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xkforce, in Where can I NEUTRALLY keep up to date about the Palestina/Israel situation?

Reuters and AP are about the most neutral, reputable news sources youll find.

Candelestine, in Where can I NEUTRALLY keep up to date about the Palestina/Israel situation?

Not a great idea to try. It’s theoretically possible but fraught with peril. Instead, it’s much more feasible to pick two news sources, one pro-whatever and one against, and check both.

There’s aggregators like (our sponsor,) ground news (!) that let you sort by stance and affiliation, that can make it more convenient.

If you must go with a shortcut, pick a country that is interested in the conflict, but not particularly on one side or the other, and read how its being reported there. India for instance, has been fairly neutral on this conflict, to the dismay of both sides, as they have economic ties to both Israel and the Arab world. They’re being critical of more or less everyone, and especially the British. lol Still not unbiased though, y’know?

So, it’s better to just check both sides regularly.

Zarxrax, in Gamers who have gamed for a long time

I feel like a lot of games these days make it difficult to get into, ironically by trying too hard to make it easy to get into, with excessive tutorialization. Part of it might also be the types of games that you like. For example, I want to play a game to have fun and challenge myself, not to sit around watching a story play out for a half hour while I walk around doing nothing. So the majority of popular games that people are always talking about are the kind of games that I would absolutely hate. I want to just jump in and play. The new Super Mario Wonder game is a pretty good example of something that just gets out of your way and lets you play the game, so I have been enjoying it quite a bit for the past few days. The recent F-zero 99 is also an enjoyable racing game for me, for the same reasons. I have also been getting into fighting games more in the past few years, so I’ve been playing Street Fighter 6 a lot.

So the most important thing I have learned, is that I can no longer just look at which games are considered “good”, because in many cases I’m going to hate them. When I was younger, I would love just about any of the popular games. But now, I know what I like, and that’s what I gravitate to.

iforgotmyinstance, in Where can I NEUTRALLY keep up to date about the Palestina/Israel situation?

So far nowhere. You have to read multiple takes and glean the truth within.

chilicheeselies, in Gamers who have gamed for a long time

You are just getting older. You cant expect to keep doing the same thing over and over and get the same high from it. Chasing the dragon. You need to include fresh, new experiences to liven things up. You’ll always ennoy games to some degree, but you will never get the aame satisfaction from it that you did when you were tounger and it was fresher.

_pete_, in Gamers who have gamed for a long time

I’m nearly 40, been playing since the old Commodore 64 days.

I’ve always loved games, but with a wife and kids I don’t have anywhere near as much time as I used to with them, which means I think quite a lot about what I want to play in the 6 hours or so a week that I can actually do it.

I feel like I’m in a minority in that I still love much of the AAA stuff - Cyberpunk and Baldur’s Gate 3 is my jam right now, I might get Spider-Man 2 when it drops in price a bit and I have more time.

I love indie games too but I don’t always have as much time as I want to invest in them, I did get through Bombrush Cyberfunk recently and it scratched a Jet Set Radio itch that I had long forgotten about.

So yea, I still love them but it’s partly because it’s just always been my hobby.


Been looking at Cyberpunk. It’s good?


It is!

I picked it up at launch and it’s improved quite a lot over the last few years, better combat and skill trees, fewer bugs, better cops, the world is beautiful and the quest design and performance animation makes Starfield feel pretty antiquated.

It’s still not perfect but I’m on my second play through and I’m still having a good time, I’m very excited to see the new stuff in Phantom Liberty too.


Thanks! Glad to see you like it!

MightyWeaksauce, in Gamers who have gamed for a long time avatar

I think the prevailing response here appears to be that as you get older you just don’t have the time like you did back in the day and so it’s harder to get into games. I think there’s truth to that but i wanted to point out something else. When you get older most people tend to do less NEW things and instead get more comfortable with what they know. Old people don’t know what’s going on in music, or art, or cinema, or even science because you find a world view that works for you and you stick with it, it gets comfortable.

When you’re younger you are more likely to give a fair shake to that new music genre or video game because you have so little to judge it against and you’re thirsty for new experiences. Not so much when you get older, people stop experimenting with NEW in favor of reliably good. Maybe use that perspective when looking at a new game or a game that you own but have never gotten into.

I have owned Rimworld since 2019 I think but I never got past the tutorial until recently. For some reason it all clicked and now I can’t stop playing. I think part of that is because it is so NEW to me, I haven’t played anything like it before so I can get swept away by it. Hard to do that when you’re playing your millionth FPS or open world slog.

Also playing with friends helps a lot. My significant other is a new convert to video games and it’s an absolute blast introducing them to new content. I had no need to go back and play Stardew Valley again… but it sure was fun lol

Illecors, in Where can I NEUTRALLY keep up to date about the Palestina/Israel situation?

I’ve found’ layout quite useful in sutuations like this.


Seems like a neat website

nicman24, in Where can I NEUTRALLY keep up to date about the Palestina/Israel situation?

noncredibledefense lol

amio, in Where can I NEUTRALLY keep up to date about the Palestina/Israel situation?

That's the neat part - you don't.

The idea that there could be a truly neutral source is not really realistic, human minds do not work that way and there are many other reasons why it's even harder than that.

As long as you stay away from the blatant extremes, partisans, people with some other stake in the game, etc., all you can do is evaluate relative bias, and try to adjust for it. It is inevitable that your take isn't going to be unbiased, either, but this way you'll have had a decent shot at minimizing wrongness.

Valmond, in Gamers who have gamed for a long time

I did video games professionally for ten years (grew up on the ZX81, C64, Amiga) and since then I have a hard(er) time because the only things that changes in new games is :

A) better graphics (potentially)

B) The back-story

I don’t really care for A, and for B it’s kind of scarce… I only need to save the world of kill the dragon so many times.

I did a 180 and learned chess which I feel wildly rewarding!

I’m also making a “slow game” (12 “action points” every like 12h, fantasy settings) that you can play for 5 minutes a day, but can be really immersive (it’s text only).

I don’t really know what I wanted to say here, but I too hope I’ll find some new breathtaking game :-)

MDKAOD, (edited )

There as a brief period in the early 00’s where this kind of browser game was prevalent. I can’t remember the names, but same concept. They were perfect for lunch period, issue commands, and hope you made the right choices when you logged in the next day.


Ah the time before the enshittifycation. Maybe I should really finish the game … I’ll try :-)


Found it, and apparently it still exists: www.planetarion.comThe universe ticks every real world hour.


Hah excellent, I did never play that specific game but some that were quite similar :-)

There were loads of people trying to make those too, with wildly varying degrees of success :-)

schnurrito, in Where can I NEUTRALLY keep up to date about the Palestina/Israel situation?

Neutrality isn’t a thing. Everything written about something as contentious as this is propaganda.

For attempts to be neutral, try Western mainstream media or Wikipedia (which mostly just summarizes Western mainstream media anyway).

For one sided propaganda for Israel, try

For one sided propaganda for Palestine, try

Read all those and choose for yourself what parts of which sides you want to believe. Or don’t. You can also live in peace and happiness knowing that the conflict exists without thinking about it too much because in the end it doesn’t really matter what you think about it anyway.

Cagi, (edited ) in Where can I NEUTRALLY keep up to date about the Palestina/Israel situation?


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  • sanguinepar, avatar

    BBC is often well regarded but not for this issue, they definitely have a pro Isreal spin to their coverage.

    And yet they find themselves being accused of “blood libel” by the government of Israel.

    I’m with OP, I don’t know where to find facts that I can be assured are being related without (conscious) bias.

    I just wish people of either side and outside could stop being shitty to each other for five goddam minutes.


    Are you genuinely interested?

    sanguinepar, avatar

    In knowing what’s happening? Yes, definitely.


    Modern conflict in Asia/Middle East, (…) is largely upheld by western activity

    That’s a funny way to spell Iran



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  • hanekam,

    Do you in all seriousness consider the current conflict in Yemen a Western plot?

    Cagi, (edited )


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  • hanekam,

    Iran funds an insurgency, Saudi intervenes, and it’s all the fault of the West. I see.

    Do you believe there are significant conflicts in the world that aren’t a result of Western plotting? How guilty do you consider the West of the civil war in Myanmar, for example?

    baduhai, in Where can I NEUTRALLY keep up to date about the Palestina/Israel situation?


    Treczoks, in Why wasn't NYC's Central Park concept copied by other cities?

    Well, most of them had no thriving black community in the middle of the town that they could raze to create a park.


    Thanka for sharing this. As a non American I honestly assumed the park was there from the beginning, not created (stolen?) so recently.


    Exactly that.


    Don’t they use prison labour to maintain it? And mislead volunteers to get free labour to keep upping the rent in the neighborhoods.

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