I dated a woman who was polyamorous and I was fine with it.
When she found someone else she was also interested in, she asked me if that was an issue, but I was still fine with it.
The other guy wasn’t fine with it.
She chose to stay with him and dumped me.
I understand the implications and I think it should be the person’s choice, not the parents but as a person with a penis whose parents had him circumcised, I don’t think about it ever really and it doesn’t affect my day to day life.
In answer to your questions, I’m not sure why they did it.
Both of my parents worked in health care and in the US, circumcision is treated as preventative treatment for things like UTIs and other complications.
At this point in my life, I’m not planning on having children. Would I circumcise them? Probably not as I think it should be a personal choice.
Worth noting: you don’t have to know Star Trek to love this show! Sure, it helps, you’ll get a few deep cuts here and there, but it is still an absolute joy.
Ok. It seemed to appear more in certain types pf content over others, but can be explained by certain hobbies having users that care more about fixing their online identity. I’ve noticed it for a while, but seeing almost nothing but these user- type names in a single comment chain finally made me ask.
I think the best example is for women. Imagine they can figure out, with 95% accuracy or something, that you are pregnant, that could be valuable data.
Now imagine you are a woman at a large corporation who just got pregnant, but aren’t telling anyone yet. Too early. Your corporation buys a batch of data and discovers there is a 95% chance you are pregnant. They don’t want to pay for maternity leave or make reasonable accomodations during pregnancy or pumping breast milk. They fire you for “unrelated reasons”, before you ever tell them you are pregnant.
Nothing illegal happened there really. You never told them so you have no way to prove they fired you for that.
Sorry if this has already been mentioned in the 224 (so far) comments… but another bad guy worth hating is
Hewlett Packard.
“Hey, you need to have our proprietary ink cartrige in your HP inkjet printer plus scanner to print AND to scan as well. The scanner won’t work when you are out of ink”
Comcast / Xfinity. Have been forced to use their services for years until a viable alternative arrived in my neighborhood, paid $110 a month for internet to be down at least 2 days a month when my wife and I both work from home. All calls and tickets and emails were met with “you’re not using out router and we don’t see issues on our side, sounds like a you problem”.
Almost left for ancient Century Link pipe when internet was out for 17 hours one day, called 3 times and finally got a competent person on the line not saying the above. Instead said they had done maintenance in my neighborhood and when they sent someone out to look at the uplink it was magically working again. Filed for a service refund thing since it was way below the promised availability and I had to reschedule meetings because my hotspot was slow and they gave me a $1.35 refund to my $110 bill that month.
Cox too; Comcast’s evil twin that never gets as much hate. They do the same bullshit Comcast does, and get away with it. They even put a freakin’ data limit on a hardwired connection so that they can charge you more money.
I’m so glad T-Mobile 5G covers my area now. Before that Cox had a monopoly and I was paying almost 200 a month. Now it’s 40 and faster download speeds. Ping times are similar… I’d recommend seeing if any wireless providers support home Internet near you
Same, except it was Verizon that came to my town. Also was paying close to $200/mo for 500 / 30 Mbps and a data cap. Now I pay the same as you and get 1400 / 80 with no data cap. No ping issues in Counter-Strike 2, either. 5G fixed wireless is way better than people make it out to be.
Of course, once more and more people realize what they’re missing out on and hop on the bandwagon, Verizon will eventually become just as shitty as the competition (and so will T-Mobile). Just ask anyone who lives in an area with a FiOS monopoly. Such is life.
Of course, but for now it’s a nice improvement. Hopefully something else will come along once these guys get as shitty as Cox is now. It’s nice that there’s an alternative/ competition at least. Which is required by law but somehow something I had yet to experience
Yep, those datacaps are complete nonsense and they know it. My bill was so high because I had to pay for unlimited data because 2 people working from home and streaming videos almost everyday always goes over their cap.
ATT covers something like 99.9% of my city and my street is one of the few that isn’t covered while being within the city’s incorporated area. I can literally walk to city hall. I know that a lot of fiber was laid with government grants and I’m very tempted to see if they were obligated to cover my street and didn’t and try to get them too. I’m pretty sure it won’t go anywhere but I’m tempted to. As shitty as they are they’re way cheaper (with fiber) than Comcast’s Xfinity is.
I got to say after reading a couple stories here I can understand the frustrations and some very legitimate stories here make a lot of sense in the context of it teams fucking up. but I also think there’s a lot of ignorance about what people are actually trying to accomplish in some of these stories as somebody that does it security and a lot of compliance work sometimes we’re doing these things because we have to not so much that we want to.
Doesn’t matter to the end user whose fault it is. The spirit of this discussion is what was done to make your life harder. If you want to, go ahead and read it as “IT workers, what stupid things were you mandated to do that made your workers jobs harder?” The end user doesn’t know why a thing happens, just that IT did it. They’ll complain to IT and if it’s not their fault, it’s their responsibility to push back on whoever is calling these shots. The idiot in charge won’t know any better unless he’s called out on his bullshit.
I understand, I often have to explain to large groups of people why we make the choices we make as a security team and it’s not always a very popular thing I make a lot of people upset because security and convenience don’t really work well together.
Key to being a good mod is to have very clear rules, so when you warn/ban someone you can point to the rule number and not get into an argument about it.
Yep, and you might get clowned on in the comments, fairly or unfairly, but all you can do in any media aggregate forum is fact check and try to debunk.
Same here, couldn’t care less about cosmetics on an app that I use to chat with friends while playing games. Non-cosmetic advantages aren’t really that great either, there are always better ways of file sharing when you get caught onto that 25mb limit. I guess it may differ for people frequenting on public servers though.
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