A recent study has shown there is little increase in happiness beyond $500,000 in annual earnings. Based on that I suggest a cap of $500k per year or $50 million lifetime earnings.
The former would be for most people, the latter is for movie stars or athletes who might have a few very high earning years and love off them the rest of their life.
Yes but I then forget to throw them out so I end up wearing them until they literally become unusable.
IDK if it’s calluses or what but my heels will wear through damn near anything in a pretty short time. Noticed a small hole in a sock once and by the end of the day the entire heel had worn through. Once wore through the heels of a $40 pair of sandals in just a couple months. I didn’t have any money at the time to replace them, so I just covered the worn area with duct tape. That lasted less than a week.
It’s how you walk. You have a prominent heel strike in your gait, and it’s causing more wear on the shoe gear in that specific spot. This style of walking with a heavy calcaneal foot strike will eventually give you pain in the knees, hips, and shoulders. You’ll want to switch to a more natural walking motion, where your forefoot hits the ground at the same time or before your heel hits the ground.
Since force is a clear crowd favorite: What would that look like? Angry mod surrounds home of billionaire and guillotines them on their lawn? According to Forbes there are currently 735 billionaires. That might take some time.
It’d be more like, load them into the guillotine, and right before you set the blade in motion, offer them one last chance. swipe your cards, enter your pins, and transfer 90% of your income to the public fund (and live), or die and we take all of it. They’ve been using the threat of violence and incarceration against us our whole lives (steal from a company, cops arrest you, company steals from you, you have to get it back yourself), why not return the favor?
735 would take like 20 minutes in parallel if all of the wage slaves got together wherever each billionaire is and gave them what they have coming. And boy do they have it coming!
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible (by buying up our politicians, governments, and news-media) will make violent revolution inevitable.
How is science and futurism with Isaac Arthur (SFIA) not getting more love? They are probably the highest quality and most educational videos on the entirety of YouTube. And while all of the videos cover the future, they cover wildly different topics and fields.
What will space travel actually be like? Will we live in space? What about new space sports? How will space effects our diets? What about AI? How will it effect our lives and hobbies? Mind uploading? Clark tech? Dyson swarms? O’Neill cylinders? Could the entire universe be a hallucination?
How is science and futurism with Isaac Arthur (SFIA) not getting more love?
Tbf, Isaac Arthur will sometimes propose ideas that absolutely no hope of working such as orbital loops. While I get that he’s not an engineer, videos like that tend to be a blemish on his reputation.
the current “world’s richest persons” list is actually the “world’s greediest persons” list. we need to all start calling it exactly that. we need to, as society, understand that having those levels of wealth is more a symptom of a sick and twisted mind rather than a consequence of “business acumen”.
the world’s richest persons list should be recalibrated to what percentage of one’s income has been given away in taxes and donations. think about it, if you can indulge in all your necessities, comforts, and luxuries on 10% of your income and still afford to give away the other 90%, are you not 9 times “richer” than you need to be?
separately, any company that turns an obscene profit has done so only by overcharging their customers. these companies should be vilified therefore, and not celebrated.
No matter if it is greed, competitiveness, narcissism, another personality trait or some combination of them the point was that we as a society should not consider becoming a billionaire as model behavior. By all means be the best sports player or musician or top surgeon and make as much money as you are legally allowed. Most tech billionaires are just not that impressive to justify their current net worth.
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