I just want good, cheap, and mass production ready solid state batteries of any sort. Right now, anything that’s on the market either isn’t good or isn’t cheap, and none of it is mass produced… Often all three.
If we get over the hurdle of something we can mass produce for cheap that’s as good as, or better than the existing lithium tech that we have, I’m in.
The US is going to pressure the EU into loosening regulations for US based tech companies which will result in a return to some, and the advancement of other anti-consumer practices.
There are various trade agreements and partnerships between the EU and US, some of which are more beneficial to one or the other. It’s very common for countries to do this kind of thing to each other, but it’s usually a quid pro quo situation.
This has already happened in 2 labs. Final product and the “free energy revolution” are still years/decades away, but this is still an amazing achievement.
That was net positive energy just from the lasers going in to heat coming out. There’s still huge inefficiency with converting the heat to electricity and the electricity to lasers. Those challenges might be big enough that net positive from one of the donut shaped reactors will come first.
I worked at a Boy scout summer camp, which was underfunded and run by 14-20 year old boys. We had to spend almost a week setting up camp. Big old army tents made of canvas, took at least 4 people to set one up. They requires these big nails, maybe 10 inches in length, as stakes. Apparently they must have been very expensive because we never had enough.
Enter “Jamie”. Jamie was most definitely on the spectrum. Cool enough kid, but always had a slushie ring around his lips and a messy uniform. Kind of a disaster if you got paired with them, because just could not stay focused long enough to do anything.
Well I got tasked with leading a team of around 20 on the task of setting up a section of the camp. Good team, but within an hour we were out of nails. No nails, no tents getting set up no 😞😭. Enter Jamie. He kept getting passed around from group to group because he couldn’t handle the individual tasks. However, it turns out Jamie was an absolute bloodhound for finding stakes that had been forgotten or abandoned from the previous years shutting down of the campsites. Through Jamie, we found out there were thousands of these nails scattered throughout the woods. I gave him two helpers and asked him to stay ahead of our team and keep us fed with stakes so we could keep working. The helpers looked but also kept an eye on Jamie from going too far from the group. Within a couple minutes Jamie had enough stakes for the rest of the group and we kept going. Worked like a charm.
Bro I can’t imagine how much of an eye for detail you must have to be able to notice where a stake was driven into the ground in an over grown forest. Like was he just really good at noticing where the underbrush had grown funny?
It’s a nack. See one, the others will likely be in a tent shaped layout. Some brains are just very good at visual pattern matching.
I have an unbroken record for being the person that finds anything tiny and lost. In school the kids called me “night vision”.
Lose a ball over the fence an 1am. 10 people looking. Can’t find it. Get me to look and I find it in 1 minute or less. Lost a diamond or earring backing in shag carpet? I’ll find it ao fast you won’t believe it.
I’ve occasionally had to pretend it takes longer to find it, just so they don’t think I pranked them and took it.
My wife is like this. We’ll be on a walk and she’ll stop mid sentence to walk ten feet into someone’s yard and grab a four leaf clover. She does this all the time and we have a huge collection of them, and that’s with us usually giving them away to people we pass further down on our walks.
When I trim the driveway hedge I have to pick any errant cuttings out of the rose garden. So I spend about 1-2 hours looking for one type of leaf amongst another type of leaf.
When I close my eyes for the next 12 or so hours all I can see is the type of leaf I was looking for, my brain is so locked on to looking for the pattern.
It’s a similar thing with four leaf clovers - I never in my life found one, even during periods where I’ve been scanning every bit of green while hiking. But then we had a friend who isn’t really paying attention to her surroundings, and just randomly goes ‘oh, moment’, and picks up a four leave clover from a few metres away.
Seems my daughter is also developing that talent - last summer she picked up a few while playing outside.
However, it turns out Jamie was an absolute bloodhound for finding stakes that had been forgotten or abandoned from the previous years shutting down of the campsites.
Yeah, stakes aren’t expensive but replacing all the equipment kids lose is expensive.
I also work remote and have a SAD lamp mounted just an couple of inches above my employer-issued work laptop. (I custom designed and 3d printed a mount for it, in fact.) Basically exactly above and as close to my screen as possible.
It’s quite bright (obviously) and does make seeing the screen a little harder, but I crank the monitor brightness up all the way. I don’t know specifically that it’s given me headaches, but I am prone to headaches. I’ll have to pay more attention and see if there is any correlation between headaches and SAD lamp usage for me.
I leave it on at the brightest and whitest setting from 9:00am to 5:00pm (with a break for lunch.)
I will say it’s not quite enough. This time of year, even with the SAD lamp, my (self-diagnosed, mild-ish) SAD benefits from sitting out in the sun for 10 minutes or so in the morning before work. But a SAD lamp and no sun is a lot better than no SAD lamp and no sun. I think even when it’s overcast (which it is pretty much all the time where I am as well of late) I get benefit from sitting out and getting a little ambient, cloud-filtered light.
This is the specific model of SAD lamp I use. (I’ve got two of that same model, in fact. One of the AC adapters crapped out not long ago and I ordered a replacement AC adapter from Verilux for way more than what I’d consider reasonable. Works fine again now.) The one I have mounted over my work laptop is mounted in “landscape mode.” (Sideways.) I figured that would be better than upright.
Hopefully this is all at least a little bit helpful. I have no idea if you have access to any 3d printers, but if you’re interested in my SAD lamp mount models, I’m happy to share.
I would bet the direct light on your face from the monitor and the lamp contributing to your headaches. That is a very high amount of strain on your eyes. Please turn your monitor brightness down, and other people are saying you don’t need to have it directly at you for 8 hours. That seems very excessive, and you even said it’s not enough, so you may want to just look at alternatives and curbing the headaches. Have you considered going to therapy or seeing a psychiatrist about this?
Disclaimer: none of this is medical advice and you should seek profession opinion
Iirc there are some reptiles with two sets of eyelids on each eye, the inner one being transparent, so they can close just the one while under water or in like dusty/windy conditions, but still be able to see.
Yeah that’s been the leading hypothesis for a while now, but even if that’s its intended purpose, I’d argue it still does more harm than good. I work in the OR, so I might be a bit biased by only ever seeing the surgical side of things, but we take appendixes out ALL THE TIME because like to inflame and rupture, which without surgical intervention means your abdominal cavity is now full of poop, and then you go septic, and then you die. Those little fuckers are SUPER dangerous.
Intestinal biome is definitely important - if it gets fucked up bad enough, some patients need a fecal transplant, which is exactly what it sounds like: they take a donor’s poop and shove it up the patient’s ass deep enough enough for it to pass and hopefully shed enough microcritters to seed a new biome.
…but we don’t get paged a 3am to rush to the hospital to frantically set up for a fecal transplant because some dude rolled into the ER needing a poop donation. We do get get those calls when some poor bastard rolls into the ER writhing in pain because his appendix is stretched to capacity and is getting ready to pop; or has already popped and we need to flay his abdomen open to clean him out.
So yeah, I’d vote to just make them not exist. If hospitals have to take on the occasional extra fecal transplant patient, I’d call that a fair trade.
the way i see it, the world may well end within our lifetime. when the credit card server farms collapse into the encroaching ocean it won’t matter anymore
Soft recommendation for psychedelics. It’s NOT for everyone and you should do some legitimate research beforehand, but it’s done wonders for my anxiety
It took me a very long time to realise that there’s no point worrying about things I can’t control, I needed to find ways to mitigate the risks or consequences.
E.g. I used to get very very anxious about traveling, e.g. for a four hour car trip. What is there’s heavy traffic, what if we run late, what if there are detours, what if we need to stop, what if the car breaks down…
Then I started working out what I could actually do about these things? What is in my control? What can I do to make heavy traffic more bearable (music and water)? So what if I’m late? I have a phone I can call. I can keep my car well maintained, I can drive calmly, and so on.
It’s not perfect, it’s anecdotal, but it was a mindset change that helped me. I mean, medication helped too… it gave me the space to be rational.
In my case its that I just get stuck into repetative negative thought loops. My default assumption always seems to be that the worst case scenario is going to happen even though it never happens. I’m just really good at convincing myself that nothing is worth trying as I’m probably going to fail anyways.
When you catch yourself going into a negative loop, stop yourself and think of or write down the absolute worst possible scenario (and really, how bad is this, likely minor, negative thing in the grand scheme of things?), the most likely scenario which happens most of the time, and the best possible scenario (how good could it be, similar to the bad outcomes?). What separates those possible outcomes? Chance? Effort on your part? Other people?
If it’s effort on your part, it gives you actionable steps you can take and that’s great for anxiety, everything else being out of your control should actually help as well, though, especially when you intentionally step back and look for the most likely event.
I always have this sense when I’m driving home from an overnight elsewhere that my house will have burned down or my animals will be dead or something. I know it’s absurd, but more than that, even if that was the case, there’s nothing I could actually do about it, and I know one of my neighbors would call the fire department and text me if my house caught fire. So when I have that intrusive thought I stop myself and take a step back - logically it’s very unlikely it will burn down when I’m not home because I spend 99% of my time at home - if it is going to burn, it is likely going to burn when I’m here, and I literally never worry about that. So why do I worry about the rare occurrence?
It doesn’t help immediately, because you didn’t logic yourself into that worry, but eventually you can train yourself to be a bit more realistic which, while it may not fix the intrusive thoughts, does help a ton with breaking the rumination cycle.
I treat retirement planning like Ron Popeil’s rotisserie cooker. “You set it, and forget it.” Index funds don’t need to be managed, and recurring transfers can be automated.
Medium term planning follows other people’s advice about normal budgeting, with specific piles for specific things.
Short term is extremely simplified at this point. Spend discretionary dollars at your discretion.
First, I completely agree with your thoughts on retirement savings.
However, that’s far from the only thing in “planning for the future”. The future is also things like:
when/if do I start a family?
should I get additional education to help my career prospects?
should I prioritize time with my elderly family members now at the cost of other opportunities for personal or professional growth?
should I put my efforts into growth for my spouse/child?
There’s no easy answers as many of these are mutually exclusive. It becomes a personal value judgement. You may only find out you made the wrong choice for yourself after you’ve passed the point of making a different choice. Such is life.
Celebrating the quarter and cross quarter days can work for atheists, science fans and Pagans alike. You get a holiday every month and a half. You can simply celebrate the changing of seasons/Earth’s relative position to the Sun or get all magick with it, as you like. The quarter days are the solstices and equinoxes, the cross quarter days are the points in between. Halloween (Samhain) and May Day (Beltane) are the famous cross quarter days, but they happen in winter (Imbolc, Feb 1- also known as Groundhog Day) and summer (Lammas/Lunasa, Aug1).
Yes! This is the true solution to the holiday blues (and may other problems). Become Pagan. Our celebrations are 13 + 8 every year, plus multiple life events and “because I want to” times.
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