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esc27, in The transition from the holiday season back to the normal drudgery is so depressing. Is there any way to make Jan / Feb less depressing?

I take my time putting up Christmas (as others mentioned the season traditionally lasts until Epiphany (Jan 6), and some traditions don’t even celebrate it until that day.) usually somewhere between the first nutcracker and last ornament I transition from missing Christmas to looking forward to being done with it.

Then I transition that into “spring cleaning”. I clean out the attic before moving the Christmas boxes back into storage, and tackle other areas that accumulated junk and boxes over the past year.

Like a lot of people, I also like to try something new or different. It can be as simple as a new tv show or streaming service, new author, new video game, or a new recipe, new hobby, etc. maybe go to the movies a few times or eat out somewhere special.


I second the cleaning. It can be super satisfying.

Burninator05, in What's something you'd like to leave behind in the old year and not carry into the new year?

About 50 pounds.


For the rest of the planet that uses kgs, this is about 50lbs of high fructose corn syrup


Perhaps they just have £50 burning a hole in their pocket.


Or maybe they’re 170 and have body dysmorphia


For people not versed in using pounds, it’s roughly 22 stones, or 113000 carats or alternatively 730 Troy ounces. I hope I helped.


What are you getting on about? 50 pounds is right at 228,926,000,000 Venezuelan Bolívares.

CarCdrCons, in If humans went extinct, what would the Earth look like one year later?

Life After People was a History Channel series on that exact subject and they’ve put Season 1 on YouTube.

YouTube playlist


I used to watch that show all the time as a kid. I’ll have to rewatch it again thanks!

mojofrododojo, in The transition from the holiday season back to the normal drudgery is so depressing. Is there any way to make Jan / Feb less depressing?


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  • ZeroCool,

    We get it, you’re above sports fans. We’re all very impressed.


    go back to watching tiddlywinks kiddo, no one cares

    ZeroCool, (edited )

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, liking sports is childish. I heard you the first time.


    yeah, it is childish to focus on the sportsball and not the message bud.

    DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE. Life is more than rooting for the guys on the TV.

    elephantium, avatar


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  • mojofrododojo,


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  • elephantium, avatar

    The only depressing thing in this thread is interacting with you, so I’m going to stop doing that after this comment.


    good night censor, sleep well

    hperrin, in What are some small things we should change about the human body?

    Ability to go to sleep when sleep should be gone to.


    Or the ability to forgo sleep indefinitely. I’ve got too much shit I want to do and too little time.


    Let’s apply RPG sleep rules.

    You can go for weeks without sleep, but when you do sleep, you awaken fully healed.

    jballs, avatar

    Got a feeling this would lead to 16 hour work days. And fuuuuuuuck that.


    Nothing beats the feeling of waking up after a good sleep.

    How about, you only need naps and you always wake up feeling refreshed.


    Bakachu, in What are some of your cheap eats hacks?

    If you’re one of the people who like the bowls from fast casual places like Chipotle, Qdoba, or even those poke bowl places, get their non-protein/vegetarian option then go home and add your own protein. This saves about $2-$4 a bowl and can possibly extend the bowl’s lifespan into two meals.

    I bring it home my bowl and add in my own falafel, chicken, shrimp, or whatever protein I have on hand. Getting frozen protein and airfrying it is the easiest. I guess I could also grill stuff but I’m usually short on time.

    jballs, avatar

    Haha my buddy used to do the exact opposite. He would go into Chipotle and ask for a bowl of nothing but chicken. Then he would go home and add it to salads, rice bowls, whatever for the rest of the week.

    JusticeForPorygon, in What are some small things we should change about the human body? avatar

    I want a cancer ray for people I don’t like


    you might be the only person who added weapons. That’s incredible, if this was reddit, cancer ray would have been post 3 or 4, max.

    JusticeForPorygon, avatar

    Tbf I stole the idea from that clip from the Harley Quinn TV show (I think that’s what it was at least)

    Kase, in What are some small things we should change about the human body?

    I have one: ingrown nails and nail infections can go fuck themselves.

    I have had FIVE consecutive toe infections in the last 18 months or so. I’m so done with it lol.

    But on a broader scale, some people die or lose limbs from stuff like this, so it’d be nice if that didn’t happen anymore.


    I had a problem with this, just got the nail removed, it was best decision I’ve ever made.


    Thanks for the advice! I have an appointment in a week to do just that :)

    Azal, in What are some small things we should change about the human body?

    Kidney stones, gallstones, whatever the fuck the body does of “Lets build a rock inside the body that can fuck us up” needs to stop.


    Yeah, can we at least not have so many pain receptors in along the kidney and baldder tract?


    Disagree: when something’s wrong there, you really want to know.

    Check back after I’ve passed a kidney stone, though, as experience may temper that!


    Disassociate. And do it a lot.

    Or have meds.

    Cannot recommend and I’m sure mine was minor.

    berkeleyblue, in What are some small things we should change about the human body? avatar

    Definetly periods, stupid design and incredibly rare in mamals anyway.

    Also, a change of our metabolism, our current way to deal with excess energy is outdated. And maybe make us resistant to cancers, that shit sucks.


    Hmm I don’t think we’re anywhere close to v1, were like, at best, v0.6 Alpha lmfao

    can, in How do you strike a balance between being present in the moment and planning for the future?

    I don’t :(


    OP missed the obvious, "obsessing pointlessly over the past" option.

    recursive_recursion, (edited ) in What are some small things we should change about the human body? avatar

    RFC, pull request to add git.

    Reasoning: Having a built-in versioning system would allow humans to rollback roll back undesirable changes and advancements could be made more easily

    please comment or downvote if this is a bad idea


    Bug ticket: you wanted ‘roll back’, there, two words.

    recursive_recursion, avatar

    much appreciated +1,
    fixed the PR

    weariedfae, in Why was Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan so bad for the American people?

    In addition to all of the above they would literally consult their “psychic/astrologer” on policy decisions.




    Yarp. Her name was Joan Quigley.

    2 important excerpts:

    Joan herself in her memoir:

    Not since the days of the Roman emperors, and never in the history of the United States presidency, has an astrologer played such a significant role in the nation’s affairs of State.

    The chief of staff dude who found out and got pissed:

    Virtually every major move and decision the Reagans made during my time as White House Chief of Staff was cleared in advance with a woman in San Francisco [Quigley] who drew up horoscopes to make certain that the planets were in a favorable alignment for the enterprise.

    There’s a Behind the Bastards episode about it. Highly recommend.

    ArbitraryValue, in What are some small things we should change about the human body?

    5v USB charging port.


    Obsolete in a decade, so make it hot-swappable.

    (Because cold-swappable requires a shutdown)


    This would actually be amazing, calories-powered, you can charge your phone and also burn calories at the same time

    Hexagon, in What are some small things we should change about the human body?

    Ability to regrow lost teeth

    Usernameblankface, avatar

    How about repeated full replacement every 5-10 years?


    I don’t know. That could become tiresome.


    I love the idea of adults with loose teeth as their tenth set of teeth comes in.


    Door-string sale in aisle 8. Shoppers, stock up!

    Usernameblankface, avatar

    Sorry my performance has been below average lately, boss, I’m just getting my 8th set of teeth.


    “Hey, go easy on Jim, he’s teething this week.”


    Just as long as I don’t grow my wisdom teeth back. I don’t want to have to have those removed again.


    Had one lower molar pulled recently 🥹

    danileonis, (edited ) avatar

    *if teeth are in a regular position.

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