My guess is it means you can’t log in or aren’t logged in. It could also be block user or blocked user. It’s just a crossed out person, so it could be a number of things.
Israel will build some very nice Jewish beachfront colonies over the bloodstained rubble. It’s what they’ve been doing in the West Bank and Jerusalem, at least.
I have to go with Bad Lieutenant: Port Call of New Orleans. Everything has gone to shit, the main character is addicted to drugs and spiraling. You 100% expect this movie to be a tragedy with him dying. Then completely unexpectedly everything just works out. I still can’t believe a studio let that happen, but I think I appreciate the movie because it’s so atypical.
Way longer than your average person but I’d start running out of supplies after few months too. I have food stocked up for few months, 90 litres of drinking water and a water filter, 120 litres of diesel plus what I have in the tank, enough fuel to run alchohol stove for few months aswell and I have a fireplace to keep myself warm basically indefinitely.
It’s kind of scary to think that even me whose somewhat of a prepper would run out of supplies quite quick. What does that mean for the average person who doesn’t even have a jug of water stored up.
Also, this is the kind of discussion that would fit well on !zombiesurvival
I’ve always wondered. Do you folks just chow on nothing but canned food ands military reasons for a few months straight every couple years when things expire? Or just donate?
Don’t get me wrong. I think it’s good to have emergency supplies. But things expire…
I mostly stock up on items I’m using anyways such as rice, beans, noodles, sugar, coffee, crackers, honey, peanut butter etc. and I’m constantly using the oldest packages from my stock and replacing them with fresh ones.
EMP would not affect devices that aren’t connected to the grid. Atleast I don’t think it would, and even if it did, there’s still plenty of older diesel powered machines that don’t need electricity to run such as some diesel heaters. If nothing else I could trade it for something more useful then.
EMP affects all electronics as long as it’s in line of sight. With that said EMPs are not a very effective way to knock out power for the entire US.
You’d have to launch nukes up into the sky and detonate them in the air in order for an EMP to be effective. You’d need to use several of them spread out across the US.
The chances of that happening are super low unless it’s our own government doing it.
South Africa. Clusterfuck best describes the situation. Daily Rolling blackouts. Political uncertainty. Higher cost of living. Massive corruption. Brain drain as those who can are emigrating. But at least we have no war.
All of our country. We have 1 official electricity producer, but it has been run I to the ground. Google “eskom South africa” for more info. Short version is they cannot produce enough power so we have scheduled times pretty.much daily with no power. Here we call it load shedding. The power issues and lack of maintenence on infrastructure is affecting other things like water supply.The government has so much corruption we have actually seen the government protesting itself about service delivery. Google “Gupta state capture South africa” for an idea of this. Politics is very much like the US where minorities are scapegoats. The leader of the EFF , a populist radical opposition was for example quoted as saying “we are not calling for the killing of white people… at least not yet”. There are other issues, but I still think clusterfuck is the appropriate description. We are resilient though.
oh man this actually pisses me of so much. I’ve been using the swiftkey keyboard long before it was bought by Microsoft, back when it was a paid app, and I swear it has gotten significantly worse at word prediction , key detection, and swipe accuracy.
I’m finding that I have to type letter by letter if I want any kind of garuntee that it will choose the right words. Swipe has become a waste of time because I am constantly going back to fix words it got wrong. And B instead of space is a constant!
For me it’s the period next to the spacebar. I think my right thumb comes down at just the wrong angle to touch both at the same time. One of these days maybe I’ll wise up and change the layout… but not today.
Anyone that takes time to do the little things that make us civilised: picking up someone else’s trash, putting away someone else’s shopping cart, etc. Just shows they give a fuck
There’s a book I read about this. I don’t remember the title, but it was written by some US senator or house rep, probably had a ghostwriter. It was about that, some enemy of the US, maybe it was China or Russia, detonated a bunch of nukes high in the atmosphere, causing the US’s electronics to be fried.
Assuming they did their research, the book had people survive for years, but definitely addressed how hard it would be. There was looting & rioting, the family had to eat their dog eventually, and there was a massive change in the importance of trust & community. I think it was like 3 years later that the reconstruction reached the small town, and it ended along the lines of “and then there was more work.”
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