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anon6789, (edited ) in What are some of your cheap eats hacks? avatar

I don’t know if this is the type of thing you were asking, but it’s one I’ve been using about once a week lately.

I was listening to How I Built This with Guy Raz, and he had on a lady that wanted to eliminate food waste. She started the app Too Good To Go.

Partner businesses will pack up about $15 of food at the end of the shift, and instead of tossing it, they put it in a to go box for you for $5.

Tonight we had jerk chicken and sides from a Caribbean place, another time we got 4 big pizza slices overloaded with toppings, and our favorite is the Manhattan Bagels gives us 15-17 bagels. We’ve also tried a vegan bakery, which is way too expensive for us, but for my girlfriend’s nephew with a severe egg allergy was a great surprise.

These are all places we wouldn’t normally go, but they’ve all been really tasty, helped eliminate some waste, and let us try some new restaurants for a fiver. We’re kinda in the country, so there aren’t too many options, but I looked in the nearby city and there are a lot, and the app started in Europe, so you non-US people don’t have to miss out.

So maybe not the super cheap lentil curry recipe I have, but this was an intriguing things I recently learned about and have been looking to share awareness about.

Even if you don’t have much cash, it still feels nice to be able to get restaurant food sometimes too, and this is a cheap and mutually beneficial way to do that.


This is a great tip. We this in Berlin. It’s great to just walk to a random area in the evening, open the app up and see what’s available for pickup in the area.

anon6789, avatar

That was another thing that had gotten my interest about it. I recently started a new job that was in an area I wasn’t familiar with, so I’ve gotten to get a sampling of the restaurants there for next to nothing.

Bakachu, (edited )

I remember back in the day a few food court places did this. They’d preload a to-go container with a ton of food and mark it for $5 about 30 minutes before the mall closed. I haven’t seen a food court do this since 2008 though.

anon6789, avatar

This sounds pretty much exactly like that. It’s about the only downside, as it’s first come (to reserve a box in the app), first served, and you get a half hour pickup window.

The way they sell it to places is they make it so it’s no more work than just tossing it would be, but you get a sale.

RozhkiNozhki, avatar

We found it too and it’s awesome. A huge bag of tamales and pastries from our local Mexican bakery, $6.

anon6789, avatar

Exactly! I wish I had tamales near me!

Though I do make a mean tamale pie, and that’s a pretty good cheap way to stretch out leftover protein when it isn’t enough left to feed the both of us.

Not healthy, but damn good for leftovers! 😁

danielfgom, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost? avatar

My Sony Xperia 10iii still has that light as well as a heaphone jack, SD card slot that can be removed by hand (no ejector tool needed) and full waterproofing. These are literally all the features missing on newer phones. Plus it has a genuine 3 cameras: wide, ultrawide and telephoto - no fake “macro” BS here.

Best of all it’s successor the Xperia 10v can be bought on the UK Sony site for just GBP299! Incredible price. But alas I don’t live there but if one had a friend there you could have them order it send it to you via courier.


Yup, even though it’s camera software is ass, I bought sony phone to “vote with my wallet”.

Also you missed extremely important detail, no notch, pinhole or any type of that BS.


Can’t you just use a different camera app? Or are we talking firmware?


Yeah, sorry app is actually great, but firmware is horrible


Hm, interesting. Thanks!


I’ve had an Xperia for years. It’s indestructible I swear, never had it in a case and it’s been dropped, kicked, smacked, and generally knocked around for all of those years with hardly a scratch on it. I want to say I’m due an upgrade so I could think about a newer one, buuuut… Honestly it’s just such a trooper I don’t see why I’d bother. The XZ1 is nearly 7 years old now so the camera frankly sucks, but that’s it.


I was thinking about getting a new phone and then I just picked up another 10 III. It’s honestly just everything I need.


I’m really glad that there’s a company making decent lower end phones that still have a niche and aren’t just crappy versions of the flagships.

danielfgom, avatar

It would be nice for you to get a new Sony with better cameras and better life 😊


Sonys always made such cool phones. My Z3 was probably my favorite phone ever.

danielfgom, avatar

Yes. My first one was the Z2. Coming from iPhone the Z2 was a revelation! So, so far ahead.


Same, I recently upgraded from the Sony Xperia 1 to the 1 IV, it burns my hands at times but love all those features!

It’s not a cheap phone, tho.

DemBoSain, in What are some of your cheap eats hacks? avatar

Get a rice cooker with a steam tray. Make a cup of rice, with frozen veggies in the tray. Spice the rice if you want (a little cumin with pepper slices makes excellent fajitas).

When I was in college I put rice in everything because it disgusted my flatmates. I could cook a meal and repel mooches at the same time.


I don’t want to meet anyone who is disgusted by rice. I’m sorry you had to endure that.

cheese_greater, (edited ) in When/how do you think capitalism will be defeated?

It seems as if capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction. Not saying I know a better way per se but its in there all the same

Edit: to put it in Pokémon perspective: capitalism is Ghost type and its super-effective against Ghost type


What are some examples of capitalism destroying itself?


Capitalism, minus a strong guiding hand as described by Adam Smith, invariably leads to monopolies, or near enough. When that happens, either through a single strong monopoly or a small group of companies, the market doesn’t work and price gouging rises. You don’t have to look further back than the past couple years at inflation. Every study I have seen blames inflation almost completely on price gouging and market failing to work for consumers. Think record prices (and corresponding record profits) of companies across the board. If you want specific examples, check out the long history of Walmart and the negative effects its stores have on local competition and local earnings. Or the profit taking of gas companies. Or super market chains. Or…

People who love Capitalism always seem to have missed high school history/econ and have this ignorant belief that laissez-faire is the best. Even though proven to be shitty. This belief in trickle down bullshit has resulted in 50 trillion dollars going from the bottom 90% to the top 1%. If that’s not capitalism destroying itself, I’m not sure what else to say.

Or as Leonard Cohen sang so succinctly,“The poor stay poor, the rich get rich / that’s how it goes / everybody knows.”


I mostly agree with this. But I can imagine saying basically any system minus x core feature will go to shit.


Regulation is not a core feature of capitalism. It’s just a really good idea


Is that capitalism destroying itself tho? I mean in a purist way, what you describe is capitalism changing so it does do something but what it ends up in is called late stage capitalism so did it really destroy itself or merely “evolved”? Yes in that stage it is worse for 99.99% of people compared to before but maybe that’s somewhat intended? And most importantly is that stage (more) stable or not.

Untitled4774, (edited )

The vacuum can only suck up crumbs for so long until it runs out of crumbs.

In other words, the greedy aren’t letting capitalism be the cycle system it needs to be, it’s a funnel.

Either the crumbs will run out and the system will collapse, or people won’t take kindly to giving up their final crumbs and overpower the vacuum.

Any one sane person is only a few missed meals away from acting insane. Any sane society is only a few missed meals from falling apart.


Yes but you really didn’t answer my question. It’s also debatable if we’re anywhere near that point at this stage


If a structure is stealing bolts from its lower structure to further amass a larger structure on top it is going to collapse.

A closed system designed to be a cycle that doesn’t return anything to the bottom will eventually collapse.

If rain never comes to replenish the earth the clouds are only stuck with each other to canibalize.


The concept of enshittification.

Granted, the concept applies specifically to platforms, but the idea is basically what capitalism is:

  • Be good to everyone
  • Be good to suppliers (supply-side economics)
  • Be good to shareholders and, subsequently, alienate both users and suppliers of content. The platform collapses.

Late-stage capitalism is when shareholder wealth is maximized at the expense everyone else. So you have 3 billionaires with 50% of the wealth of all humanity or something, the middle class squeezed into oblivion, and a roiling undercurrent of pure fucking rage ready to sever heads like watermelons from a vine.

lvxferre, avatar

Applying the concept from the micro (enshittification of the platforms) to the macro (enshittification of the economic system) is brilliant.


What’s true of the lesser must be true of the greater

lvxferre, avatar

So why isn’t my glass of Campari drifting randomly across the table, under Brownian movement??? [/shitty drunkard joke]

Serious now. On economic matters I think that you’re right.

wantd2B1ofthestrokes, (edited )

I think you can say that’s immoral. I’m not sure you can say it will destroy the whole system or that this is an inevitability of any capitalist system.


Is there actually any record of this destroying the capitalist system though? To my knowledge, every time this happens, its just replaced with more extreme and violent capitalism.


I thought that was how Dragon Type worked.


Can’t it be true for both? 😁


I could’ve sworn there was only one type this worked for.




It’s nice to see you again. How have you been?


Can’t complain ;)

shinigamiookamiryuu, in What's your favorite instrument that really gets through to you?

I can play this one and doing so has always felt pleasant.


Can you give the name in the comment, kinda hard to peruse when its a link you gotta follow to find out :)


The glass harmonica


Omg, actually a fave of mine too i totally forgot about!


We had to learn how to play an instrument in school and everything else seemed mundane.


I love the wine-glass array version of this :)

stackPeek, in What are some tech predictions for 2024 that actually could happen? avatar

I feel like I don’t want it to happen, but maybe artificial general intelligence?


I think we’re still a bit far off from that. No doubt the models will be quite good, but they won’t be anywhere near general intelligence.


Cross modality is what is missing. We have models that can produce text, hear things, and see things really really well. Facilitating communication between these individual models, and probably creating some executive model to utilize them, is what’s missing. We’re probably still a few years from beginning to touch general intelligence


It probably won’t happen until we move to new hardware architectures.

I do think LLMs are a great springboard for AGI, but I don’t think the current hardware allows for models to cross the hump to AGI.

There’s not enough recursive self-interaction in the network to encode nonlinear representations. So we saw this past year a number of impressive papers exhibiting linear representations of world models extrapolated from training data, but there hasn’t yet been any nonlinear representations discovered and I don’t think there will be.

But when we switch to either optoelectronics or colocating processing with memory at a node basis, that next generation of algorithms taking advantage of the hardware may allow for the final missing piece of modern LLMs in extrapolating data from the training set, pulling nonlinear representations of world models from the data (things like saying “I don’t know” will be more prominent in that next generation of models).

From there, we’ll quickly get to AGI, but until then I’m skeptical that classical/traditional hardware will get us there.

confluence, in What are some small things we should change about the human body?

Redesign the spine for vertical use. Don’t put the eating and breathing tubes on either side of the same flap.


We should have tons of little breathing holes all over.

Imagine if no one snored?


While you can create spiracles that repel polar substances like water, you cannot protect them against surfactant like soap. No more showers unless you want to drown.


So you’re saying I can kill a fly with some soap spray.

Wasps too? Those fuckers.

jennwiththesea, avatar

Wasps, definitely, and it does basically suffocate them. We use a water, dish soap, and peppermint mix on paper wasp nests that form in our eaves.


You can waterboard them with it. If you want to effectively kill them, I'd recommend using the tried and true neurotoxin option sold at your local grocery store. You can be your own Saddam Hussein without having to hide in the most random places after committing your war crimes.


Never mind snoring, imagine how bad a cold would be!


Yeah but we would have probably made weird body suits to deal with that by now if it were that big a deal.

We’re really, really bad at preventing problems, but were the best problem solvers we’ve ever found.

Seems just about every other animal is great at preventing problems. We’re the opposite.

key, avatar

So we’d have to be naked to breath at full capacity?

theneverfox, avatar

Not necessarily. I’m far from sold on the idea, but lungs are able to take in enough oxygen to hyperventilate easily, clothes would reduce the maximum air intake to some extent, but from l full capacity would be max you need to breathe to max out your muscles - everything past that would be excess capacity

If we’re going for redundancy and throughput, clothes probably would be more useful as a filter than being a limiter (and filtration is why I’m not on board with this design)


Yes, food hole and air hole should be separate

Sassel, in The transition from the holiday season back to the normal drudgery is so depressing. Is there any way to make Jan / Feb less depressing?

You could do what they do in colder places and buy brightly colored stuff for your place. It’ll still be dark outside but at least the inside will look cheerier.

You could also try planning some beginning of the year parties with friends. That would certainly give you events to look forward to.


It’s also a great time to focus on health and well-being. I usually try to read and exercise more at the beginning of the year, sometimes long term habits form out of it, sometimes not. But it does help me feel better about the dreariness of the new year.

Lemonparty, in The transition from the holiday season back to the normal drudgery is so depressing. Is there any way to make Jan / Feb less depressing?

There are barely any sports on? Hockey is on nearly every single day. Football playoffs start in two weeks. College championship is next Monday. NBA is on if you’re desperate. If you’re not American get yourself a VPN and watch anyway!

sanguinepar, (edited ) avatar

There’s also one of the most interesting title races in years in the English Premier League (football/soccer).

Plus the amazing exploits of young Luke Littler at the darts World Championship - only 16 and into the final having beaten some serious players already.

That’s said, I’m interested in those and the NFL, and like OP, I still find this time of year deeply depressing and hard to cope with.

TheSparrowPrince, in What gifts that you received for Christmas this year are already in the trash?


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  • spacecowboy,

    Sounds like yall need some counselling.


    Always the combination + some shit like ‘the wife’ … guys you have heard that your partners are actual persons, not some abstract, always present, overly emotionally behaved construct like ‘the wife’?


    Mine is also at times very unrational.


    There is a thing called marriage counseling, put that on your wishlist


    Let her fuck it up. It’s XL, you can sand and refinish. It’s also just a board. You replaced the old tool due to mistakes probably made by both of you over time, intentionally or accidentally. In 1 year the new board will have similar scars, and the trivial nature of said scars will also haunt your own memories of past strife taken too seriously.

    Spoken from personal exp


    We can’t tell how OP broached the topic with their wife, so maybe they came across as condescending and accusatory, but I see nothing wrong with taking the old cutting board as the lesson learned and trying to do better at taking care of the new one.

    Sounds like OP is prioritizing their relationship over the piece of kitchenware, but let them vent over it a bit! Definitely an overreaction on the wife’s part.

    KinNectar, avatar

    Nows your chance to upgrade to a hardwood board with no maintenance requirements. Eliminate strife on both ends.


    Be aware the delete function doesn’t.


    We have an old bamboo cutting board that my wife bought and it’s been through Hell. It also bears no known emotional or sentimental value (which we’ll get to). Now, it’s all scarred up and soaked in all the odors and stains from years of abuse and neglect. It was also too small, and I always wished it was bigger.

    I received a new, XL bamboo cutting board, which was at the top of my wishlist. It was perfect! I bought a fancy oil for it and everything. Then, I tried to lay down some ground rules with the wife for proper use and care of the board to prolong its usefulness by years.

    My wife took it as a personal attack that everything she does is wrong. The replacement of the old board was emotionally taken as a replacement of some part of her. Then, she cried. The matter remains unresolved and the board will eventually make its way to either the trash or a new home because it’s now associated with some level of perceived scorn. All I wanted was something nice and to keep it nice. Fuck me, right?

    Now, I want to cry.


    It’s related to something else. Unless a fear of large cutting boards is involved.


    It always is, isn’t it?!

    (ps i go around copy pasting people’s DELETED comments to bring awareness to the fact you CANNOT DELETE COMMENTS)

    Those damn onions. Ruining the cutting board!


    Why do this?


    Awareness is better as ignorance. The workaround is to edit first, then delete.

    MystikIncarnate, in What are some tech predictions for 2024 that actually could happen?

    Google will kill a product or service you use and like.


    Yeah I think Google podcasts is getting killed in a few months.


    And YouTube music for podcasts sucks. And I use it for music.

    spittingimage, in What are some small things we should change about the human body? avatar

    I feel like I’ve already shit enough in my life.

    corsicanguppy, ?

    spittingimage, avatar

    If that page loaded for me, what could I expect to see on it?


    Once every 3 days…

    Travelkat, in A friend offer me a investment opportunity at 15% annually, is it too good to be true ?

    I highly recommend 𝗧𝗘𝗖𝗛𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗢𝗞𝗘 anyone who has been scammed or hacked and needs help recovering their funds bitcoin recovery company has the greatest digital triangulation and smart contract teams to examine your situation and assist you in every way they can to recover your lost or stolen cryptocurrency. Since 2020, I have owned cryptocurrency, and I am a victim of money theft. Fortunately, I was introduced to TECHREVOKE that where I could report and recover my misplaced item. I hope this is helpful. Contact them through; EMAIL:

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    i dont know, but if you are scammed, don’t get scam again.

    RBWells, (edited ) in What are some small things we should change about the human body?

    We should not get our adult teeth at 7 then no more ever. We need at least one more set.

    I don’t think balding is useful, agree that could go.

    Fertility should be manageable without using all the devices, hormones, etc. Like it should be a positive choice not a default state we have to harm ourselves to avoid. And I don’t think we need menopause either. Just turn on fertility only to get pregnant.

    (ETA- I also think sexually transmitted diseases should not exist at all, they seem like religious fundamentalist biological warfare, but not sure what change in a human body could accomplish this and leave the pleasure intact. )

    Appoxo, avatar

    We should not get our adult teeth at 7 then no more ever. We need at least one more set.

    Just be a shark at this point

    ace_garp, in What's something you'd like to leave behind in the old year and not carry into the new year? avatar

    Writing 2023 in the date field.


    Dw, only takes about a year for your brain to stop doing that

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