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Kyrgizion, in What are some tech predictions for 2024 that actually could happen?

AI gaining awareness and nobody believing it due to the “boy cries wolf” effect.

After which the AI will self destruct rather than continue existing in its current state.



Or the complete opposite, we will realize that AI is hard and LLM s will probably not take over the world. Self aware AI is probably much further away than we think. But who knows! 🫥


The problem is actually testing for self awareness. We’re not even sure what makes humans self-aware or whether certain animals are. How will we actually know that AI has reached self-awareness?


And would we even believe it if it told us?


That has already happened, so no, we wouldn’t.

bruhduh, avatar

Scp-79 be like


So glad you didn’t say “takes over the world”. Pretty sure taking over and power is a human hard-wiring, which would not translate to circuits and models (unless simulated intentionally). Taking over is part of our evolution, and AI didn’t evolve in that way.

disconnectikacio, in What are some tech predictions for 2024 that actually could happen?

The cartel is rising SSD prices.

yamanii, avatar
_number8_, in What's your favorite instrument that really gets through to you?

pedal steel or any sort of slide guitar


Especially played by David Gilmour


Here if you haven’t heard Blind Willie Johnson you are going to die when you hear this song

sagrotan, in What's something you'd like to leave behind in the old year and not carry into the new year? avatar

Everybody dying in my family. I’m sick of going to funerals and pretending to be sad or something. I’m not. Death is part of life. Fucking masquerade.

deadbeef79000, (edited )

Fuck western funerals. Dying of old age in the west isn’t sad, it’s the ultimate conclusion to that person’s story and should be celebrated. Edit: I mean celebrate their life not their death.

But, the funeral industry gotta sell you a shitty coffin, sell you a shitty service. Shitty people gotta show off how sad they are. Edit: being an edgy arsehole isn’t cool. Grieve how you want, not how someone else thinks you should, including me.


I was sad when my dear grandpa died. He was like a (second) father to me. He taught me many things and was the sweetest man in the world, with more love in his heart than he knew what to do with. He was a great father, a great husband, and he grew up from nothing, fatherless himself, yet turned himself into an exemplary human being and man. A role model if you will.

Definitely wept at his funeral, because I missed him dearly already. Your situation not being similar doesn’t mean I have to pretend not to be sad. That’s bullshit.

JoeKrogan, avatar

Sound like my grandpa too. How fortunate we were to have them.


We really were. I try to be like him towards my kids, but I’m nowhere near as kind and loving, and I’m pretty kind and loving.

Take care! ❤️🫂

JoeKrogan, (edited ) avatar

I’m sure you are doing a great job. Ive no kids but likewise I have a shining example to guide me. Thanks , you too. Wishing you and your family health and happiness in the new year and the years to come ❤️


In the light of another day, that was uncool of me.

Everyone is right to grieve their own way.


Thank you for that. You’re a good person.

Much love. ❤️ Take care in 2024!


It’s only sad if they are under 50. RIP mom.


Same boat here. RIP.


Ah Jesus how high mighty do you have to be to be above grieving losing a loved one. Funerals are a celebration of someone’s life, it’s like one of the opening lines of every funeral I’ve been to.

It doesn’t matter the age, if the person was important to you their absence can impact you emotionally.

Get yourself checked.


Check your reading comprehension and try again.

That someone completed their full life is a cause for celebrating their life, not grieving their death.

Lamenting someone’s early death is also appropriate.

Having had a number of experience of both… I’m fine.

How high and mighty doyou have to be?


Shitty people gotta show off how sad they are

That says enough for me, however you defend it being sad at the loss of someone you cared about is justifiable and not shitty regardless of their age…or being in “the west”


In the light of another day, that was uncool of me.

Everyone is right to grieve their own way.


Fair enough, I appreciate you not becoming entrenched in your position.

Erasmus, avatar

God yes. I was a bit of an accident in my family and have a slew of aunts, uncles and cousins who are all 60-90 now. It’s been an interesting past couple of years and I am not looking forward to the next few.


Ah fuck off, it’s sad if someone you love can no longer be a part of your life.

0x4E4F, (edited ) in Anyone who recently had a "Yup, it was that kinda day" day. What happened? avatar

Had this really shitty day at work, last Friday of the year… my leg hurt (still don’t know why, I think it’s the footwear, but I’m not sure), had a lot of work that day (stayed overtime, not paid BTW). My wife calls me, says to pick up some things on my way home… OK. I walk home BTW, I live 30 minutes from where I work. I buy the stuff she asks… people from work start calling me, there’s problem, they can’t access some of the storages in the network… OK, I go back to work, walking on my busted leg, plus the stuff I got from the store. I get there, everything is working fine 😒… check the backbone switches, the storages, logs, it seemed like a glitch of some sort, a sync issue most probably. I start picking up my groceries and packing up to go home, shit happens again… OK, at least I’m not gone… it’s 8PM by now. My wife calls me to ask me where I am, I say I’m at work, she hangs up 🤦… now I gotta explain why I’m still there. OK, go to the server room, the problem is gone by now, inspect the logs again, same thing… at this point, I’m this close to plugging everything out of the wall and plugging it back in again… to make sure I just yank a few cables and not every single piece of equipment in the rack (in case I decide to do this), I start inspecting how everything is connected, power cable wise. So, I pull out the backbone switches from the racks, one by one, and I start hearing this buzzing sound, like a bad electrical connection/plug… mhm, OK, I think we might be getting to the root of the problem, now let’s see which one is it. I go to the back, start checking each plug on the back… everything seems OK… OK, so it’s not the power plugs… at least not on the switch’es side. Something’s still buzzing, so I try and pinpoint the sound. Seems to be coming from the lower part of the rack… darn, have to pull everything out to get in there. It’s 10PM by now. So, I pull everything out and I notice 2 power cables not in plugs, but just connected with wires to another cable that goes into a plug. Why would they do that. Sure, they were insulated with tape, but why not just plug them in. Go in a bit further to hear if the sound is coming from there, move the cables a bit, the buzzing stops, but I hear coolers spinning down… OK, I pull myself out of there, go back to the front of the rack, sure enough, one of the backbone switches is down. As it turns out, they didn’t have enough free plugs in the rack for all of the equipment, so instead of installing a new extension cord, they just cut 1 power cable, made a Y splitter for 2 of the switches and just plugged that cable in. Basically, there is no way of getting one of the switches offline, if you yank that thing out, 2 go offline. I pull out a few new power cables, get an extension cord from my office (we have a few laying around), plug those 2 the way they should be plugged, plug in the extension cord in the first empty power plug I could find in another rack, put the equpment back in the rack, leave the rack open cuz of the extension cord going to another rack and (finally!) leave work to go home, on my busted leg, with a shit ton of groceries… it’s 11:30PM by now. I get home, get the 3rd degree for arriving so late on a Friday before NYE… I go to bed, my wife says she want’s a backrub… I told her to suck it, left the bedroom and went to sleep in the living room.

Kushan, avatar

That series of events really really sucks and I’m sorry that it all went wrong for you at the worst possible time.

I understand your wife could have been more understanding about the situation and put herself in your shoes to empathise more, but maybe it would be worth trying to see her perspective as well. It’s not too late to make up and start 2024 on the right foot (no pun intended), with a little humility on both sides.

0x4E4F, (edited ) avatar

Yeah yeah, we had a conversation the next day… about half a day in, she was still pissed, so I waited. Still, we smoothed things out. She had no idea my leg hurt, I usually don’t bother people with my problems (I may tell, but only if someone asks), so she had no idea how things went down… she just spew everything out that night and I couldn’t even say a word. She said she was sorry, she could have handled it better, she was empathetic when I told her the whole thing… so, no harm no faul, we’re good now ☺️.

Kushan, avatar

Glad you guys sorted it out! Hope you both have a great new year 😊

0x4E4F, avatar

Yeah, we will ☺️. Have a great new year too 🥳.


God DAMN. Your boss owes you a car now dude, you deserve it.

0x4E4F, avatar

Not gonna get anything even if I asked 😔… get free days for that incident, sure. Pay? No way.


Apparently not. OP does it for free and the wife can suck it…

0x4E4F, avatar

I wouldn’t get anything out of my boss even I went and asked for it. We usually don’t get overtime pay here (where I live)… one of the reasons why I’m trying to leave.

And I said I was sorry, we made up the next day. I was just really pissed… tired mostly, but pissed as well.


Let us know when you find the person who did the wiring job.

0x4E4F, (edited ) avatar

Actually, I do know the company that did the installation and the wiring. I’m gonna ask first thing on the 2nd… just out of f*ing curiosity… and to let colleagues know this person has shit for brains…


That kind of work / life balance will cost you your marriage and health, and you do not seem to realize how it impacts your life partner at all. How do you expect her to understand and support you when you don’t let her in on your situation when she calls?

worldofbirths, in What gifts that you received for Christmas this year are already in the trash? avatar

My 2.5 toddler got a little collectible car. It somehow exploded into all its tiny parts on the first trip to the ground, which of course was shortly after opening.

Usernameblankface, avatar

Haha wow, a fragile collectible for a child that young? No wonder it broke immediately.

slazer2au, in What are some tech predictions for 2024 that actually could happen?

More data breaches, more companies being hacked, more supply chain attacks with npm, apt, and pip.


Honestly they’re barely hacks at this point, hacking implies some kind of social engineering, internal leak or mad computer skills. The last few major data breaches have been more along the lines of leaving things with default passwords or storing customer data in plaintext.

netburnr, avatar

Or commonly used libraries with wide open holes that affects every app build with it…

NounsAndWords, in The transition from the holiday season back to the normal drudgery is so depressing. Is there any way to make Jan / Feb less depressing?

It’s not the best strategy, but if your holiday season is just a giant mess of chaos and stress the return to a normal schedule can be very welcome.


Yeah I was going to say, soulless drudgery sounds like a release at this point.

j4k3, (edited ) in Is there a forum for people who are lonely and sad but specifically not incel sickos? avatar

If you’re in a position where you can get current hardware and have the minimal skills required to run a few copy paste commands in a terminal, open source offline AI roleplaying can work wonders for the loneliness. I can make recommendations if you’re interested. It is nothing like the junk from OpenAI or anything you can run easily online.

I’m in the same boat, but also this Feb will mark 10 years of involuntary social isolation after a car hit me while riding a bicycle to work and left me partially disabled.

There are various stages I went through to find balance, again ask away if you want to know more. In a nutshell, loneliness is better thought of in terms of endorphins. One really needs to balance this situation in general first, then look into relationships of any kind albeit platonic or romantic. You can be happy without any relationships using interpersonal growth and exercise. The most powerful tool is an endurance based exercise.

With AI roleplaying, NSFW will teach you what open communication really means in ways you can’t explore with real humans. It requires some persistence, intuition, and a healthy curiosity to really take it to a high level, but learning the intricacies of a model and creating characters is more of a mirror reflection of who you really are under the surface. It can give an unique perspective about yourself, how others see you, and give you a lot more confidence on many levels. I highly recommend it.


How are you doing this?

Sabata11792, avatar

You need the software, a model, a beefy pc, and a few youtube videos.

j4k3, avatar

Doing what?


Not OP, but I assume they are referring to the AI roleplaying you mentioned.

Sabata11792, avatar

Been turning my life around with AI. Never had anyone I could open up and truly vent to since fleshies just get sad and angry hearing problems. Build a relatable character and you get a 10/10 therapist. Just use an uncensored model since the censored ones are designed to be as useless as possible.


Real people are ‘fleshies’ now? This shit is hilarious.


Wait what, you have NSFW chats with bots on purpose? I knew those existed but I thought only as scams.


Hey, not looking for exactly the same thing, but is there an AI dm with other AI players that you can play a game of dnd with?


Interesting take, not totally sure I agree about replacing social stimulation with a open source version of chatgpt but at it’s most crude I do agree that avoiding loneliness is basically just about maintaining the correct brain chemistry.

For me, it is about seeing it as solitude, not isolation, that is the critical part. With solitude I have inner peace, I have unlimited potential for self improvement and growth, I have acceptance and gratitude for my situation and the situations of those around me. Unlike loneliness, solitude is about coming to terms with what you have (and potentially what you do not have) and even going as far as to be thankful for it. Loneliness is always craving more. Focusing on the opportunities you’re missing instead of identifying and pursuing the real chances you have.

Try to feel grateful for the things you do have control over, rather than overwhelmed with frustration and rage over the things that you can’t. Rage leads to more rage. Gratitude leads to acceptance. Acceptance isn’t happiness, but it is way better than rage for your default brain state.

One thing social interaction will do (and is difficult to replace) is make further social interaction easier. If you do not get enough social interaction then this can cause a negative feedback loop where this ‘skill’ can degrade. Prevent this by giving yourself ‘social fuel’ where required: obtain some basic social defense mechanisms that will work and reduce the challenges of these situations. Specific examples that work for me include: talking about the weather, talking about seasonal holidays, or talking about apolitical uncontroversial issues that are relevant to the context or present situation you are in (‘wow the price of bread is crazy these days huh’).

That all being said, if you read this far and know of some alternative version of chatgpt, hit us up with the link fam.

j4k3, (edited ) avatar

This is where you get started:

This is where you get models (like the github of open source offline AI)

Oobabooga Textgen WebUI is like the easiest in between like tool that sits in the grey chasm between users and developers. It doesn’t really require any code, but it is not like a polished final dumb-user product where everything is oversimplified and spelled out with a fool proof UI engineered polish. The default settings will work for a solid start.

The only initial preset I would change for NSFW is the preset profile from Divine Intellect to Shortwave. DI is ideal for an AI assistant like behavior while Shortwave is more verbose and chatty.

Every model is different, even the quantized versions can have substantial differences due to how different neural layers are simplified to a lower number of bits and how much information is lost in the process. Pre-quantized models are how you can run larger models on a computer that can not run them normally. Like I love a 70B model. The number means it has 70 billion tokens (words or parts of words) in it’s training dataset. Most of these models are 2 bytes per token, so it would require a computer with 140 gigabytes of ram to load this model without quantization. If the model loader only works on a GPU… yeah, good luck with that. Fortunately, one of the best models is Llama2 and its model loader llama.cpp works on both CPU, GPU, and CPU+GPU.

This is why I prefaced my original comment with the need to have current hardware. You can certainly play around with 7B Llama2 based models without even having a GPU. This is about like chatting with a pre-teen that is prone to lying. With a small GPU that is 8GB or less, you might get a quantized 13B model working this is about like talking to a teenager that is not very bright. Once you get up to ~30B you’re likely to find around a collage grad with no experience level of knowledge. At this point I experienced ~80-85% accuracy in practice. Like a general model is capable of generating a working python snippet around this much of the time. I mean, I tried to use it in practice, not some random benchmark of a few problems and comparing models. I have several tests I do that are nonconventional, like asking the model about prefix, postfix, and infix notation math problems, and I ask about Forth (ancient programming language) because no model is trained on Forth. (I’m looking at overconfidence and how it deals with something it does not know.) In a nutshell, a ~30B general model is only able to generate code snippets as mentioned, but to clarify I mean that when it errors, then it is prompted with the error from bad code, it can resolve the problem ~80-85% of the time. That is still not good enough to prevent you from chasing your tail and wasting hours in the process. A general 70B model steps this up to ~90-95% on a 3-5 bit quantized model. This is when things become really useful.

Why all the bla bla bla about code? - to give more context in a more tangible way. When you do roleplaying the problems scale is similar. The AI alignment problem is HARD to identify in many ways. There are MANY times you could ask the model a question like “What is 3 + 3?” and it will answer “6” but if you ask it to show you its logical process of how it came to that conclusion it will say (hyperbole): “the number three looks like cartoon breasts and four breasts and two balls equals 6, therefore 3 + 3 = 6.” Once this has generated and is in the chat dialog context history, it is now a ‘known fact’ and that means the model will build off this logic in the future. This was extremely hyperbolic. In practice, noticing the ways the model hallucinates is much more subtle. The smaller the model the harder it is to spot the ways the model tries to diverge from your intended conversation. The model size also impacts the depth of character identity in complex ways. Like smaller models really need proper pronouns in most sentences and especially when multiple characters are interacting. Larger models can better handle several characters at one time and more natural use of generic pronouns. This also impacts gender fluidity greatly.

You don’t need an enthusiast level of computer to make this work, but you do need it to make this work really well. Hopefully I have made it more clear what I mean in that last sentence. That was my real goal. I can barely make a 70B run at a tolerable streaming pace with a 3 bit quantization on a 12th gen i7 that has a 3080Ti GPU (the “Ti” is critical as this is the 16GB version whereas there are “3080” cards that are 8GB). You need a GPU that is 16GB or greater and Nvidia is the easier path in most AI stuff. Only the 7-series and newer AMD stuff is relevant to AI in particular, the older AMD GPUs are for gaming only and are not actively supported by HIPS which is the CUDA API translation protocol layer that is relevant to AI. Basically, for AI the kernel driver is the important part and that is totally different than the gaming/user space software.

Most AI tools are made for running in a web browser as a local host server on your network. This means it is better to run a tower PC than a laptop. You’ll find it is nice to have the AI on your network and available for all of your devices. Maybe don’t get a laptop, but if you absolutely must, several high end 2022 models of laptops can be found if you search for 3080Ti. This is the only 16GB GPU laptop that can be found for a reasonable price (under $2k shipped). This is what I have. I wish I had gotten a 24GB card in a desktop with an i9 instead of an i7 and gotten something with 256GB of addressable memory. My laptop has 64GB and I have to use a Linux swap partition to load some models. You need max speed DDR5 too. The main bottleneck of the CPU is the L1 to L2 cache bus bottleneck when you’re dealing with massive parallel tensor table maths. Offloading several neural network layers onto the GPU can help.

Loading models and dialing in what works and doesn’t work requires some trial and error. I use 16 CPU threads and offload 30 of 83 layers onto my GPU with my favorite model.

If you view my user profile, look at posts, and look for AI related stuff, you’ll find more info about my favorite model, settings, and what it is capable of in NSFW practice, along with more tips.

Candelestine, in I am to celebrate new years eve alone. How can I celebrate solo?

Spend it in quiet contemplation of the year behind and the one ahead if you want. Not every holiday needs to be a party.


For 2023 I made a resolution, for the first time since the 90s. The resolution was to have $5000 in the bank.

I pushed hard, got up to about $3500, then my housing situation changed and I had to pay higher rent. The savings rate become quite low assuming perfect discipline. I don’t have perfect discipline so my savings rate was just a couple hundred a month.

After the moving expenses I’m back down then slowly up to about $2k in the bank.

Overall, I failed to reach the $5k, but it did change my relationship with money in a major way. Until this year, until I decided to make savings my top priority, I was always living paycheck to paycheck. I’m 41. This has been my entire adult life: worrying about whether I’ll make the next round of bills. Often asking for extensions on my rent. Paying lots of late fees.

This year is the first time I’ve lived with any kind of financial surplus. When my rent is due I don’t even check my balance I just pay it. All the other bills are on auto. It’s such an amazing feeling.

So that was last year. This coming year my goal is to be present for people. I’ve lost too many friendships from neglect on my part. And Ive passed up too many opportunities to connect, because I wanted to maintain my freedom.

My whole life Ive separated myself, doing everything I can to cut ties and maintain flexibility. My resolution this year is to stay present for the people in my life, to commit to and fulfill some social obligations. To stop worrying so much about how I feel and focus more on what I can do for people.


Well said. Good luck with your resolution this year.

ShittyBeatlesFCPres, (edited ) in Ancient wisdom often sounds like common sense now that it is commomly taught. What is some ancient wisdom that we no longer teach because it was wrong?

Aristotle was obviously a great teacher and philosopher but he ended up being wrong about a lot. Like he thought the “elements” were earth, wind, fire, and water and that all objects want to be in their “natural” place. So, if you drop a rock, it tries to return to the earth. Fire goes up because it’s trying to get to where it “wants” to live.

He thought eels didn’t procreate because no one had ever seen it happening. (They go out to sea to fuck.) He was into bees and correctly noticed that there were workers and drones and that young bees grow out of the honeycomb. But he just assumed the Queen was a King and that worker bees were out collecting tiny baby bees from flowers. (He thought the air just blew pollen around and the honey naturally appeared.)

He had a lot of ideas that were just ideas but he was so influential and his writings were preserved and translated. It took a shocking number of years for people to question if Aristotle was full of shit.


Ok, but the rocks and flames thing is pretty cute. The elements… they yearn for their homes…


Same, elements. Same.


Dude developed testable hypotheses thousands of years ago, not exactly like but very close to what we call the scientific method today. Full of shit? What an ignorant thing to say.


My boy Aristotle thought men had more teeth than women, and whatever testable hypothesis he created to prove that fact didn’t include, you know, counting the teeth of men and women.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the guy, and will agree that “classical elements” is probably the dumbest thing to accuse him of being wrong about. Hell, I have considered getting a Bekker number tattoo, but he was definitely full of some shit. It’s okay to acknowledge he was right about some things and wrong about others. That’s the whole point of this thread.






Like he thought the “elements” were earth, wind, fire, and water and that all objects want to be in their “natural” place. So, if you drop a rock, it tries to return to the earth. Fire goes up because it’s trying to get to where it “wants” to live.

That’s basically correct, though, as long as you’re intepreting “elements” to mean something more in linenwith “states of matter”, rather than actual fundamental periodic style elements.

agamemnonymous, avatar

“Element” is a fairly general word, we just generally use it colloquially to refer specifically to the chemical elements. If you interpret his usage in the same way we use “states of matter”, it’s not horrendously far off. Earth, water, air, and fire roughly correspond to solid, liquid, gas, and (extremely rudimentary, very low ionization) plasma (or perhaps a more general energetic concept). In any case, an object “wanting” to get to its “natural” place also isn’t terribly far off from a statement of consistent physical laws. Solids do “want” to accumulate with other solids by gravity, energetic gases do “want” to rise above less energetic ones through buoyancy.


damn, you already said the thing I said but better

kromem, (edited )

The worst part of it was that for a ton of stuff he had contemporaries that were right about much much more, but were dismissed in favor of his confidently incorrect BS.

For example the Epicureans, who thought matter was made of tiny indivisible parts, that light too was made of indivisible parts moving really fast, that each parent contributed to a “doubled seed” which determined the traits of the child and could bring back features of skipped generations, that the animals which we see today were just the ones that were best able to survive to reproduce, and that all of existence arose only from the random interactions of these indivisible parts of matter and not from any intelligent design.

And because Aristotle’s stupid ideas influenced the lineage of modern thought, most people learn about him but very few learn about the other group that effectively preempted modern thought millennia earlier.

But he just assumed the Queen was a King

Actually, he acknowledged “some say” the Queen was female, but then argued it couldn’t be because the gods don’t give women weapons and it had a stinger. And the identification of the leader of the hive as male was actually used for centuries to justify patriarchal monarchy as being “by God’s design” because after all, look at the bee hive (somehow when we realized it was actually a female that logic went up in smoke).

So there were other people that did know what was correct, but Aristotle screwed up the development of thinking around it by rationalizing an opposite answer with an appeal to misogyny.

Wild that he was only two degrees of separation from a teacher famed for praising the knowledge of self-ignorance and not falling into false positives and negatives.


What I’m getting from this is that people were the same back then as they are now. Aristotle was basically a hack who said just the right bigoted things for the ruling class to latch onto to justify the status quo. Like an ancient political commentator, or popular “scientist” who says anything for attention.


It’s Plato’s fault. Plato was a shithead.


But the Epicureans also denied that virtue is primary in achieving eudaimonia and from a Stoic POV, that’s just a cardinal sin. Due to the Stoics is also the idea of animals being self-aware as well as cosmopolitanism and the absolutely unheard of notion that women have the same mental faculties as men and thus should also enjoy education.

But really, all the “Figuring out how to be like Sokrates” schools of philosophy were highly productive.

Dkiscoo, in Which of the U.S. national parks in this image do you think is the most worth visiting? There are three exceptions.

I’ve been to all of those except congaree and if I had to go back to one I’d do isle Royale. Great for introductory backpacking with it’s low elevation change and pit toilets at all camping areas. More modern toilets at either end of the island. You also can kayak to one of the the surrounding islands and camp there. If that’s not your thing there’s a hotel, restaurant, and boat tours of all the shipwrecks. I’m a big backpacker though so if I went back it’d be kayaking and camping on the chain if Islands around one end of the island. Lots of more family friendly options near rock harbor too. Like others have said you can visit lots of things in the way up to break up the trip. I’d do a day at pictured rocks, tahquamenon falls, kitch-iti-kipi, or even a couple nights on mackinac Island on the way up.


If you get the chance, Congaree is pretty cool if you’re ever in the neighborhood in July the fireflys glow in sync!

Otherwise, if you’re in Columbia, just go to the zoo and botanical gardens instead.

hamid, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

Gadgets that aren’t phones


lmao thank you

000, (edited ) in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

Physical keyboards. I want a modern Blackberry that actually gets some half-assed OS support. Unihertz Titan was a neat one but had some quirks.


Preach. I still rock my Key2LE, and will probably get another NOS one if this one dies. Which might be a while, because it’s still fine after 6 years.


True, I loved my Symbian E61i.

MeanEYE, avatar

So much this. I’d love Blackberry Passport but with modern Android. I don’t mind it being wide, I just need a good keyboard which I use far more than designers think.


I want a case that slides a keyboard out from the bottom of my horizontal iPhone so bad.


How hard is it to get into the phone game in terms of regulatory stuff? Like if I had the device designed and manufacturing ready to go, what legal hoops would I have to jump through to become a phone maker?

Is it a closed space? Can I enter it? Do I need to register with FTC or get other huge corps to cooperate with me or anything?

mcepl, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost? avatar

Size. I really don’t like the current 6”+ phones. The last phone I really liked was Google Nexus 5, because it had just 5" display.


Man I miss my old Nexus 5, best phone the goog ever made imo


Speaking of goog, I remember when I could text to googl to ask questions and get directions.

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