Huge +1 for BobbyBroccoli. Most entertaining & gripping documentaries I’ve watched in a long time. The two part Cloning documentary (Part 1, Part 2) was absolutely spectacular.
Jake Tran. His old videos were pretty cool. He went downhill ever since he tried to convince me that drinking soy milk turns people into femboys and losing sperm cells.
The joke or reply-bait (like dallo describes!) posts aren’t great content. Looking over the community it’s mainly moderately serious topics that do make for decent conversation… I don’t see anything about Linux (?) so I assume that’s just your stereotype for Lemmy.
It’s not really a stereotype, and idm it personally (I do like Linux), it just looks like most posts that aren’t either serious or talking about Linux here just get downvoted to hell
Stereotypes can be accurate. Anyway, I don't know how you're viewing or sorting the community, but your post is the only one on the first page that even mentions Linux.
The Godfather, extremely overrated and very boring. Saw it many years ago, and maybe my taste in movies have changed a bit, and I consider rewatching other movies I did not like, but not that one.
Buy expensive shoes. Well, let me rephrase that. Buy GOOD shoes. A good pair of QUALITY shoes will save you money in the long term as they will last a lot longer than buying many pairs of cheap shoes.
I would also argue that many pairs of shoes can also have the same effect. If you can rotate shoes, you’re not wearing out any one pair excessively. I have shoes that are in still good condition but are a discontinued Adidas line that’s not available anymore. Although I do have shoes I still haven’t worn so there’s definitely a point of having too many pairs lol
Realized the 80 dollar slip resistant work shoes I got at Shoe Carnival were like 20 bucks at target. Same shoes, just didn’t have a football player’s name on the tag.
Put em side by side they look identical and I wear them interchangably not even noticing a difference
It was slow, but I remember a major crack occurring watching Stephen Fry being interviewed when he paraphrased David Hume, paraphrasing Epicurus.
If God is unable to prevent evil, then he is not all-powerful. If God is not willing to prevent evil, then he is not all-good
Things start to fall apart from there. All the other Bible stuff can be explained away as being recorded by imperfect beings, but the core notion of a good God worthy of worship ends with the trilemma.
But you gotta pay the membership fee. Only worth it if you spend enough to cover that fee in rebates and savings; and then shopping at Costco isn’t what I would call “poor”, but maybe it works out?
There are other grocery stores that have hot food bars and sell the rotisserie chicken, too.
Depending on details, the $5 / month can be well worth it for what options open up. The rotisserie chicken is $5 and significantly larger than the $8-10 chickens anywhere else. If you just get 2 of those per month you could come out ahead.
The challenge with Costco is that the options aren’t always so similar. Sure, their price on Charmin is better than anywhere else, but is it cheaper than the Aldi brand? What about their organic vs cheap produce elsewhere? When I got a Costco membership, I did not save any money, but I have been getting better quality stuff. That said, I am not on a tight budget, so my shopping habits are different
Apparently so. €760 per month is the minimum monthly wage in Portugal. Works out at less than €5 per hour if you assume 160 hours per month which seems very low. For reference, Ireland is €11.30. While cost of living is higher here you can still pick up a full uncooked chicken for around €5 depending on the shop.
Local supermarket here does 4 chicken legs for €2.55.
Thanks. Yeah that is a big assed chicken for Ireland tbh but it’s still more expensive overall.
I feel like you guys have been badly burned by price gouging. I remember seeing a thing on Reddit about egg prices skyrocketing and they had barely budged here so I found it odd.
The price of most groceries have at least doubled. I can still get store brand eggs for about $1.50 a dozen but other brands are easily 3+ dollars now. Meanwhile supermarkets are posting record profits.
Back when I used to eat meat (6 or so years ago), my grocery store would always have huge bags of chicken thighs which were cheaper than a whole chicken. May not be the case anymore.
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