Same way a printer works, or color blending for that matter, with RGB or CMYK you can make any color. Primary colors and brightness. Greyscales and magentas are extra-spectral.
Ohhh totally forgot about that. Apparently they wanted to do their own thing or something. Doesn’t make sense to me. I’m on so I can sub though
I refuse to listen to them outside of live at a concert. It’s old Nordic style viking goodness and the live shows are more of a ritual than a concert. When I go, I want a full immersive experience and I feel listening to them in between the concerts takes away from the experience.
He claims this legislation will give him the authority he needs to do something. Do you really believe the president of the United States doesn’t have the authority to take action in securing our borders?
I’d like to see the text of this bill, because I don’t believe the White House is incapable of taking action and actually needs additional powers.
Constantly moving targets don’t help. CSS, HTML, and JavaScript add new features way too quickly. Between supporting new shiny stuff and crusty old stuff there’s so much bloat to keep up with. It’s taking huge efforts to design and tune these rendering engines, so there are only a handful of efforts now backed by major players (Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Mozilla). Even Microsoft threw in the towel on their own engine and started using Google’s Chrome because it was cheaper and easier.
I have several excellent YT channels to recommend, in alphabetical order:
Accursed Farms - The source of the “Freeman’s mind” series, Ross also makes excellent videos about other games.
Alasdair Becket-King - ABK is a comedian who makes short but really funny videos.
Anders Enger Jensen - A Norwegian musician making awesome synth songs.
Barely Sociable - Interesting videos about odd topics, focuses on “dark” stuff, has a good voice.
Brick Experiment Channel - Remote controlled submarine made out of Lego and other Lego stuff, need I say more?
Calum - A guy from Scotland making amazing videos about stuff like: Rescue buoys from WWII, WV Beetles at the south pole, Flying homes of the past, Jerry Cans, Secret WWII Bunkers, and much more. This is awesome.
Code Bullet - Chaotic AI programing, very fun and cool to see.
DankPods - Started with iPod Repair videos, reviews random crappy MP3 players, has insane amplifier to blow up headphones, mostly talks about weird nuggets of technology. Well worth a look.
James Channel - Do you want a portable Super Nintendo, but are worried about not breaking it? DankPods oldmate will show you how to do it with some random components, duct tape and hot glue.
Jet Lag: The Game - A game show where the planet is the board, they have played connect 4 across the US, Raced around the world, played Tag across Europe, made New Zeeland into a board game, played CTF across Japan, and more, really good!
Mustard - Exellent transportation documentaries, with great CGI.
Paper Skies - Son of a Soviet air force pilot talking about how life and work in the Soviet air force was.
Paper Will - Documentaries about “dark” topics like “The ugly side of kids TV”, “Entertainment made by cults”, “Games about 9/11”, really interesting stuff!
Peter Dibble - Want to learn about the bus running on the wires of a ski lift system? You can here! You can also learn about that time that Amtrack brought a Swedish and a German high speed train across the US for tests in the 90s.
Ringway Manchester - Videos about two way radios, amateur radio and other things on the airwaves.
Side Note - North Korean cruises? Hitler’s Birthday? US presidential yachts? An ice block in Sahara? Mysterious Egypt/Israel flights? A floatibg hotel in North Koera? What do all of these topics have in common? They all have videos on the Side Note channel.
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