I’m really hoping my email service gains more traction. People are so accustomed to crappy email providers that the current providers don’t really innovate anymore. I think it will actually have a chance of catching on, because it’s such a different way of doing email.
Right now I’m self funding it. I’m building out the enterprise features, like custom domains and domain user management, so I can start marketing to businesses. I’d like to be able to fund it to profitability without any outside investors.
It’s actually surprisingly affordable to run an email service. Right now my biggest expense is the MySQL server. With one server node plus one backup node I should be able to handle several hundred active users.
Profitable tech companies have to maintain their existing businesses, but development of new businesses is likely to stay low and unprofitable businesses are still scrambling to hit profitability before bankruptcy.
It does depend on interest rates to some extent. For the past decade, the prevailing wisdom of the software industry has been to pour money into unprofitable ventures with the hope of getting profitable later. In the past year, austerity measures like heightened interest rates have made it so VCs are more interested in money now instead of money later.
Pulling back from investments is definitely related to the increased interest rate, but there really isn’t any government austerity in the federal government at the moment.
It’s really bizarre how so many business can exist while not turning a profit just because there’s a profit potential because they rose in popularity really fast, Uber will be 15 years old this year.
Car culture means that anyone who does gain a monopoly will still have a ton of small competitors. Delivery services have existed for centuries before Uber. All it did was offer a single interface for a wider area so it can take a cut. Ultimately, I don’t think local deliveries or taxis are profitable enough for there to be a cut for some middleman unless the market is artificially restricted (which it was for taxis, hence Uber being very welcome when they first started up until people realized they were looking to take over what the taxi racket was doing, not give the public more choices).
Classifying drivers as employees for such apps might prevent the non-profit iteration that just charges drivers an infrastructure fee but otherwise allows them to set their own prices. IMO the approach should have been to open up how they charge fees and pay drivers, change it to be commission-based with the drivers getting most of the money. But that might be getting too close to challenging how most of the rich make their money (it’s not from their own hard work).
Even the anticipated cut of 2.25% is still higher than why the Silicon Valley boom was based on. You are also seeing the cuts happening due to an anticipated recession.
Uber has posted profits for the last two quarters. Lyft hasn’t yet been profitable, but they have been reducing their losses quite a bit.
I don’t think either of them will fail this year. Some AI gold rushing unicorns out there certainly will. It’s hard to know which though; they’re still private companies.
Change that double helix into a quadruple one for extra redundancy, making it harder for it to gain irreparable damage. Also, make it a loop rather than a straight line so the ends don't get shorter with each replication. And remove that dementia bug that has a greater chance of showing up the longer run time is
A veritable orgy of uninspired crap taking advantage of the fact that people want to feel subversive but don’t actually want to subvert anything or say or do anything interesting, because all of those things are hard.
Basically the same thing as the Pooh-but-not-tigger comics you see posted on here that people pretend are funny.
That is the thing I’m seeing the most this past year and it’s already starting up for this year - there seems to be little thoughtfulness being put into things online. It’s just a firehose of high-engagement, low-impact, low-thought chaff.
Tbh when it comes to stuff like the pooh movie. I think that probably could count as fair use anyway. Ultimately I’ve been hoping for more things to enter public domain for historical preservation via piracy. Just look at Nintendo not only have they done nothing to preserve older games but they seem to go out of their way to make sure they get erased. Because how dare someone get a product you don’t even sell anymore. I just see these parody? films and think the only reason they exist is because copyright life has been extended for soo far that people are giddy that they can now use and distribute old content.
We’re past the winter solstice. Take note of the sun setting a bit earlier each day. That always gives me a boost because I can look at my phone and see that condition improving. Good luck!
Or just have a built in birth control switch that has zero side effects. Of course, it would have to be entirely controlled by the individual so as not to turn into some dystopian population control mechanism.
That tech will regress due to the greed of tech corporations.
Tech is regulated by the big corporations that consistently either throttle innovation or degrade what already is established because they all want to figure out how to squeeze as much profit out of everything possible while blocking or preventing anything new that might compete with them.
Any new innovation that will occur will be military and will either have a machine gun attached to it or can deliver a high explosive.
One potential regression that I see is that the current generative models are abandoned, after being ruled as “infringing copyrights” by multiple countries. The tech itself won’t disappear but it’ll be considerably harder to train newer ones.
The most problematic part is however if one of them survives; likely Google. That would lead to a situation as in your second paragraph.
Law makers will start treating the open source community like pirates because they make LLMs freely available for anyone to run at home. And sure you can debate whether it’s theft or not but you know that’s not why regulations go after them. Meanwhile the mass theft of corporations will be deemed „ethical“ use because they „own“ the data they use. Lobbyism will likely make sure of that I‘m afraid.
That’s fair. Had an opportunity to use “e.g.” today but just said “for example” instead.
I had another interesting one. Reviewing a document someone else wrote that said an old thing was “grandfathered” in and the document didn’t apply to it. A Chinese-american coworker (who has been speaking English for decades) didn’t know that one, “grandfathered”. Another unnecessary term when “previously approved” or “previously authorized” would be so much clearer.
This is all reminding me of a Wikipedia article I stumbled on ages ago about people who want English kept “pure” to Germanic and early modern English roots. …m.wikipedia.org/…/Linguistic_purism_in_English. E.g. (lol), saying birdlore instead of ornithology, and bendsome instead of flexible.
Pumpkin pie filling. The real stuff takes forever and it’s stringy. It also doesn’t taste quite the same. Libby does it so well it’s not worth making your own.
My wife says pie dough. Pillsbury’s is almost as good and a lot less effort. I prefer pie dough with a ton more butter but she doesn’t.
Gods! Making it from raw pumpkin takes so fucking long. You can get rid of the strings, but you’re still going to be putzing with it forever. I don’t like wasting food, so I end up doing it every Halloween, but if I’m doing pumpkin recipes any other time of year, and that has run out, I’m buying canned.
I swear, every year I have an argument with myself to just throw the scraped out stuff in the yard for the birds. They end up getting the jack o lanterns anyway so what’s the big deal? But both sets of my grandparents grew up in the depression, so wasting anything is kinda impossible lol.
Jack o lantern pumpkins are not good for pies, in part because they are too stringy. A sugar pumpkin is the way to go if you want to do it from scratch.
Very true indeed. But sugar pumpkins are horrible for jack o lanterns lol. Well, if you do them the way we do. It’s kind of a big thing for us. We do that fancy shit and have a line of them on the porch. Actually, this year we didn’t go all out and only had five, with only one being fancy.
But if I’m making pumpkin pie filling from scratch, you’re dead on. I’m not messing with scraping one out, I’m just cutting it up, baking it and going from there.
I haven’t bought canned pumpkin in 20 years. It’s not bad to process and freeze it, and with good pie pumpkins, it’s unparalleled. Plus you get home roasted pumpkin seeds as a bonus.
Quite honestly: nothing. Some folks might deliberately use Steamboat Willie in some content because they can, and Disney will likely try and attack some of those people in court based on trademark law if applicable.
But I don’t really see a lot of actual utility in the Steamboat Willie character, outside of Disney itself. Any use of it is ultimately just referring to the “I can do this now” aspect of having just entered public domain, which frankly isn’t that interesting.
If you look what happened with pooh I’m guessing we may see the same thing happen here. There will definitely be testing of the waters on what people can do
Saw ONE design of the character on Twitter that actually made for an interesting idea that could be expanded upon, there IS space for someone to do smth cool about it but I honestly don’t think anyone will. Hey, Toontown Rewritten could model this Mickey and use it for something I guess.
The battery is always on the bottom while the notifications are in the middle or the top. It’s charged if the bottom portion (or the portion closest to the USB cable) has a green icon on it.
Personally I would rather have the screen off a lot of times for various reasons. Why should i have to have the entire display on instead of having tge ability to just have a little notification light?
With OLED and especially LTPO OLED that’s not exactly an issue though, since it’s only the icons that make up the active parts of the display, while the whole black area of the display is literally off.
Except that my screen isn’t an OLED and I don’t want to leave the display on. It’s too distracting, it needs to be off especially at work. A little dot isn’t too intrusive as a notification.
LCD fanboys have lost the mobile space. Pretty much all the mid-range to flagship phones have an OLED screen by now and we start to see OLED on laptops and desktop monitors as well. Don’t you think it’s time to move on at this point?
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