Take your pick, some of these are actual movies, some pretend to be (looking at you Suburban Sasquatch). You’ll have some laughs regardless of the pick.
Revamped - a very bad vampire movie written by, directed by, and starring the same man
Death Bed: The Bed That Eats - a horrible 70s horror movie with a very literal title
From Dusk till Dawn
I'm also including some movies that are horror comedies that are actually good and fun on purpose in case those strike the same chord with you. Some aren't strictly comedic, but I think they're all fun.
Death Spa!!! It's one of my favs of all time and I never see anyone talk about it. It's like actually good. Like, it's simultaneously so-bad-it's-good, but also just good on its own. Let me know if you check it out, I'd love to hear what you think!
Business grade will also be chugging along while the enthusiast has replaced the thing five times over.
I really think it depends on the product. People talking about low end keyboards or whatnot aren’t far off, but I’d take a good business laptop any day. It won’t have fancy RGB lights but will keep working forever.
This is kind of an internet myth. Military grade hardware is built to last decades. They award contracts to the lowest qualified bidder who can meet the spec. That last part is important because military specifications ensure the hardware can perform under harsh conditions and heavy abuse, with low rates of failure. They also inspect every single item, where pro-sumer or even professional equipment only has a small percentage of produced equipment inspected. When I was in the Army we were still using equipment from the Korean war and it worked perfectly.
That may be true for stuff delivered to the army but I would believe the myth more in my local electronics store.
Also stuff made 15 years ago seems more durable than the stuff from say 5 years ago.
When it’s applied to consumer products, tho, it usually is just fancy words, blowing smoke up your ass to trick you into thinking it’s tough and durable.
This is definitely not an internet myth. I was also in the Army (US) and our gear is worthless trash that only survives because people put huge amounts of work into learning its quirks. Example, if you spit in an M16 it jams. We had rows and rows of Humvees and Bradleys that had under 10k miles on them broken down. Abrams maintenance is something like 4 hours per hour of usage or something absurd like that. I think the only decent vehicle we still have in service is the FMTV, and their whole drivetrain is civilian stuff (CAT motor, Alison transmission, Dana axles etc).
I’ll meet you in the middle and say they used to make stuff that was indestructible. Old GP tents, e-tools, and cots are beasts. But the military-industrial complex has fully kicked in now and just like everything else, military stuff is built to maximize profit.
When were you in? I got out right as a whole bunch of new gear and equipment was coming in. We were still issued the M16-A2. I wanted the A3 with that swoopy eye piece, but never had a chance to try one. The A2 was probably the best rifle I’ve ever fired, as long as you kept it clean (not always easy in the field). They were in the process of phasing out the UH-1H (Huey) when I left, in favor of the Blackhawk. My CO hated the Blackhawks and said he could put 10 Hueys in the air for the price of one Blackhawk.
09-15. I had an A2 and an A4. As an owner of AKs, I may have been spoiled but I found the M16s to be truly awful in terms of the cleaning maintenance. To be fair my sloppy ass A2 was more forgiving than the A4. The A4 was nice and accurate in garrison but downrange I talked my armorer into getting me my A2 back. The dust was too much for the A4 to handle.
I was a Forward Observer but was put in an aviation unit for some reason so I spent a good amount of time RTOing adjacent to various helis. I can say without a doubt that we had helis down for maintenance every day, sometimes for multiple days at a time.
This all circles back around to “the older the better” theme from my previous comment. Chinooks are an ancient platform but they’re super reliable and nearly never broke down outside of schedule. The M16A2 I had did have like 1/8" of play in it between upper and lower receiver but I did keep it working. God knows how many rounds went through that thing. But both of those things are what, like 'Nam era? All the truly durable stuff is old school. I’m just saying the new stuff is garbage.
That’s unfortunate to hear about the new stuff. I was really hoping to check out some of the new gear before my ETS, but it never happened. I guess I didn’t miss anything.
You were 13F? Wild, man! I went to basic at Ft. Sill where you would have done your AIT. I was thinking about re-classing as 13F at one point, since y’all were harder than woodpecker lips. Did you go to Rucker when you got attached to an aviation unit?
Yeah I was 13F. Even got through JFO school at one point. It was a cool job and other 13Fs were pretty legit just about across the board. The tricky bit they don’t tell you is that you get attached to infantry and usually by yourself so you’re the only guy in the room that can count higher than 4.
I went to Riley. Kansas sucks to drive through but it wasn’t a bad place to live. Stayed there for about 3 years and went off to the next place.
67N, helicopter mechanic and crew member. I really wanted to go airborne, but my unit wouldn’t pay for it. I should have got it in my contract when enlisting, then I could have gone right after AIT. That’s when you’re at the height of fitness anyways, after six months straight of training, so airborne school wouldn’t be quite as hard. I petitioned my unit several times during AIT, but the answer was always no. Oh well! Not going probably saved my knees. Did you see any combat? I was too young for the 1st Iraq war, and got out right before 9/11, so I never went to war.
“Ah, then my decision to shun you and tell everyone I know to do the same … that is also preordained, and you mustn’t hold me responsible for doing so.”
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