. They were also unavailable (closed) to the user until they activated them, when the decoder started drawing them over the frame by folding the signal so the text could appear. They originally were invented for and proposed to aid hearing impaired people by capturing the sound events, including speech, with short descriptive texts (captioning) .
That’s why in the US Closed Captioning is for hard hearing, and subtitling usually means only dialogue and other languages. While the rest of the world only uses variations of the word subtitling because English rapes and coopts everything it colonizes.
It has to do with analog TV & tape-based media distribution.
Captions follow a very specific standard & are required to be included on certain broadcast media.
To ensure captioning remains consistent across consumer devices, captions come in specific file formats, typically generated by a third party.
The files are delivered alongside media deliveries & contain timecode markers to sync the text up with the dialogue.
Before digital delivery of media for broadcast, each piece of media arrived on a tape. Each tape had the caption file embedded as lines of video, TVs could scan those lines as they came across in the broadcast signal, & display the captions.
On certain old televisions, you could see the captioning during the broadcast, it would appear as broken black/white dashes across the top of the image.
Any text included in a caption file is considered captioning. Any text outside of that file that appeared over video (including titles, alternate language translations, logos, etc), is considered a subtitle.
And the definitions in stem fields are often very subtly different, and also different from lay language definitions (like theory in science means something very different than common use)
I like it to keep track of communities that don’t have enough members here to be very active. I don’t participate in the discussions, but it’s good in case some news come out that I would miss otherwise.
Lemmit.online is also good, because it actually lets you know that it’s mirroring reddit. There was another instance that was mirroring reddit including comments, without any indication. I started “participating” in the discussions until I caught on to the fact that I wasn’t getting any answers or up- or downvotes because it was just full of bots. It soon landed on my blacklist.
I think the creator of the second one you mentioned (alien.top) halted the project for the time being due to the extreme backlash they got from lemmy users about their methodology.
A trademark (also written trade mark or trade-mark[1]) is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign, design, or expression that identifies a product or service from a particular source and distinguishes it from others.[2][3]
I would say an animated intro isn’t a trademark, and even then making a movie with that material isn’t copying someone’s trademark for your trademark. But this could get interesting.
I mean they just need to slap a ™ on every official appearence of Mickey. Hell, they can easily say an abstract representstion of Mickey’s ears represent Disney and they wouldn’t even be wrong.
This is pushing my knowledge but trademark infringement would be if you use their logo as your logo. You can’t mislead people into thinking your product comes from them. That doesn’t mean you can’t ever have public domain things in your product.
We create narratives bout everything we experience. If I am upset and getting worked up, why am I telling myself a story that makes me upset? When you realize your feelings are based on the story you’re telling yourself, it’s easier to create a different narrative, or at least separate your feelings from reality.
Like that Buddhist teaching of there being two pains: the actual pain of an arrow striking you, and the pain that arises by your reactions to the arrow. You can’t control the first pain, but you have some control over the second.
Happiness, excitement and anticipation are cycles. In order to experience them again to their full, you must allow them to fade for awhile. Trying to hold onto them for too long is causing you more grief than the actual lack of them in the moment.
Take a moment to breathe, and appreciate where you are, what you have, and who you’ve shared it with, before you rush onward.
And his followers will excuse it in one of two ways:
It’s all fake. They’ll claim that the Democrats swapped the real list for the released “fake” list and that the real list has Biden’s name, not Trump’s. Their proof? Some YouTube video linked to from a Facebook post where a white guy wearing sunglasses in his truck says he saw the real list with Biden’s name on it!
Trump was undercover. They’ll claim that Trump was actually working undercover to expose these people. Being on the flight logs “proves” that he was only there to spy on these people. Why? Non-specific Excuse! Therefore, Trump’s name on Epstein’s list is actually a good thing and they support him more!
Meanwhile, the rest of us will scream in frustration.
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