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Gormadt, in Anyone who recently had a "Yup, it was that kinda day" day. What happened? avatar

5 minutes into my shift the other day I took a hydraulic shower because some dingleberry didn’t report an accident where they broke a hydraulic hose on their forklift

They just parked it, grabbed a different forklift, then finished their shift

Then I came in to do my forklift inspections and got blasted with hydraulic fluid from the severed hose the moment I started my testing

So I had to fill out a shit ton of additional paperwork and scrub all the fluid off of me with the soap we had available (foaming hand soap)

I’m just happy that I had extra clothes in my car because if I didn’t that would have really ruined my day

All in all, a really shitty way to start a Friday


Did they do their pre-shift safety inspection?

Gormadt, avatar

I’m the guy who does all of our forklift inspections at my facility for all 60ish of our forklifts every day‡ (the bosses think it more efficient having 1 person check them all rather than everyone checking their lifts)

What the person had done after tearing the hose was clean up the forklift with paper towels and jam the hose back onto the connector by hand (saw the camera footage because I have access to those (for some reason‡‡)) which is why I missed seeing the busted line on my visual inspection

There were a series of very “fun” pre-shift meetings the following day that’s for sure, and dingleberry got a 3 day suspension for not reporting the accident that tore the hose

‡ I also recently got the position because the other guy walked off due to a disagreement with manglement. This incident was the first Friday of having the position after the other guy left. They gave me fuck all for training (basically only the paperwork side on the day they left). But needless to say I’ve got a better checklist for those inspections now.

‡‡ I’ve talked with IT about it (among so many other info sec concerns) over the years and they’ve assured me (and my bosses) that they’ve revoked access. Yet it has never gone away. They’re great.

Akasazh, avatar


Good one, I’m stealing that.


Better one guy who knows what to look for than 60 guys who just shrug and check the boxes.

Gormadt, avatar

Straight up though the previous guy basically shrugged and ticked boxes for a hell of a long time

Literally the first week I was doing the job I had to get oil for 15 forklifts due to them being so low on oil that it didn’t even touch the dip sticks

I’ve also pulled so much crap out of the engine bays on those things it’s crazy, and a lot of it was full of cottonwood fluff so it’s been in there for almost a year


So the “disagreement” with management was they wanted him to do something in exchange for his paycheck?

Gormadt, avatar

Funnily enough: no. They were unaware how much he was letting things go, they are aware now but they weren’t aware at the time.

The disagreement was because they were changing his start time from 5am to 9:30am.

0x4E4F, avatar

They have a good worker now… hope they don’t forget that allong the line.

Chainweasel, in Why is canned soup often so bad even though soup tends to improve as leftovers?

Canned soup is cooked in the can in most cases so anything that may have evaporated away changing the taste is still sealed in the can. Also, when mass producing anything most companies will choose cheaper ingredients over higher quality ingredients.
So you’re left with a soup with low grade ingredients that’s still in the pot it was cooked in and never stirred, it’ll keep you alive but it didn’t have the same amount of effort put into it as someone cooking their own.

Bonesince1997, (edited )

And there are OK canned soups out there. I wouldn’t call them all “so bad.” The broth of Campbell’s condensed chicken noodle soup is quite tasty. A few of their smaller, more premium if you will cans (I forget the name of the line of soups) are pretty good. As well, I’ve found a few Progreso cans I like. They’re never going to be as good as homemade. I like your reasons for why they aren’t as good. That’s good stuff.

vxx, in Which of your favorite creators content quality went downhill very quickly?

Louis Rossman.

I enjoyed his board repairs, now he’s only rambling.


Yeah, just took at his more recent thumbnails and titles. It feels like just ragebait. He is just angry at everything.

I stopped watching his videos when he started to put some effort into making clickbait thumbnails, because I felt the videos became much worse.

iodine0320, (edited )

Agreed. Northridgefix is the new Rossman


I’unno. I’ve seen a few of his videos too, and he strikes me as a cunt as well. I will admit I’ve not watched enough to say that for an absolute fact that he is actually a cunt, but I can say that what I have seen has definitely done nothing but encourage me to avoid him.

A_Random_Idiot, (edited )

I agree with a lot of Rossman says with regard to right to repair and stuff.

but hes just an insufferable cunt.

DeepGradientAscent, avatar

hes just an insufferable cunt.

  • “A_Random_Idiot”
yamanii, avatar

t. Company abusing the lack of right to repair

zbyte64, avatar

That’s fine, I actually like that. They likely mean his more “culturally” aware stuff


Agree to disagree


Yeah, he is more about outrage content these days it seems. What he is railing against is usually something I broadly agree is bad from the sounds of it. But he rarely goes any deeper than “this article or 2 claims this corpo is fucking us, you should steal their shit, move to another state, or just in general be as unproductively outraged as me about it.”

And he has started to branch so far into things he doesn’t really know anything about at times that he is either flat out wrong, or so uninformed as to not have an opinion worth listening to on the subject to begin with.

He seems to want to be some kind of investigative journalist reporting on the wrongs of the big guy, but he doesn’t want to leave his house and risk getting into uncomfortable real world situations to do it unless it is a hearing about right to repair. You don’t find Rossman doing much deep diving into details, just surface level rage baiting I guess is what I am trying to say.

Zangoose, avatar

I wouldn’t call necessarily call it “unproductive” though? He has been lobbying in cases and contributing to the right to repair movement for several years now. It’s not like he’s doing nothing, he’s doing everything that he has the power to do.

qevlarr, avatar

I actually like this stuff.

CosmicApe, in Which YouTuber still creates high-quality videos to this day? avatar

Primative Technology. A dude out in the bush building houses and tools out of mud, sticks, and rocks without speaking a word.


I know there are several similar channels so maybe I’m mixed up, but wasn’t this the one where they found out the guy was using machinery to create his projects off camera and claiming it was all done by hand?

setsneedtofeed, avatar

He is legit.

The most popular fake primitive building channels are obviously fake if you have even a little bit of critical thinking. They usually pretend to build some preposterously sized waterparks and other complex structures that are obviously above the scale of two guys with hand tools.


Nope. This guy is the real deal. Nothing he does is large scale or unbelievable. If you turn on captions he walks you through what his thought process is/what he is doing. Very enjoyable.

Deceptichum, avatar

Nah, this is the guy that basically spawned the entire “genre”. He’s legit as can get.


I'm a fan of him.

Do you watch How To Make Everything?

Fake4000, in Which of your favorite creators content quality went downhill very quickly?

A lot of tech YouTubers (such as Mr whose the boss). Just a hype man reading specs and hyping up shit.

Just look at him speaking about the Huawei Mate 60 pro. What a load of bullshit.


Yeah, I forgot when I stopped watching him, maybe take a look at the videos he makes to understand my point. He’s very enthusiastic but it’s not informative and he gets stuff wrong.

glimse, (edited )

At least we’ve still got Paul and NG GN giving honest takes

Sorry posted when I was sleepy




Gamer’s Nexus


Namer’s Gexus

stackPeek, avatar

say gex


GN oops, early morning typo


Probably means Gamers Nexus, a pretty solid PC build/review channel that does some great deep dives. Steve is sometimes jokingly referred to as Tech Jesus, but he’s pretty respected in the PC building community.




So far I think I can trust MrMobile to give an honest opinion. When it comes to his channel its not just specs and numbers but real experiences. Quite different from the myriads of other tech channels on YT today.

Vaginal_blood_fart, in What are your "poor person" money life hacks?

Take care of your teeth.

justlookingfordragon, in What's the most satisfying thing that's happened at a job you've had? avatar

Cashier here. I managed to outwardly stay friendly and nice during the first wave of Covid, even tho at least 70% of our customers had managed to turn into the most insufferable nuisances in the history of mankind. It was especially exhausting when they started to bulk-buy toilet paper and literally everyone had some sort of super lame excuse why they NEEEEEEED eight packs at once and why we definitely SHOULD make an exception to the “one pack per customer” rule specifically for them.

If you have the same old discussion fourhundredandeightyseven times a day, it gets old pretty fast. But you can’t just tell them to STFU without risking your job, soo … well. It was simply exhausting.

One day I had a proper Karen at the register, who tried to tell me that she was buying the second pack for her poor old neightbor lady which allegedly had a broken hip and couldn’t walk to the store herself (you know, because if you have a broken hip you DEFINITELY stay at home instead of the hospital and definitely also use the toilet yourself, no issues here …) and she simply refused to leave the register. I was honestly contemplating whether I should call security and have her removed when the guy behind her looked at me and said:

“Well, that lady definitely needs twice as much toilet paper as others … because judging by the amount of shit that just came out of her mouth, she’s got assholes on both ends.”

It took all of my remainig willpower to not laugh. Imagine the “Biggus Dickus” scene from the Life of Brian for a mental image of how hard I tried to keep a straight face. Karen got red, huffend and left without buying either pack, and that delightfully snarky guy has been my favorite customer ever since. I might or might not sometimes “accidentally” swipe my own tag across the scanner to give him an employee discount…


I’ve been working retail for the past year and I have gotten so much less reactive.

It’s really hard to toe the line between allowing disrespect, and being disrespectful myself.

One of my main goals for myself right now is to be able to hold my boundaries without getting loud and unpleasant. Just quietly, gently.

justlookingfordragon, avatar

Good luck. It’s not an easy feat to consistendly walk that fine line without burning out, especially in the holiday season … take care.


lol true dat. Thanks for reminding me I wasn’t even thinking about holiday uptick in activity.

However I will say it’s easier than being on the street, and if I go long enough at this level without fucking up, I get to level up to someplace even easier.

The thing that really scares me though is the way the problems change at the higher levels. The current problems get easy enough and new problems become visible and those problems are so complex. I like simple, even if it’s hard. I used to run long distance races. I love pushing into a simple but really hard problem like that. But complexity really scares me.

justlookingfordragon, avatar

The thing that really scares me though is the way the problems change at the higher levels.

In case you find yourself in the situation, tell your employer. It may sound awkward to them at first that someone wouldn’t want to be promoted, but in the end it is in their best interest to keep employees who ARE good at doing their jobs, instead of creating a situation where the same employee is suddenly no longer able to do a good job. This is no shallow talk by the way, but a well-documented, scientifically proven effect called the Peter Principle (which basically boils down to “everyone gets promoted until they reach the point of maximum incompetence and then get stuck in that position”)

We as a society are trained to percieve “climbing the corporate ladder” as the main/only goal of working jobs with a hierarchy, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with staying at the level you’re comfortable at. ;)


That’s a good point about the Peter Principle. What I’m referring to though is more like the ladder of existence. The hierarchy of stations in life.

Earlier I was a homeless man. Now I’m a single guy living in a small apartment, saving a tiny bit of money from a pretty hard and low-paid job. If I push a bit more I can be a single guy in a medium apartment, with a car, and a slightly higher-paying job.

But not a new job within the same company, just some totally different job that of a totally different nature. Hopefully more meaningful. Right now I’m making retail wages and doing retail work, so low pay for low meaning. But hopefully I can move up to something like social worker salary (not high in the overall scheme of things, but higher pay than retail work).

That corporate ladder is a microcosm of the overall ladder I’m describing. In both hierarchies successful execution, smooth surfing, is the path to the next layer up. And the responsibilities get more complex.

And yes, I appreciate you reminding me to face it and communicate, instead of just backing away silently, when I don’t feel that I’m ready to face the problems of the next level.

Growth requires discomfort and a big part of that discomfort is taking the risk of trying things I feel like I can’t do.

One of my problems in my career is I interview extremely well. I’ve talked my way into jobs I can’t do, then failed badly.

And it’s not by lying or anything. I just sound really smart because I’m a good talker and sound extremely confident.

But interviews are sprints and jobs are marathons, and I’ve burned myself by failing to acknowledge what I can and can’t do.

justlookingfordragon, avatar

Ohh okay. I really misunderstood your point then, but thank you for clarifying ;)

I’ve talked my way into jobs I can’t do, then failed badly

Failing at something is not the end of the world. Sure it sucks at first, and possible setbacks in life aren’t exactly cool either, but you DO sound like someone who refuses to stay down whenever life decided to knock you down, and that is something not everyone can do. That requires an inner strength and determination that a lot of people simply can’t muster.

And you know what? Your idea of working in the social sector sounds like an excellent goal - it IS a hard job with little pay, but since you fought your way up from the bottom already, you have a completely different, deeper insight into related issues than someone who knows homelessness and its struggles only from a textbook. You will be able to understand clients in similar situations on a completely different level, and they in turn might be more inclined to trust your advice. You might be able to actually help people that simply fall through the cracks elsewhere.

Good luck, friend. May your spark never fade.


Hilarious. People like her are why people like me paid two hundred fucking dollars for a pack of TP at the height of the crazy.

There was none to be found within several hours drive, and Sears doesn’t make catalogs that double for the purpose anymore.

justlookingfordragon, avatar

Exactly … there would not even have been a shortage if everyone just kept shopping the normal amount instead of trying to hoard stuff. Especially for TP it was completely unneccessary unless your entire family planned to shit themselves eight times a day for weeks on end, yet people acted as if their lives depended on it (and even stole rolls from the public toilets, bought paper towels as backup and the like).

Another delicious “FU” moment, that I was sadly not personally present for but got told in great detail, was when one customer tried to return 100-something packs of TP for a refund after the first wave of Covid was almost over. Turns out he and some buddies had the genius idea to buy “one pack per person” multiple times each day for a couple of weeks (he had a giant bundle of receipts so we know when the packs were bought) and then resell the TP online for profit, but noone bought it… and since TP is a “hygiene article”, we don’t take those back for safety reasons, just like underwear, swimsuits and everything else that is meant to come in contact with human bodies. He was so furious that he started throwing things, screaming about how “we ruined him and will pay for it”, and threatening employees to the point that police had to be called to remove him.

Not the shop security, but actual police. A report was filed and a shop ban issued.

Because of toilet paper.

DredUnicorn, in Do you prefer to wear a smartwatch or a regular watch?

Regular watch. I don’t need more things sending me notifications, and a nice watch makes me feel more confident.

Cameri, avatar

Happy for you! If wearing a regular watch makes you feel better, then the value of that far outweighs any other option.

Koen967, in Why do most people refuse to accept that they are wrong

I wouldn’t know, because I’ve never been wrong.


OP is obviously wrong themselves and refuses to accept it.


Me neither. OP is obviously an idiot.




Me neither. I once thought I was wrong but it turns out I was mistaken.

BigBenis, in So is the US slipping into Civil War?

Can we just have a normal, boring year for once, please? I’m so tired…


Better yet, can we have a government that doesn’t pretend things are fine and actually doe something about the fucking fascists?


I think you’d have to relocate for that.


What planet do you recommend?


Any “first world” country that will accept you.

wabafee, (edited ) avatar

Closest would be the Moon. I heard it’s pretty boring. Aside from the occasional rover visits.


Please let us have a normal election season

With the Trump? NO WAY!

CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

Can we just have a normal, boring year for once, please? I’m so tired…

I’m right there with you.

But at least you can think of this to console you: You’re not actually fighting in a world/civil war, down in some troops trench somewhere, reading this (at least that’s my hope for you).

Other generations have had to go through major wars, but so far we’ve been dodging that bullet, for the most part.

Things could be a lot worse.

badbytes, in If Trump loses in 2024, do you think he'd run in 2028?

His supporters will cryogenically preserve his body so he can keep perpetually lose every 4years.


Warhammer reference

DarkNightoftheSoul, (edited ) in So is the US slipping into Civil War?

Seems to be a distinct possibility. Posturing prior to the election, rattling sabers, they’re spoiling for a full-on shootin’ war contingent on losing the election, in my opinion.

edit: I dare say, it might even be strategically advantageous for them to intentionally try lose, claim it was rigged, and use that to go live with the 4th riech.


I think the tactical nukes will slow their ambitions for another hundred or so years. We can’t take these posturing fools seriously.


We can’t take these posturing fools seriously

Have you just not been paying attention for the last…decade?

Yes, we absolutely should.


And yet, we must. Assume your enemy will lose, but prepare for them to win.

Corkyskog, avatar

No one is using a tactical nuke on US soil. We have enough conventional bombs to destroy ourselves anyway.

recursive_recursion, (edited ) in What are some small things we should change about the human body? avatar

RFC, pull request to add git.

Reasoning: Having a built-in versioning system would allow humans to rollback roll back undesirable changes and advancements could be made more easily

please comment or downvote if this is a bad idea


Bug ticket: you wanted ‘roll back’, there, two words.

recursive_recursion, avatar

much appreciated +1,
fixed the PR

circuitfarmer, (edited ) in Mickey Mouse is now public domain (Steamboat Willie specifically). What do you think we will see this year? avatar

Quite honestly: nothing. Some folks might deliberately use Steamboat Willie in some content because they can, and Disney will likely try and attack some of those people in court based on trademark law if applicable.

But I don’t really see a lot of actual utility in the Steamboat Willie character, outside of Disney itself. Any use of it is ultimately just referring to the “I can do this now” aspect of having just entered public domain, which frankly isn’t that interesting.


If you look what happened with pooh I’m guessing we may see the same thing happen here. There will definitely be testing of the waters on what people can do


use Steamboat Willy in some content because they can

“Fuck you, Disney! Look what I can do now” makes armpit fart noises

circuitfarmer, (edited ) avatar

Ha, I mean, yeah. What other reason would someone want Steamboat Willie?

I legit hope there is one for artistic purposes. I just think the majority will not be for artistic purposes.


Saw ONE design of the character on Twitter that actually made for an interesting idea that could be expanded upon, there IS space for someone to do smth cool about it but I honestly don’t think anyone will. Hey, Toontown Rewritten could model this Mickey and use it for something I guess.

CosmicCleric, avatar

But I don’t really see a lot of actual utility in the Steamboat Willy character

Could he be used to sell riverboat cruises?

MajorMajormajormajor, in Is there a forum for people who are lonely and sad but specifically not incel sickos?

The easiest way to make friends (and this is no easy task if you’re an adult) is to revolve it around hobbies. Find people who share the same interests and conversation is easier if there is something to talk about. This can be online or in person. For example, there are weekly DnD games that happen at local game stores, or book reading clubs, or take a woodworking class at a local college, or find a forum that is all about one niche subject you’re into. If you don’t have hobbies then you have to find something to try, and just try everything you can to see what you are into.

As a once socially inept kid who was bullied mercilessly, social skills are something that takes practice. For me, changing schools, taking up a sport, and getting a job where I had to socialize with people is where I learned to socialize. There were a lot of very awkward conversations, but eventually you figure out what works and what doesn’t.


Came here to say this. Friendship will develop naturally if you have a hobby in common. Takes the weirdness away, gives you something to talk about. is very useful

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